RM CC4© Installation Notes for

Wordshark 5 & Numbershark 5 Network Packages

Dated: 11 November 2014 v11

Overview Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Annex A(Troubleshooting) Annex B (Commission & Test) Annex C (Hidden files & folders)

Introduction & Overview:

If you are upgrading from an earlier release of the program, readthe Upgrading Instructions before proceeding to avoid possible data loss.

We have worked with RM, who have provided, tested and approved CC4 packages for Wordshark 5 and Numbershark 5 activated networks. These installation notes relate to both programs, and the installation of each program consists of four steps: This page provides an overview of what you will do over the following pages.

NOTE that the packages are designed for RM CC4 networks only, and will not run correctly on other networks or servers.

Step 1: You will download and extract the (program-specific) package. Running this creates a program data folder “wordshark-shared” or “numbershark-shared” on the server P: drive and set permissions. Go to step 1 details

Step 2: You will download, extract and install a program-specific “C-Server MSI” to create server registry entries. Go to step 2 details

Step 3: You will download, extract and install a SERVICE with its MANAGER interface onto your server, then use the MANAGER to activate your network licence and subsequently manage it. Go to step 3 details

Step 4: Finally, you will set up users and test the system.

Overview Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Annex A(Troubleshooting) Annex B (Commission & Test) Annex C (Hidden files & folders)

The 4 Steps in Detail:

Step 1: You will download and extract the (program-specific) package. Running this creates a program data folder “wordshark-shared” or “numbershark-shared” on the server P: drive. It will also add a number of .PDF manuals into the program shared directory, set permissions on the program data folder, and place your “client package” onto your server ready for deployment to clients in step 4.

Download the self-extracting .exe file package for your program:

CC4 Wordshark Package (570Mb) CC4 Numbershark Package (222 Mb)

If you have printed this page, the full hyperlinks are:



The Troubleshooting Guide, Annex A, includes common reasons why some installations fail, and the information we need to support you if failure occurs.

Once your download is complete, import and deploy the package:

a. Double-click the downloaded Wordshark 5.002.exe or Numbershark 5.003.exe

b. Follow on-screen instructions, including the CC4 “Readme”, to complete the installation. This will import the client package into the RM Management Console, and add folders and files into RMPublic and RMShared. It will add a folder to your server P: drive, “wordshark-shared” or “numbershark-shared” which is where all program data will be stored. Note: One school reported the client package was not visible in the Management Console, and was instead located at: D:\RMNetwork\RMManage\Packages\Wordshark5.002. It needed a manual import from there.

c. Ensure the folder wordshark-shared or numbershark-shared is shared for all groups of users, and given at least the special permissions of read/ write/ modify/ delete for all groups of users of the program. On most CC4 standard networks, this is set automatically during the install process. Advice on sharing and permissions is included in Annex C below.

Overview Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Annex A(Troubleshooting) Annex B (Commission & Test) Annex C (Hidden files & folders)

Step 2: You will download, extract and install a program-specific “C-Server MSI” to create server registry entries.

Download extract and run the C-Server MSI specific to your program:

Wordshark: www.wordshark.net/WCNACServerUpdate.html

Numbershark: www.wordshark.net/NCNACServerUpdate.html

When prompted, point it to the parent of theprogram -shared folder that CC4 has already created, probably

\\servername\\RMPublic\Wordshark 5.002 or \\servername\\RMPublic\Numbershark 5.003

This MSI creates and populates registry entries and adds data to the shared folder.

Check that the Registry of the server hosting your P: drive has been updated to show the location of the wordshark-shared or numbershark-shared: This is in:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\White Space Ltd\Networks\Wordshark 5.

(Default) REG_SZ (value not set)


EPN REG_SZ [This is a set of letters created during install]

SharePath REG_SZ [the UNC path to, and including, the –shared directory. e.g. \\servername\\RMPublic\Wordshark 5.002\wordshark-shared


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\White Space Ltd\Networks\Numbershark 5.

(Default) REG_SZ (value not set)


EPN REG_SZ [This is a set of letters created during install]

SharePath REG_SZ [the UNC path to, and including, the –shared directory. e.g. \\servername\\RMPublic\Numbershark 5.003\numbershark-shared

Overview Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Annex A(Troubleshooting) Annex B (Commission & Test) Annex C (Hidden files & folders)

Step 3: You will download, extract and install a SERVICE with its MANAGER interface onto your server. The SERVICE and MANAGER are common to both programs, so do not need installing twice if installing both programs. Use the MANAGER to activate your network licences and subsequently manage them, e.g. to increase licences, or to deactivate the licence. . If installing both programs you will find that the 2nd program appears on the MANAGER after Step 2, though you may need to click the MANAGER “Restart” button to refresh the display.

Please note in your network documentation that deactivation is mandatory prior to moving folder locations or changing servers

Check that you have .net Framework 3.5.1 installed and active on your server (this is often shown alongside other releases, e.g. 4.5. Each has different contents. We REQUIRE 3.5.1, which by default is included in CC4 networks but occasionally has been found to be uninstalled/deactivated.

Double-click the previously downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions to install the SERVICE and MANAGER to the server that hosts the P: drive. If required, you can download the MSI for the SERVICE and MANAGER at any time from http://www.wordshark.co.uk/NAManagement

Click “Next” to each subsequent window until the “Proxy Settings” window (screenshot):

Select the ‘Connect to the internet through a proxy’ radio button. Fill the ‘Proxy Host’ text box using details appropriate for your network, in the format http://myproxy.com:8080

Click “next” in the subsequent windows and complete the installation of the SERVICE and MANAGER. Note: The White Space Service uses port 9001 for communication by default. We are aware of one CC4 school where this was in use, and port 8383 was used successfully instead. The port may need to be added to your exceptions list. Fully qualified domain names should be used when providing paths. e.g. \\<servername>.domain\\RMPublic\Wordshark 5.002). Note that paths are case-sensitive. NOTE the \\ before RM Public is not a typo, but is found to be required on some CC4 systems.

Open your Task Manager / Services, and ensure that the SERVICE “White Space Network Service” is running.

Open the program “White Space Network Management”, and check it is version or later. Note some features:

a.  You may test communication between the SERVICE and MANAGER using the “Test” button. If this is unsuccessful, this is normally because:

·  The permissions or sharing for the wordshark-shared or numbershark-shared are incorrect,

·  OR the UNC location shown for the -shared folder in the MANAGER is NOT identical to that in the:

o  Desktop icon “Start in” property AND

o  The address in the server registry as shown in Step 2.

b.  The “Files and folders” tab allows you to modify the -shared folder location, via the button to the right of the shared folder path, and has a button allowing you to save and restart the service. NOTE that if moving the shared folder to a different location, e.g. if migrating servers, you MUST deactivate the licence first.

c.  The “Proxy” tab allows a change to the Proxy Details, if these have been incorrectly entered during install. If making changes, remember to “Save” then restart the MANAGER.

d.  The MANAGER can normally be accessed from the “hidden icons” bottom-right area of the task bar. Right-click, then left click “Show” or “Hide” as required.

e.  The SERVICE must be running whenever the program is in use. It will normally start automatically whenever the server is restarted. The MANAGER does not need to be started (after activation) unless you need to make changes such as modifying the number of licences.

The MANAGER will display your program (or both, if both have been installed). Click on either program, and the selected one will highlight in red.

Click the “Activate” button in the “Activation” column of the upper section of the MANAGER. Enter the licence details when requested to activate the program licence. When successful, the MANGER entry of “Activate” changes to “Change”. If this step is omitted, then error messages will be displayed and the program will malfunction.

As discussed in the “Overview”, if installing both programs, the 2nd to be installed will appear on a new line on the MANAGER. You do not need to install a second SERVICE or MANAGER. However, if, for example, you have a server farm/large infrastructure, or want to keep both programs on different servers, you are permitted to install a 2nd SERVICE and MANAGER. Each program must have ONE instance of its -shared data folder

Overview Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Annex A(Troubleshooting) Annex B (Commission & Test) Annex C (Hidden files & folders)

Step 4:

Within the RM CC4 management utilities, locate and deploy the client package out to client machines in the normal way for CC4.

Finish by following the detailed points in ANNEX B below to commission and test the program before handing it to school staff.

The licence permits deployment to every client, and the program manages user numbers according to the licence agreement. Thus a 20 user licence is a licence for all networked client machines and a single –shared data folder, and the program would itself limit to 20 the number of users at any given time. You need take no action to ensure licence compliance.

The program does NOT need annual renewal or installation or activation, but note that White Space Ltd cannot guarantee that reactivation (e.g. at server migration) will be possible more than five years after initial purchase.

Overview Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Annex A(Troubleshooting) Annex B (Commission & Test) Annex C (Hidden files & folders)

Appendix A: Trouble-shooting

This appendix covers the majority of issues involving network installation and subsequent running that are reported to us, and explains how to obtain support. This section currently covers all types of networks. Please notify us if you experience any issue not covered within this Appendix, which consists of these sections:

Service, Manager & Activation Issues

Numbered Error Codes

Other Issues

How to obtain support

Service, Manager & Activation Issues:

1.  The service and manager fail to install or run, perhaps with “Error 1920 Failed to start White Space service” or “Unhandled Exception: This can be for several reasons, and the server Event Viewer often helps to trace the cause.

i.  You were not signed on with Domain Manager Admin Rights. In almost all cases you need such rights to enable the service to install/run/make the necessary registry changes and install programs onto the server.

ii. The program may start to install, but then fail and roll back. This only occurs with the older releases of the installer. If the install of the manager fails and rolls back, possibly with a “timeout waiting for Service” or similar displayed in the Event Viewer, Either

1.  Update your manager and service if these have not been downloaded recently.

2.  If updating is not possible immediately, then reinstall using your existing MSI, but mid install ensure you add your username/password to the screen where you previously chose “Log in as Local Admin”. If this fails, then first open the “Services” on the host server, and re-run the MANAGER MSI: This time, as soon as the service “White Space Network Management” opens, click on its properties, and ensure you enter the correct login credentials including username/password for Local Admin (Domain Manager).

iii.  The account under which the Service runs has inadequate permissions, or suffers a logon failure:

The service installs first, then the service is started, and finally the manager is installed. If the service installs but fails to start, the manager will not run properly. It will produce a message: Error: Cannot fill the server list box. This usually refers to being unable to connect to a net .tcp address. Click “OK”, and an “Unhandled exception” will result. Examine the Applications Event Log, and there will usually be a “timeout waiting for Service” error showing exactly when the service attempted to start and caused the “Unhandled Exception”.

A similar message occurs when trying to start the manager if the service is not running or is awaiting a restart.

On the “Unhandled Exception” message, click “Continue”, and the manager will open. Examination of the “Services” tab will show the service is not running, with a message: “Service information cannot be retrieved”.

Press “Quit”, and restart the service (listed under the “Service Details” tab as White Space Network Service”) from within Task Manager. Restart the Manager, which should now open correctly.

If the manager does not open, then the usual cause of this problem is that the account under which the service is running has insufficient privileges to make necessary file or registry changes, or the username/password combination provided to the service is incorrect. In many cases the default “Local Admin” account will work, but otherwise choose an account with sufficient privileges to change files and registry entries. You may need to set up a special account. To change the account details under which the service runs you may either:

·  Reinstall, but mid-install ensure you add an appropriate username/password to the screen where you previously chose “Log in as Local Admin”