Capt. Walter E. Clarke

Week:1 Q1 July 27- 31’15

Content/Grade Level:7th

Date / Learning Objective / Lesson Procedure/Activity / GT/
Monday / ELPS: / Bellringer:
(Today we will…) / Procedure: (Include M.Tate/Kagan Strategy)
Teacher Work Day
Closing Task:(Today I Will…)
Tuesday / ELPS: / Bellringer:
“Getting to know each other”
(Today we will…)
We will get to know each other. / Procedure: (Include M.Tate/Kagan Strategy)
  1. “Getting to know each other”
  2. Class rules, use of ISN
  3. Class supply

Closing Task:(Today I Will…)
I will know the rules and requirements for this class.
Wednesday / ELPS:
ELPS.c.3J , ELPS.c.5B , ELPS.c.5F / Bellringer:
Write the steps on “How to solve whole numbers using the operations.” / :Preferential Seating, Calculators, 1 on 1 assistance, Repeated Review, Frequent reminders to stay on task, Small Group and Oral Testing (quizzes included), Word Problem Assistance.
We will review the different ways on solving basic operations with whole numbers. / Procedure: (Include M.Tate/Kagan Strategy)
Students will be given a set of problemswith different forms of whole numbers. They will exchange papers and will check each other’s work.
Closing Task:(Today I Will…)
I will be able to identify the different ways on solving basic operations with whole numbers.
Thursday / ELPS:
ELPS.c.3J , ELPS.c.5B , ELPS.c.5F / Bellringer:
Given: 2, -4, ½, 30, 0.5 Draw a Venn diagram showing the similarity and difference of rational numbers.
Essential Question:
Identify numbers as belonging to one or more sets of rational numbers and describe the relationship between different sets of numbers / :Preferential Seating, Calculators, 1 on 1 assistance, Repeated Review, Frequent reminders to stay on task, Small Group and Oral Testing (quizzes included), Word Problem Assistance.
We will apply and describe the relationships between sets of rational numbers. / Procedure: (Include M.Tate/Kagan Strategy)
1)Students will be given an index card with different forms of rational numbers.
2)Students will apply rational numbers using order of operation.
Closing Task:(Today I Will…)
I will be able to express different representation of a rational number by using, Stand Up-Hand Up.
Friday / ELPS:
ELPS.c.1C , ELPS.c.3D , ELPS.c.5F / Bellringer:
Express each fraction as a decimal. 1) 2\5 2) -9\10 3) 5\9 / :Preferential Seating, Calculators, 1 on 1 assistance, Repeated Review, Frequent reminders to stay on task, Small Group and Oral Testing (quizzes included), Word Problem Assistance.
We will apply and describe the relationships between sets of rational numbers. / Procedure: (Include M.Tate/Kagan Strategy)
Students will use different methods and strategies to solve a problem with the use of Order of Operation. They will be given random sample problems and will rearrange them to find the correct problem.
Closing Task:(Today I Will…)
I will be able to apply PEMDAS to solve math problems.

Teacher:Saloma, Landin, Castillo

Reflection: (Did students “get it”, How do I know?)