The PIM Online Learning Module Series
What is it?
This training resource consists of eight video modules and knowledge checks related to school-based privacy and information management topics. The modules were designed as school-based training videos for use by a variety of educators in a variety of ways in order to build and/or strengthen a culture of privacy and information management. The module topics include:
- Introductory and Closing Commentaries from the Co-chairs of the PIM Taskforce
- Legal Framework
- Privacy Breach
- Access to Information
- When and When Not to Disclose
- Privacy Expectations at School
- Guidelines for Sharing Information Between Schools
- Social Media
How can the modules be used?
These training modules are designed so that they can be used in a variety of delivery formats by teachers, administrators, parents, and students.
- Teachers may wish to go through all of the modules from start to finish at one time (this willtake approximately onehour), or select and view particular modules independently as a source of personal professional learning.
- Principals may wish to focus on a particular module or series of modules at a school or staff meeting.
- Support staff may wishto access the modules becausethe topics apply to many school-based privacy and information management situations.
- School boards may wishto manage a larger roll-out across their board in order to support their ongoing development of a broader privacy and information management culture.
How can the knowledge checks be used?
- Theknowledge checks can be used by individuals as a way of “self-checking” for understanding.
- In staff or group settings, they can be used as starting points to guide discussions related to the specific module.
How can the support section resources be used?
- Many of the resources provided associate specific tools from the PIM toolkit with each module. This provides further information for those individuals or groups who want to dig deeper around a specific topic.