B. Syllabi of Courses
B. Syllabi of Courses
B.1 Syllabi of Required Engineering Courses
Syllabi of all required engineering courses in our program are given in this section. Lecture hours of each course are defined in terms of either class periods or class hours, where a class hour is equivalent to 50 minutes of lecture while a period is equivalent to 75 minutes of lecture. All required engineering courses are offered every fall and spring semesters. A few are offered in summer as well.
The required engineering courses are:
1. ENGR 195 Introduction to Engineering Profession2. ENGR 196 Introduction to Engineering
3. ENGR 197 Introduction to Programming Concepts
4. ME 200 Thermodynamics I
5. ECE 204 Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Systems
6. ME 262 Mechanical Design I
7. ME 270 Basic Mechanics I
8. ME 272 Mechanics of Materials
9. ME 274 Basic Mechanics II
10. ME 310 Fluid Mechanics
11. ME 314 Heat and Mass Transfer
12. ME 330 Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems
13. ME 340 Dynamic Systems and Measurements
14. ME 344 Introduction to Engineering Materials
15. ME 372 Mechanical Design II
16. ME 401 Engineering Ethics and Professionalism
17. ME 414 Thermal-Fluid Systems Design
18. ME 462 Capstone Design
19. ME 482 Control Systems Analysis and Design
Required Course: ENGR 195 Introduction to the Engineering Profession
Catalog Description: Credit 1. Class 1.
This course introduces students to the engineering profession and to campus resources. The course is designed to help students develop essential communication and thinking skill along with the study and time-management skills needed for success in studying engineering. Collaborative techniques used in engineering practice are utilized.
Prerequisite: None
Corequisite: None
Textbook: Raymond B. Landis, Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, Second Edition, Discovery Press, 2000.
Coordinator: Janet Meyer
Goals: The goals of this class are: to continue the student's orientation to the university experience, to acquaint students with the resources available on the IUPUI campus including the library, Learning Center and Writing Center, to assist students in developing those skills and strategies that will support them in their studies, and to introduce them to the engineering course of study and the engineering profession.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course, the students should be able to:
1. Utilize a library's online catalogue for information about available resources [k3]
2. Have some familiarity with various search engines used in business and engineering for information and research purposes [k3]
3. Demonstrate the efficacy of teamwork and collaborative effort in reaching group and organizational goals. [d]
4. Operate as a member of a team to identify the engineering design steps involved in the making of a simple product [b, d]
5. Collaborate with others to produce research reports with citations about engineering and other topics [d, g, k3]
6. Make PowerPoint presentations [g]
7. Articulate a definition of engineering and appreciate the contributions of engineers and engineering to today's world [h]
Note: The letters within the brackets indicate the program outcome of mechanical engineering.
1. Introduction to the culture of the University (1 class)
2. Student success strategies, including study skills, time-management, note-taking and test-taking techniques as well as student resources (2 classes)
3. Introduction to the University Library System, database and search engines (2 classes)
4. Collaboration and teamwork strategies (2 classes)
5. Engineering topics such as the design process, careers, and contributions of engineers and engineering to society (5 classes)
6. Communication skills: PowerPoint and Excel (2 classes)
7. Students register for their second semester (1 class)
Computer Usage: Web search, Front Page, Power Point, Excel
Evaluation Methods: Homework assignments, oral presentations, quizzes, two mid-term exams, and one final exam.
Professional Component: Freshman Engineering (Engineering Topics)
Prepared by: Janet Meyer
Revised: April 21, 2004
Course: ENGR 196 Introduction to Engineering
Catalog Description: Credit 3. Class 3.
An overview of the engineering profession and methodologies of engineering design. Students develop skills using computer aided design and simulation software for engineering systems. Projects and homework are implemented and tested in a laboratory environment. The course also introduces the students to standard computer application software and university network and software resources.
Prerequisite: None
Corequisites: MATH 151 or 154 or Equivalent
Textbooks: Roger Toogood and Jack Zecher, Pro/ENGINEER Tutorial and Multimedia CD-Release, Release 2001, Schroff Development Corporation, 2001. ISBN: 1-58503-029-5
William J. Palm, Introduction to MATLAB 6 for Engineers, McGraw-Hill, 2000. ISBN: 0-07-234983-2
Carol L. O'Loughlin, ENGR 196 Electrical Engineering Manual, Departmental Publication, 2002.
Coordinator: Nancy Lamm
Goals: To introduce the students to methodologies of engineering modeling, computer simulation, and laboratory experimentation as tools in the design process.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course, the students should be able to:
1. Use campus email services to communicate, send attachments, and move files [k3]
2. Use MATLAB to display data and theoretical equations in graphical or tabular form [k4]
3. Use MATLAB functions to perform computations involving scalars, vectors and matrices [a2, k4]
4. Write and execute MATLAB script files to solve problems [e]
5. Manage computer files and information on the Windows operating systems [k3]
6. Use Pro/ENGINEER to create a solid model of an object [k2]
7. Use Pro/ENGINEER to extract two-dimensional engineering drawings from a solid model [k2]
8. Use PSpice to model circuits [k2]
9. Construct simple circuits in the laboratory [b]
10. Write project reports according to a prescribed format [g]
11. Work in teams to carry out project work and classroom exercises [d]
Note: The letters within the brackets indicate the program outcomes of mechanical engineering
Matlab Topics
1. Introduction to MATLAB; scalar operations (1 period)
2. Vectors, arrays, array and matrix operations, polynomials (2 periods)
3. Script files (1 period)
4. Input/output tables (1 period)
5. Built-in functions (1 period)
6. Plotting (2 periods)
7. Simultaneous equations (1 period)
Pro/Engineer Topics
1. Introduction to Pro/Engineer user interface and model structure (1 period)
2. Solid protrusions, introduction to Sketcher (1 period)
3. Holes and cuts (0.5 period)
4. Intent Manager, design intent (0.5 period)
5. Revolved protrusion, rounds, chamfers (1 period)
6. Changing the model (1 period)
7. Design process, Project descriptions (1 period)
8. Datum planes (1 period)
9. Patterns, copies, mirror images (1 period)
10. 2-D engineering drawings (1 period)
11. Project presentations (1 period)
EE Topics
1. Introduction to analog circuit concepts (3 periods)
2. Introduction to the use of PSpice to solve simple DC and AC circuits (2 periods)
3. Wiring of experimental circuits and use of electronic instruments in a laboratory setting (3 periods)
4. Functional behavior of an operational amplifier IC in an inverting amplifier circuit (1 period)
5. Students may optionally do one of two circuit projects as enrichment exercises.
Computer Usage: PSpice Student Version 9.1, Pro/ENGINEER Release 2001, MATLAB 6 release 1.2
Laboratory Projects: Introductory use of a function generator, analog trainer, and a digital oscilloscope.
Evaluation Methods: Homework assignments, quizzes, two mid-term exams, and one final exam.
Professional Component: Freshman Engineering (Engineering Topics)
Prepared by: Nancy Lamm
Revised: April 21, 2004
Required Course: ENGR 197 Introduction to Programming Concepts
Catalog Description: Credit 3. Class 2. Lab 2.
Basic concepts and applications of software programming for solving engineering problems. Topics include techniques for developing structured algorithms, data input and output, conditional statements, loops, recursion, subroutines, arrays and elementary concepts in mathematical programming. Examples, homework and applications of programming concepts make extensive use of Matlab and the C programming language.
Prerequisite: None
Corequisite: MATH 163 Integrated Calculus and Analytical Geometry
Textbooks: H. M. Deitel, P. J. Deitel, C How to Program, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, 2001. ISBN: 0-13-089572-5
William J. Palm, Introduction to MATLAB 6 for Engineers, McGraw-Hill, 2000. ISBN: 0-07-416687-5
Coordinator: Nancy Lamm
Goals: To guide the student in the development of fundamental programming and algorithmic skills necessary to solve engineering problems with a computer.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Develop algorithms using a step-by-step process [e]
2. Use loops, selection structures, arrays, and input/output commands in structured programs [e]
3. Write programs in MATLAB script files to solve engineering problems [e]
4. Use standard C program development environment [k4]
5. Write computer programs in C language to solve engineering problems [e]
6. Write user-defined functions in MATLAB and C [e]
Note: The letters within the brackets indicate the program outcomes of mechanical engineering.
1. Review of MATLAB topics from ENGR 196 (2 periods)
2. Relational and logical operators and selection structures (2 periods)
3. For loops; while loops (2 periods)
4. Built-in and user defined functions is MATLAB (2 periods)
C Programming
1. Problem solving process (2 periods)
2. Introduction to C; program structure, Microsoft Visual C++ compiler (2 periods)
3. input/output functions; variables; data types (1.5 periods)
4. Arithmetic, relational, and logical operators (1.5 periods)
5. If, if/else, if/else chains; decisions (1 period)
6. For loops, while loops, switch, break, continue (3 periods)
7. Using functions and libraries (3 periods)
8. Arrays (3 periods)
9. Pointers (2 periods)
10. C characters and strings (1 period)
Computer Usage: Microsoft Visual C++ Version 6.0, MATLAB 6 Release 1.2
Evaluation Methods: Homework assignments, quizzes, two mid-term exams, and one final exam.
Professional Component: Freshman Engineering (Engineering Topics)
Prepared by: Nancy Lamm
Revised: April 21, 2004
Required Course ME 200 Thermodynamics I
Catalog Description: Credit 3. Class 3.
First and second laws, entropy, reversible and irreversible processes, properties of pure substances. Application to engineering problems.
Prerequisite: PHYS 152 Mechanics
Corequisite: MATH 261 Multivariate Calculus
Textbook: M.J. Moran and H.N. Shapiro, Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1995.
Coordinator: Razi Nalim
Goals: To teach students an understanding of the fundamentals of thermodynamics and have them gain the ability to apply these principles to engineering problems.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course, the students should be able to:
1. Explain the concepts of equilibrium, temperature, property, state, and thermodynamic system [a4]
2. Apply the first law of thermodynamics to closed systems [a4]
3. Apply the first law of thermodynamics to open systems using a control volume analysis [a4]
4. Calculate the thermodynamic properties of a pure compressible substance in one or two phases [a4]
5. Apply the Clausius and Kelvin-Plank statements of the second law of thermodynamics to distinguish between reversible and irreversible processes and cycles [a4]
6. Compare the performance of power cycles and refrigeration cycles with performance limits imposed by the second law [a4]
7. Use the concept of entropy to compare the actual (irreversible) behavior of systems with idealized, (reversible) behavior [a4]
8. Analyze all processes in a vapor power system and calculate its performance [e]
9. Analyze all processes in gas power systems and calculate their performance [e]
10. Analyze all processes in refrigeration and heat pump systems and calculate their performance [e]
11. Work in a team to analyze a practical thermodynamic system [c2, d, e, k3]
Note: The letters within brackets indicate the program outcomes of mechanical engineering.
1. First law for closed and open systems (9 periods)
2. Properties of pure substances (3 periods)
3. Second law and entropy (6 periods)
4. Vapor power systems (4 periods)
5. Gas power systems (3 periods)
6. Refrigeration and heat pumps (2 periods)
Evaluation Methods: Homework assignments, quizzes, two mid-term exams, and one final exam.
Professional Component: Thermal-Fluid Sciences (Engineering Topics)
Prepared by: Razi Nalim and Akin Ecer
Revised: March 10, 2004
Required Course: ME 262 Mechanical Design I
Catalog Description: Credit 3. Class 2. Lab 3.
Basic concepts of the design process. Design case studies. Mechanism synthesis for motion. Applications from the area of linkage and mechanism design. Design projects focus on design for motion. Design documentation and communication. Implementation and use of computer tools in solving design problems and projects. Hands-on experience with mechanisms in laboratory.
Prerequisites: 1) ME 197 Introduction to Programming Concepts and 2) ME 270 Basic Mechanics I
Corequisite: ME 274 Basic Mechanics II
Textbooks: David G. Ullman, The Mechanical Design Process, Second edition, McGraw Hill, 1992, USA.
C.E. Wilson and J.P. Sadler, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, Second Edition, Harper-Collins, 1993.
Coordinator: Hazim El-Mounayri
1. To teach the students the basic steps forming the design process and demonstrating the fact that design problems are open-ended, require creativity and involve iterative solutions.
2. To teach the students design methodologies and fundamentals and show their applications in linkages and mechanisms.
3. To teach the students position analysis as an integral part in the process of design for motion.
4. To teach the students the design of basic mechanisms, which meet, key performance requirements.
5. To teach the students the design of mechanisms for different types of output motions.
6. To introduce the students state-of-the-art CAD/CAE technology (e.g. Pro/Mechanica and I-DEAS) as powerful computer tools which can aid the problem-solving and design process.
7. To provide the students with hands-on experience in mechanism design through lab experiments.
8. To help the students develop effective/professional written and oral communication skills through report writing and oral presentation.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course, the students should be able to:
1. Implement the design process in mechanical engineering design projects [c1]
2. Identify and compute the motion characteristics of mechanisms [a2, a4, c1]
3. Apply vector algebra, complex number, and numerical methods for motion study of linkages and mechanisms [a2]
4. Conduct mechanisms’ synthesis for motion [c1, k1, k2]