March 2013

Ranald Strachan: Fife Coast and Countryside Trust: 07985 707593:

bird news

With 2013 well under way now February proved to be a relatively mild month, a little snow and very wet too! It has finally stopped raining and the last week of February has been glorious. Spring is close!

Heres February highlights:

Geese: Numbers of geese are still high, with many now seen feeding around the fields of Leuchars, Guardbridge and Strathkinness. A nice count of 6300 Pinkfooted and 32 Greylag on 19th.

Goosepools: Really very quiet out there with 11 RB Merganser on 8th and 70 Common scoter off shore on 23rd along with 9 Long tailed duck and 1 Red throated diver. 2 pairs of Lapwing are back on the breeding marsh on 27th and 3 pairs of Skylark. A lot of Heron floating around, they are in nesting mode now near by.

Outhead: 2 Stonechat have been there all month and were spotted along with 47 LB Brent, 21 Pintail and a single Slavonian grebe on 9th. There were 2 pairs of singing Skylark on 22nd over the grassland. A nice count of 33 Turnstone off Outhead on 22nd, this added to a group of 15 spotted the same day in Balgove.

Coble Pools: A lovely Short eared Owl on 7th over the pools and a nice sight of a single female Long tailed duck boobing around on the pools. Kesterl and Linnet noted on 17th.

Estuary Count: The WeBS count was fairly quiet for February although the numbers are there. 139 Wigeon, 135 Eider, 53 LB Brent, 44 Mallard showed up for wildfowl and 1236 Oystercatcher, 112 Black tailed Godwit and 5 Greenshank were some highlights of the count. Low counts of Dunlin, Bar tailed Godwit and Grey plover this month.

Eden Centre: A good month at the centre with 2 Little grebe present all month, 7 Whooper swan on 22nd, 13 Pintail on 7th. Good numbers of Goldeneye but steadily decreasing from 29 on the 1st. Peregrine an occasional sight and a cracking Sea eagle record on 4th where one came over in front of the centre and dived a flock of Goldeneye catching one underwater! It then sat eating its prey on the mudflats. Maybe a sight that will become more common? The 5th was a grand day on the feeders with 4 Tree sparrow and a single Brambling being buzzed by 10 Bullfinch.

Nothing rare but all good stuff and I can now feel a change in the reserve, its breeding time.

Bird of the Month


A lovely looking bird with a good habit to watch as they hop around and flit between posts and hang on reeds and grasses. A bird easy to ID and one which allows approach and observation. Found in winter along the east coast on heaths and open places, 2 present most of February at Outhead however this bird is a varying record for the reserve and isn’t commonly recorded.

It’s been a few years since it bred here and it would be grand if Outhead suited this year. I hope so, it’s a joyous wee bird.

eden centre

·  The centre closes at 4pm until 31st March.

·  Please close the door behind you at all times and ensure heaters are off.

reserve news.

·  Visitor Handbook: A handbook with tide tables, Bird Report and an Eden bird checklist is available from the Eden Centre and the ranger priced £2

·  Volunteer Day: Come along and plant some dune grasses in the glorious sun on West Sands 13th March at 10am. Meet West Sands coach park.

·  Coble Pools: Livestock are grazing this area just now, all dogs must be on leads. With the bird breeding season approaching please can birders remind dog walkers of the poor suitability of the pools as a dog walking venue. Thank you.

·  Fife Coast and Countryside Events: Countryside events for 2013 are available for booking now on Fife Direct and FCCT websites or 01592 656080.

·  Bird Surveying: Anyone interested in carrying out bird surveys, breeding or non-breeding please contact the ranger.

·  Donations: Thank you for your donations, please continue to do so as our resident wee birdies are gluttons and are veracious devourers of seed!

·  Bird Records: Please put all records in the log book, this is vital information for us. Thanks!

Ranald Strachan: Fife Coast and Countryside Trust: 07985 707593: