Rescue 911

Background: On October 14, 1987, an 18-month old girl named Jessica McClure fell down a well shaft while playing in her aunt’s backyard. She fell 22 feet before becoming wedged in the narrow hole. After several tries, rescuers finally lifted her to safety, 58 hours after she feel in.

The Problem: Retrieving an object from a narrow shaft is challenging. Class discussion:

  • What are some challenges to getting a baby out of a deep, narrow hole?
  • What concerns would the rescuers have to keep from harming the baby?

Design Challenge: Invent a tool to rescue a Ping Pong ball “baby” at the bottom of a paper-tube “well.”

Criteria and Constraints:

  • You can only use the materials provided at your table
  • You would not want to hurt the “baby”, so what are some gentle ways to get the ball out? (the tool cannot grasp the ball)
  • In the well Baby Jessica is wedged against the sides of the shaft but can easily slip even further down if jostled. You must create more friction between the ball (baby) and the tool to make sure the ball does not slip off
  • You will have an unlimited number of attempts but each attempt can only last for 1 minute; then you must redesign
  • Every redesign attempt must be accompanied by a written rationale as to why the new design was chosen. Use data from previous attempts to support your reasoning
  • Rationales should include the names of all team members and should be shared with your teacher on Google docs. Each rationale will be graded for completeness

Brainstorm and Design:

  • What are some different ways to get the ball out of the tube? Write down all ideas and include labeled drawings of your ideas

Choose the best solution: Your team should all agree on the best possible solution to the challenge from your brainstorming activity and then start building the tool.

Test your design: each trial can only last 1 minute. After that time the “baby” might become too agitated and fidgety and slip even further into the shaft.

Redesign and write rationales: Support your redesign decisions with data/observations from previous trials. Each team member should write separate rationales (put your name and class period on it at the top) and all rationales should be written in Google docs and shared with the teacher.

(Total = 50 points individual grade)

Reflection Questions

All questions should be answered by only one member of each team. Include all team member names at the top of the page. Share the answers on Google docs.

(Total = 50 points group grade)

  1. Inventors need to test rescue equipment to make sure it works. But you cannot test during a rescue. How can they be confident it will work in an emergency?
  1. Would the baby have survived your very first rescue attempt? How did your tool or technique change as you tested your tool?
  1. Rescues have to be quick and efficient, yet each one is somewhat unique. If you are inventing rescue equipment for a client, what are some important characteristics to keep in mind?