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Application for

Mansfield University Faculty Professional Development Committee Grants

Faculty Name: Campus Address

Department: Phone:

Student Name (for travel or faculty-student research):

Title of Project:

Grant Category: check one

____ Faculty Research
____ Faculty-Student Research
____ Faculty-Student Public Service / ____ Faculty Conference Travel
____ Student Conference Travel
____ Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment

Anticipated Outcomes/Benefits of Project: check all that apply

____ Publication
____ Presentation: Faculty
____ Presentation: Faculty-student; student
____ Performance
____ Skills development/enhancement / ____ Public service
____ Curriculum development/enhancement
____ Instructional/pedagogical
____ Assessment
____ Other (explain below)

Total funds requested:

·  Do you have other sources of funding? If so, please list source and amount:

Faculty Status: check one

____ Non-tenured, tenure track faculty (year 1-2) Date of hire:

____ Non-tenured, tenure track faculty (year 3-5) Date of hire:

____ Tenured faculty

Conference Information: Date of event: Location of event:

____ Presenting/Other Conference Duties

____ Proposal accepted; documentation attached

____ Submitted proposal, expect reply by ______

____ Attending (not presenting or doing other conference duties)

Application checklist

____ Description of conference/activity attached (see page 2)

____ Date/Location of event is listed above (for conferences)

____ C.V. for faculty/student attached (where applicable)

____ Itemized budget completed (see page 3)

____ I understand that late applications will not be considered. Please initial ______

____ I understand that a report of my project is required. Please initial ______

Application for

Mansfield University Faculty Professional Development Committee Grants

Description of Presentation or Project

·  For conferences:

o  Provide an abstract of the paper you are presenting.

o  Write a summary of how the presentation will benefit your professional development, improve your teaching or student learning, and/or be a benefit to the university or community.

o  Attach a 1-page resume for student conference travel applications.

·  For research and other projects:

o  Write a brief summary of the activity or project

o  Write a summary of how the project will benefit your professional development, improve your teaching or student learning, and/or be a benefit to the university or community.

o  Attach a 1-page vita of relevant research, grants, experiences, etc. (faculty or faculty-student research), and resume for students (faculty-student research).

Type in Space Below or Attach a Separate Page


Application for

Mansfield University Faculty Professional Development Committee Grants

Budget Form

Name: Campus Address:

Department: Phone:

Title of Project:

Please be as specific as possible about costs. Mileage, lodging, and meal expenses are based on current per diem used by the state system and should be obtained from the Controller’s Office (




Conference Fees:


Other: (be specific)


Notes explaining any budget item (optional):

Approvals: Signature of applicant indicates that all information contained in this application is correct and certifies that applicant intends to carry out this project as specified if it is funded.

Applicant ______Date______

Student(s) ______Date ______

(Both student and faculty member must sign for student conference travel and faculty-student research)

Signature of department chairperson indicates that this proposal is worthy of support and their approval for any release-time or other university commitments to be made if this proposal is funded.

Department Chair ______Date ______

Use this application form for Mansfield University FPDC proposals. Submit proposals to the MU FPDC c/o the Office of the Provost by appropriate deadline (August 15, November 15, or Arpil 15).

Revised 3/1/2017