Faculty Council Meeting Minutes 11-16-12
Dean’s Conference Room, Pafford
In attendance: Chris Aanstoos, Stan Caress, Jim Dillon, Pam Hunt, Tom Hunter, Kay Marden, Soo Moon, Brad Yates

  1. Call to order: 10:35 a.m.
  2. Motion to approve minutes of 10-19-12 meeting; seconded; approved unanimously
  4. Update on the COSS strategic planning process
  5. An Open Town Hall Meeting was held and feedback was incorporated into the latest draft of the Strategic Plan;
  6. There is one final opportunity to modify the plan
  7. It will go before the faculty for a vote after Thanksgiving break
  8. Update on program elimination process
  9. New developments: POLS prepared a document that demonstrates cutting the Master of Urban and Regional Planning program (MURP) will cost the University money
  10. Suggestion was made that if a program had to be cut, instead of offering the MURP program, POLS should consider offering the BA program
  11. Motion for FC Recommendation: Cutting programs is bad idea; but if you are cutting MURP, then consider cutting the BA; discussion suggested that cutting programs does not achieve the objectives of the BOR or Legislature; motion approved with 2 abstentions
  12. Update on PWLA courses
  13. PWLA cannot be counted in the 120 hours toward graduation
  14. BOR policy precludes bachelor's degree to include PWLA courses
  15. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (Dillon, Hunt, Marden)
  16. Motion to approve all course modifications
  17. ANTH-3151: Seminar On Warfare
  18. ANTH-3156: Archaeology Of Political Organizations
  19. ANTH-4102: Rise And Fall Of Ancient Civilizations
  20. ANTH-4105: Environmental Archaeology
  21. ANTH-4130: Medical Anthropology
  22. ANTH-4150: Human Evolution
  23. ANTH-4175: Ethnohistory
  24. ANTH-4177: Social Organization
  25. ANTH-4201: Artifact Analysis
  26. ANTH-5130: Medical Anthropology
  27. ANTH-7885: Special Topics
  28. PSYC-9002: Doctoral Qualifying Seminar
  29. All courses approved unanimously
  30. Motion to approve modification of Psychology DepartmentBA requirements so any 6 credits of FORL at the 1000 or 2000 level may count in Area F
  31. Discussion ensued
  32. Motion approved (6 in favor; 1 opposed; 1 abstention)
  33. FCrecommends that COSS initiate a “College for a Day” event similar to that conducted by the COSM (see:
  34. Coordinate through Dean's office working with departments
  35. Approved unanimously
  36. FC considered a proposal to establish an Associate (A.S.) Degree in “Applied Social Science,” but the proposal was rejected by a unanimous vote
  37. FC considered a proposal regarding pre-requisites for special topics and independent studies
  38. Faculty Council recommends that the Administrative Council members submit any changes their departments may like to propose in the pre-requisites for special topics courses and independent studies
  39. These changes will be sent forward en masse rather than on an ad hoc basis.
  40. Motion made to send this recommendation back to departments for approval if they want to do so; approved unanimously
  42. Proposal to establish procedures for awarding of Faculty Research Grants was tabled until next meeting
  43. Faculty Development Committee will work to develop rubric for selecting grant recipients
  44. The Caress principle was established and approved: Those members of the FC who submit for an FRG must recuse himself/herself from the FRG decision-making committee
  45. Proposal to establish policies for COSS’ Studies in the Social Sciences was tabled until next meeting
  46. Proposal to formulate policy regarding non-tenure track faculty was table until next meeting
  47. Proposal to codify changes in the Policies and Procedures regarding Promotion & Tenure Committee, workload for supersized courses, periodic evaluation of department chairs, and periodic evaluation of dean were tabled until next meeting
  48. The modifications need to be officially vote upon for inclusion in the Policies and Procedures
  49. Suggestion made to add language from previous minutes to Policies and Procedures and present it to the faculty for a vote
  50. Suggestion that COSS develop uniform rules for chair and dean evaluations, but include a section that is departmental specific (Yates principle).
  51. PLANNING COMMITTEE (Aanstoos, Jenks, Yates)
  52. Proposal to endorse COSS Strategic Plan approved unanimously with noted changes
  53. Thus, Faculty Council recommends that the latest draft of the COSS strategic plan be adopted, with the following modifications:
  54. That Action Step 2.c. be rewritten as follows: “To explore innovative program options to enhance RPG rates
  55. That the phrase in Action Step 3.e. “COSS labs” be rewritten as “labs in COSS
  56. That the phrase in Action Step 4.c. “COSS labs” be rewritten as “labs in COSS
  57. That an Action Step 5.e. be added, as follows: “To cultivate relationships with the local, regional and national media markets to enhance the reputation of COSS and UWG.”
  58. Proposal to establish a COSS budget item for book purchases as a faculty benefit approved unanimously
  59. The initiative will allow COSS budgets to support faculty as a whole (not just select individuals) and will spark internal dialogue
  60. Thus, Faculty Council recommends that COSS support the research of its tenured and tenure track faculty by providing $75 per year for each faculty member toward the purchase of any books, electronic or multi-media items authored or edited by another faculty member in COSS.
  61. Proposal to recommend that COSS support “Fair Trade” practices was approved unanimously
  62. Thus, Faculty Council recommends that COSS support “Fair Trade” practices in its selection of coffee for all functions of the college and its departments.
  63. Too, Fair Trade Coffee should be identified at these functions/events
  64. Meeting adjourned at 12:01 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Brad Yates