LTP Area Transport Strategy Scheme Proposal Pro-Forma – Guidance

Guidance on how to complete sections 1-6 is below.

Section / Guidance
1 / Insert the name of the individual completing the pro-forma.
2 / Insert the name of the organisation/ group the individual is representing.
3 / Insert the position held by the individual in the organisation/ group.
4 / Insert a brief description of the problem/ issue to be tackled. For example, difficulty for pedestrians crossing Thornaby Road or inadequate pedestrian access to a bus stop.
5 / Insert a brief description of the scheme proposed, if this is known at this stage. For example, pedestrian crossing implementation, an officer study or footpath/ cycleway extension.
6 / Insert any details of any additional funding available should the scheme go ahead. Community Participation Budget contributions should accord with prevailing protocols on spend in this budget area.

Sections 7-10 will be completed by Council Officers who will add any comments or recommendations on the scheme in Section 10. If the proposed scheme, or similar scheme, is due to be implemented as part of the Local Transport Plan (LTP) Capital Programme, this will be noted in Section 10 and the pro-forma will be returned to the organisation/group. If the proposed scheme, or similar scheme, is not due for implementation as part of the LTP Capital Programme the proposal will be assessed against set criteria.

The assessment will look at several factors including how the scheme impacts on LTP and Area Transport Strategy (ATS) objectives, the value for money of the scheme, the location of the scheme and on-going maintenance issues of the proposal. Officers will assess the scheme against a set of criteria (i.e. ATS Objectives) and prioritise the scheme against other proposals received. It will then be for the ATS Steering Group to assign funds to individual schemes by means of a vote (further details on voting and other transport issues with the ATS Steering Group meetings can be found in the Area Transport Strategy Steering Groups Protocol) Should the scheme not be successful in gaining funding in one particular year, it will remain on the list for consideration in future years.

*Please note that each steering group member can put up to three pro-formas in per year.*

If you have any queries about the pro-forma, or require additional information, please contact Mark Gillson on (01642) 526725 (direct line) or via e-mail on

Western LTP Area Transport Strategy Scheme Proposal Pro-Forma 2012/13
Please complete sections 1-6 only
1. Name
2. Organisation/ Group
3. Position
4. Problem/ Issue (brief description)
5. Scheme Proposal (brief description, if known)
6. Other Funding (please give details of any other funding available for the scheme e.g. Parish council, Community Participation Budget etc)
Signature / Date
7. Officer/ Engineer
8. Cost Estimate
9. Plan Attached (yes/no)
10. Officer Comments/ Recommendations
Signature / Date