Cold War Research Paper

Please choose one of the following topics for your Cold War research paper:

Pick one topic from the Cold War:

-Nuclear Weapons

-Iron Curtain

-Nato or Warsaw Part

-Berlin Wall or Blockade

-Containment or the Marshall Plan

-Sputnik or The Race to the Moon

-Korean War

-Vietnam War

-Uprisings/Protests in Eastern Europe (Hungary or Czechoslovakia)

-Cuban Revolution

-Bay of Pigs

-Cuban Missile Crisis


-Afghan War

-Any other teacher approved Cold War Topic

Make sure you organize your paper into paragraphs. Paragraph #1 is your introduction. Your introduction should include a clear thesis statement stating your opinion on the topic. The introduction should also briefly list your subtopics. Each of these subtopics should be explained in it’s own paragraph. Your introduction can also include interesting information about the topic that will tempt your audience to keep reading your paper (i.e. “the hook”).

All papers must be 3-5 pages, typed in times new roman (12 font). Your paper should include a “works cited” page (not included in the 3-5 pages) listing all the sources you used to write the paper. A minimum of five sources is expected, but your paper may include more if necessary. Your paper should include at least one footnote per paragraph. Footnotes should be included throughout your paper to indicate any time you used information or thoughts from one of your sources. Footnotes usually come at the end of the paragraph in which you used the information. However, if more than one source is used in a paragraph, cite each source as it is used. All papers should contain quotes, which are always footnoted/cited.

Please see the attached grading rubric “Writing to Explain and Inform” and the attached sample MLA format citation examples.

Paper should be handed in electronically to The class ID is:6459043. The password is ColdWar. A hard copy should be handed in as well.

Due DateMay 29. 2013 (approximately 2 weeks)