June 1, 2017


Becky Beld Chris McCoy Beryl Ward

Lesa Ferguson Ron Peron Tom Schlindwein

Marilyn Whisler Steve Emery Officer Robert Ward

Susan Melcher Lynn Smuskiewicz Julio Campo

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Beld at 7:01 PM.

Chris made a motion to accept the May, 2017 minutes with amendments as discussed. Beryl seconded and the motion was passed.


Officer Ward introduced himself---he will be working with Lt Cabrera and will focus on monitoring adherence to speed limits and stop signs, walking around the neighborhood meeting residents, and keeping an eye on the Speedway for suspicious activity.

He reported there has been some shoplifting at the Speedway, but no reported crime in Kingsley. A car was towed from Gladstone because it was parked in a No Parking Zone and blocked traffic from passing.


Steve has no new updates on the law suit Louisville has filed against small cities regarding HB246 passed by state legislature.

He will confirm the lien has been placed on the delinquent tax property.


Tom presented the Treasurer’s report as follows:

- NSAP $ 945.00 Police service

- R Hernandez $ 200.00 Tree bond refund

- Foree Tree Service $ 200.00 Tree service

- J Schrodt $ 200.00 Tree bond refund

- Chris Chase $ 300.00 Construction bond refund

- Lesa Ferguson $ 108.10 Yard sale and tax notice cards

- Christine Mason $ 200.00 Tree bond refund

- Greenhaven Tree Care $ 775.00 Tree Service

- Chris McCoy $ 263.99 Annual website subscription

- Beryl Ward $ 9.00 Office supplies

Account Balances:

Bank / Account / Account # / Balance
First Capital Bank of KY / General Checking (.05%) / ####9566 / $8,855.24
First Capital Bank of KY / MRA Checking (.40%) / ####0593 / $4,172.09
First Capital Bank of KY / Bond Escrow Checking (0.0%) / ####0483 / $2,100.00
First Capital Bank of KY / Money Market Savings (.40%) / ####3277 / $151,487.43
First Capital Bank of KY / CD-29 mo 1st cap (1.15%) / ####0815 (Mat 8/15/18) / $25,318.58
First Capital Bank of KY / CD-29 mo 1st cap (1.15%) / ####0858 (Mat 10/9/18) / $61,991.68
First Capital Bank of KY / CD-29 mo 1st cap (1.25%) / ####7453 (Mat 8/10/19) / $12,024.88
Total Bank Account balances / $265,949.90

A motion was made by Ron to pay the regular and the special bills as shown. Becky seconded and the motion was passed. Lesa, Chris and Beryl did not vote.


A tree removal request was received via email from:

Adam Frederick 2358 Winston Ave Dead dogwood in front yard

Beryl made a motion to accept the tree removal application pending receipt of the physical application and bond check. Lesa seconded and the motion was passed.


No building permit applications were received.


Susan Melcher presented a request she developed with Alice Quinker and Susie Wood to install a “Little Library” in the Kingsley Park. Keith Melcher would build the unit at no cost to the city, and Susan, Alice and Susie would maintain it.

Chris made a motion to authorize Keith Melcher to build and install a Little Library on the Sydney side of the park. Ron seconded and the motion was passed.

Ron made a motion to have the first reading of Ordinance No. 2, Series 2017 Annual Budget, City of Kingsley, Kentucky. Beryl seconded and the motion was passed.

Chris made a motion to allow Ron to spend up to $200 on newsletter supplies and postage. Lesa seconded and the motion was passed.


Ron made a motion to allow Beryl to spend up to $800 with KT Signs for a new sign at the Kingsley entrance based on the sample photos Beryl presented. Chosen design had same font as the current Kingsley “Welcome” signs, upper and lower case letters, white letters and frame, gold ground line and tree. Chris seconded and the motion was passed.


Beryl – Working on applying for a grant, or looking at other financial assistance options to build the green structure or bioswale at the Kingsley Hwy five way intersection.

Chris – No issues

Lesa – Working on contracting services for the fall picnic. Johanna Schreck has agreed to do the face painting to save that cost.

Ron – Working on the newsletter.

Becky – No issues


Chris made the motion to adjourn the meeting, Lesa seconded the motion and the meeting adjourned at 9:02 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marilyn Whisler

City Clerk

City of Kingsley