Recommended Use : Manual dishwashing detergent

Product Code: CCS 171A (3.8L), CCS 171B (5L), CCS 171C (20L), CCS 171D (200L),

CCS 171E (1,000L)

Complete Chemical Manufacturing

Postal Address: 99/133-4 Moo.2 Rama II Road

Tumbon Pantainorasing Amphoe Muang Samutsakorn 74000

Telephone Number: (034) 871628 Fax Number: (034) 871627

Emergency Telephone Number: Poison Information Centre (02) 716-8525-6

Classified as hazardous by the criteria of UN Class / : Class 9 - Miscellaneous dangerous
substances and articles

R36 / : Irritating to eyes
R22 / : Harmful if swallowed
S2 / : Keep out of reach of children
S25 / : Avoid contact with eyes
S26 / : In case of contact with eyes, rinse
immediately with plenty of water and
seek medical advice
- / : May cause irritating to skin
Ingredient / CAS No. / Proportion
Linear alkylbenzene sulfonate, sodium salt / 68081-81-2 / 8.00 %w/w
Sodium lauryl ether sulfate / 68585-34-2 / 2.00 %w/w
Eye (Contact) / Hold eyelids apart and flush the eye continuously with running water. Continue flushing until advised to stop by the Poisons Information Centre (Phone (02) 716-8525-6) or a doctor, or for at least 15 minutes. If irritation persists get medical attention.
Skin (Contact) / Immediately wash the skin with plenty of water.
Inhalation (Breathing) / If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen and get medical attention immediately.
Ingestion (Swallowing) / DO NOT induce vomiting. Rinse mouth, and then drink plenty of water or milk. For advice, contact a Poison Information Center (Phone (02) 716-8525-6 or a doctor.
Advice to Doctor / Treat symptomatically for neutral dishwashing detergent.
First Aid Facilities / Ensure an eye bath is available and ready for use.
Additional Information / -
Suitable Extinguishing Media / Solution does not burn. Use extinguishing media suited to the materials that are burning. eg. Dry chemical, CO2 or water spray.
Hazards From Combustion Product / Oxides of carbon, sulphur
Precautions For Fire Fighters and Special Protective Equipment / Firefighters must wear necessary protective equipment including self contained breathing apparatus. Ensure that no spillage enter drains or water courses. Remove from the vicinity containers not involved in the fire.
Additional information / Hazchem code : 2S
Emergency Procedure / SAA/SNZ HB76: Dangerous Goods – Initial Emergency Response Guide
Spills / Clean up / -  Small spillage may be flushed with large quantities of water.
-  Large spillage should be collected, contain and absorb by using earth, sand or other inert material. Wash away remnants with copious amounts of cold water. Clean area by working from the periphery to the centre of spill or from the edge of the room to the centre.
Precautions for Safe Handling / Contact Complete Chemical sales representative for advice when using this product for any application other than that outlined on the label or technical bulletin.
Store product in original container. Wash hands and face thoroughly after handling and before work breaks, eating, drinking, smoking and using toilet facilities.
Conditions for Safe Storage / Store in a cool, dry, well ventilated area away from incompatible materials. Keep container tightly sealed. Keep out of reach of children. Keep away from food and animal.
National exposure standard source / : National Exposure Standard for Atmosphere Contaminants
in the occupational Envionment [NOHSC : 1003]
Ingredient / CAS No. ES-TWA ES-STEEL
- / - - -
Biological Limit Values
Engineering Controls / Not available.
No special ventilation requirements. General room ventilation is adequate.
Personal Protective Equipment / Eye/face protection – Safety glasses or chemical resistant goggles should be worn to prevent eye contact.
Skin protection – Use nitrile rubber gloves to prevent skin contact for prolong contact.
Respiratory protection – Respirator is not usually necessary.
Appearance : Yellow viscous liquid / Boiling Point : approximately 100oC
Odour : Lemon scent / Freezing Point : approximately 0oC
pH 100% by pH meter : 6.50 – 7.50 / Solubility : Soluble in water
Specific Gravity : 1.000 – 1.040 / Flash Point : Not Applicable.
Vapour Pressure : Not Available. / Upper and Lower Flammability limits (in air)
: Not Applicable.
Vapour Density : Not Available. / Ignition Temperature : Not Applicable.
Chemical Stability / Stable under normal ambient storage conditions.
Conditions to avoid / Avoid high temperatures.
Incompatible materials / Incompatible with cationic surfactant.
Hazardous decomposition products / None known.
Hazardous reactions / None known.
Swallowed / Cause irritating to oesophagus & stomach.
Eye / Cause irritation.
Skin / Repeated or prolonged contact may result in irritation.
Inhaled / Mist may be irritant to respiratory tract.
Swallowed / Cause irritation to oesophagus & stomach.
Eye / Irritating to eye.
Skin / Repeated or prolonged contact may result in irritation.
Inhaled / May cause irritating to respiratory system.
LD50 in Oral Rat / 4733.76 mg/kg
The constituents of this one preparation are classified as non-toxic.
Ecotoxicity / Not expected to be ecotoxic after dilution or neutralization.
Persistence and degradability / The product is readily biodegradable.
Mobility / Not Available.
Disposal method / Dispose of material through a licensed waste contractor. Rinse empty containers thoroughly before recycling or disposing to an authorized landfill.
Special precautions / -
UN Number / Not applicable.
UN Proper Shipping Name / Not applicable.
Class and subsidiary risk / 9
Packing Group / III
Special precautions for user / Not applicable.
Hazchem code / 2S
R phrases / Irritating to eyes.
R phrases / Harmful if swallowed
S phrases / Keep out of reach of children
S phrases / Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice
Prepared by : Sasiporn Sroiraya / Date of preparation : 16th Aug 2010
Approved by : Chanchai Sakoonjunsri / Position : Factory Manager

©This document remains property of Complete Chemical Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Alterations is not permitted without prior written authorization from Complete Chemical Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

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