The following is the discipline policy that the coaches of the Methacton High School Girls Lacrosse team have adopted. Please ready and sign on the space provided.

1. Show Good Sportsmanship: Respect the game, coaches, players, opponents, parents, and officials. Represent yourself and Methacton High School Girls Lacrosse in the highest manner. Any behavior which can be considered detrimental to the team and school will result in team discipline and/or expulsion.

2. Be Accountable for YOU: In every situation on or off the field, be accountable for your actions. Do not be a sideline referee/coach. There is a Zero Tolerance for yelling or any form of disrespect toward the referee/coaches/players of other teams.

3. Alcohol/Drug use: This will Not be tolerated on the Methacton HS Girls Lacrosse team. These are grounds for dismissal from the team.

4. Missed Practices/Events/Games: Any Unexcused Practice/Event/Game is grounds for possible removal from the team based on coach’s discretion. Any Practice/Event/Game that will be missed must be communicated directly to the head coach prior to the Practice/Event/Game. Excused Practices/Events/Games do not go without some form of consequence at the coach’s discretion.

5. Late to Practice: Inform the head coach directly and ahead of time if you will be late to practice. Academics come before Athletics so if you need to be late due to academic issues, ie review, extra help, make up please let the coaches know.

6. Foul Language: Foul Language will not be tolerated in any circumstances. Also, any unmannerly behavior or dissent demonstrated toward fellow team members, opponents, coaches, referees, fans, or bystanders will not be tolerated and consequences will be of the coach’s discretion.

7. Grades: Any player failing a class in school shall not be permitted to play in a game while the grade is at a failing level. Please ask for help if this is becoming a problem. The goal here is to manage time and not remove a player from the team, but to help them put school before lacrosse.

8. Playing Time: Play time is not always equal. Play time is based on three factors: Attendance, Attitude, and Performance.

10. How WE can Achieve Success: A Team is formed by its players, coaches, and outside “supporters”. A team is only as strong as its weakest link both on and off the field. To be successful we must work together as one. Learn from out mistakes, work hard to do our best and strive together for One Goal..

Punishment for infractions of team rules and regulations will consist of but not limited to extra practice time, game suspension or dismissal from the Lacrosse team. Punishment will relate directly to the specific offense that is committed and will be determined at the discretion of the Coaches.

I understand and agree to follow the rules and expectations of the Coaching Staff.


(Parent/Guardian Signature) (Parent/Guardian Printed Name) (Date)


(Player Signature)