Trust for Public Land Coconino County Telephone Survey 2002

III. Annotated Questionnaire


Hello, my name is (STATE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME) and I am calling from Northern Arizona University. I am not selling or soliciting anything. We’re talking to people in Coconino County about some local issues and would like to ask you a few confidential questions.

Is now a good time to ask you a few questions?

  1. Yes  Proceed with survey
  2. No  When would be a better time to call you back? (Schedule callback)


  1. Now, as you may know, there will be an election in November for Governor, congressional and state representatives. How likely are you to vote in this election…are you very likely, somewhat likely, not very likely, or not at all likely to vote in this election?

Percent / Count
Very likely / 90% / 361
Somewhat likely / 10% / 42
Not very likely / -- / --
Not at all likely / -- / --
Don’t know / -- / --
Total / 100% / N = 403


  1. In your opinion, do you think Coconino County is basically on the right track, or that the County is heading in the wrong direction?

Percent / Count
Right track / 48% / 188
Wrong direction / 18% / 71
Neither / 7% / 27
Both / 9% / 37
Don’t know / 18% / 72
Total / 100% / N = 395

3.Next, would you support a program to acquire, expand and improve new and existing regional and community parks and trails and to acquire open space in order to protect wildlife habitat, water quality and historic and cultural sites?

Percent / Count
Support / 78% / 314
Oppose / 13% / 52
Don’t know / 9% / 35
Total / 100% / N = 401

4.Some people are considering adding a proposition to the November election ballot. I am going to read the official language of this proposition and I’d like you to tell me if you would vote for or against this proposition if it was on the ballot.

For the purpose of acquiring, expanding, improving and equipping new and existing regional and community parks and trails and to acquire open space in order to protect wildlife habitat, water quality and historic and cultural sites with all expenditures subject to recommendation by the County Citizen’s Park and Recreation Commission and an annual audit, shall Coconino County issue and sell general obligation bonds in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $50 million dollars?

Would you vote for or against this proposition? (If depends, ask: “Are you leaning more towards approval or rejection?”)

Percent / Count
Vote for / 45% / 183
Lean for / 11% / 44
Lean against / 6% / 23
Vote against / 26% / 103
Depends / 7% / 26
Don’t know / 6% / 24
Total / 101% / N = 403

5.These bonds would increase a homeowner’s property tax by about $41 per year to the owner of a $100,000 home. Hearing this, would you vote for or against these bonds?

(If don’t know, ask: “Are you leaning more towards support or opposition?”)

Percent / Count
Yes / 43% / 171
Lean yes / 7% / 29
Lean no / 7% / 26
No / 39% / 156
Don’t know / 5% / 20
Total / 101% / N = 402

5a.And what if the bond issue was for $25 million instead of $50 million, increasing property tax by about $20.50 per year to the owner of a $100,000 home. Would you vote for or against these bonds?

(If don’t know, ask: “Are you leaning more towards support or opposition?”)

Percent / Count
Yes / 15% / 30
Lean yes / 16% / 32
Lean no / 7% / 14
No / 56% / 113
Don’t know / 6% / 12
Total / 100% / N = 201

6.Another way to pay for this program – instead of general obligation bonds - would be to raise the county transaction privilege tax by one-quarter of one percent, that is, the sales tax on goods and services bought within the county. This increase would be or 25 cents on a $100 purchase. Would you vote for or against this proposition?

(If don’t know, ask: “Are you leaning more towards support or opposition?”)

Percent / Count
Yes / 47% / 187
Lean yes / 10% / 38
Lean no / 3% / 13
No / 38% / 152
Don’t know / 3% / 12
Total / 101% / N = 402

6a.And what if the transaction privilege tax was raised by one-eighth of one percent, or 12 cents on a $100 purchase? Would you vote for or against this proposition?

(If don’t know, ask: “Are you leaning more towards support or opposition?”)

Percent / Count
Yes / 9% / 16
Lean yes / 9% / 16
Lean no / 5% / 8
No / 71% / 126
Don’t know / 6% / 11
Total / 100% / N = 177

7.Regardless of whether you support or oppose the program, if the public voted for the program, do you prefer that the program be funded by raising property taxes, by selling general bonds, or by raising the sales tax? [Rotate options.]

Percent / Count
Raising property taxes / 7% / 26
Selling general bonds / 35% / 142
Raising sales tax / 45% / 181
None / 7% / 29
Don’t know/depends / 6% / 25





N = 403

8.If County voters support a program of raising money to improve County parks and trails and to purchase land for open spaces, should there be a time limit on the life of the program?

Percent / Count
Yes / 69% / 276
No / 24% / 95
Don’t know / 7% / 29
Total / 100% / N = 400

8a.Would you prefer seeing this program in place for 5 years, 10 years or 15 years?

Percent / Count
Less than 5 years / 6% / 15
Five years / 41% / 112
Ten years / 35% / 97
Fifteen years / 12% / 32
More than 15 years / 1% / 2
As long as needed / 2% / 4
Something else/depends / 1% / 2
Don’t know / 4% / 11
Total / 102% / N = 275

Now, I am going to read a list of possible County programs. Please rate the importance of each program on a scale from ‘1’ to ‘5’ where ‘1’ means the program is not at all important to the future of Coconino County and ‘5’ means the program is very important to the County’s future.

9.First, developing new playgrounds.

Percent / Count
5 – Very important / 23% / 94
4 / 17% / 68
3 / 35% / 140
2 / 12% / 47
1 – Not at all important / 12% / 47
Don’t know / 2% / 7
Total / 101% / N = 403

10.Creating outdoor educational opportunities.

Percent / Count
5 – Very important / 23% / 91
4 / 22% / 90
3 / 31% / 125
2 / 12% / 47
1 – Not at all important / 10% / 41
Don’t know / 2% / 8
Total / 100% / N = 402

11.Protecting wildlife habitats.

Percent / Count
5 – Very important / 48% / 190
4 / 21% / 83
3 / 16% / 64
2 / 9% / 34
1 – Not at all important / 7% / 27
Don’t know / 1% / 2
Total / 102% / N = 400

12.Protecting wetlands.

Percent / Count
5 – Very important / 49% / 197
4 / 19% / 75
3 / 16% / 63
2 / 7% / 26
1 – Not at all important / 8% / 32
Don’t know / 2% / 7
Total / 101% / N = 400

13.Protecting land that preserves water quality.

Percent / Count
5 – Very important / 66% / 61
4 / 15% / 14
3 / 10% / 9
2 / 5% / 5
1 – Not at all important / 3% / 3
Don’t know / -- / --
Total / 99% / N = 92

14a.[Split Half] Protecting natural areas.

Percent / Count
5 – Very important / 47% / 100
4 / 19% / 41
3 / 16% / 33
2 / 9% / 18
1 – Not at all important / 8% / 17
Don’t know / 2% / 4
Total / 101% / N = 213

14b.[Split Half] Protecting open spaces.

Percent / Count
5 – Very important / 42% / 77
4 / 23% / 42
3 / 19% / 35
2 / 7% / 13
1 – Not at all important / 8% / 15
Don’t know / 2% / 3
Total / 101% / N = 185

14c.[Split Half] Protecting natural areas/Protecting open spaces.

Percent / Count
5 – Very important / 44% / 177
4 / 10% / 83
3 / 17% / 68
2 / 8% / 31
1 – Not at all important / 8% / 32
Don’t know / 2% / 7
Total / 99% / N = 398

15.Providing new hiking, biking and walking trails.

Percent / Count
5 – Very important / 19% / 75
4 / 22% / 89
3 / 30% / 119
2 / 14% / 55
1 – Not at all important / 15% / 62
Don’t know / 1% / 2
Total / 101% / N = 402

16a.[Split Half] Protecting cultural sites.

Percent / Count
5 – Very important / 33% / 67
4 / 26% / 52
3 / 20% / 41
2 / 11% / 22
1 – Not at all important / 8% / 17
Don’t know / 3% / 5
Total / 101% / N = 204

16b.[Split Half] Protecting historical sites.

Percent / Count
5 – Very important / 38% / 76
4 / 29% / 57
3 / 23% / 46
2 / 5% / 9
1 – Not at all important / 4% / 8
Don’t know / 1% / 2
Total / 100% / N = 198

16c.[Split Half] Protecting cultural sites/Protecting historic sites.

Percent / Count
5 – Very important / 36% / 143
4 / 27% / 109
3 / 22% / 87
2 / 8% / 31
1 – Not at all important / 6% / 25
Don’t know / 2% / 7
Total / 101% / N = 402

17a.[Split Half] Developing outdoor spaces for community gatherings and special events.

Percent / Count
5 – Very important / 13% / 27
4 / 20% / 41
3 / 33% / 67
2 / 19% / 38
1 – Not at all important / 13% / 27
Don’t know / 2% / 4
Total / 100% / N = 204

17b.[Split Half] Developing new family picnic areas.

Percent / Count
5 – Very important / 12% / 24
4 / 20% / 40
3 / 38% / 75
2 / 17% / 34
1 – Not at all important / 12% / 24
Don’t know / 1% / 1
Total / 100% / N = 198

17c.[Split Half] Developing outdoor spaces for community gatherings and special events/Developing new family picnic areas.

Percent / Count
5 – Very important / 13% / 51
4 / 20% / 81
3 / 35% / 142
2 / 18% / 72
1 – Not at all important / 13% / 51
Don’t know / 1% / 5
Total / 100% / N = 402

18a.[Split Half] Creating new sportsfields.

Percent / Count
5 – Very important / 11% / 23
4 / 19% / 39
3 / 26% / 53
2 / 19% / 39
1 – Not at all important / 26% / 54
Don’t know / -- / --
Total / 101% / N = 208

18b.[Split Half] Creating new ballfields.

Percent / Count
5 – Very important / 14% / 27
4 / 17% / 32
3 / 33% / 63
2 / 16% / 31
1 – Not at all important / 19% / 37
Don’t know / 2% / 4
Total / 101% / N = 194

18c.[Split Half] Creating new sportsfields/Creating new ballfields.

Percent / Count
5 – Very important / 12% / 50
4 / 18% / 71
3 / 29% / 116
2 / 17% / 70
1 – Not at all important / 23% / 91
Don’t know / 1% / 4
Total / 100% / N = 402

19.Providing new regional parks.

Percent / Count
5 – Very important / 14% / 54
4 / 19% / 76
3 / 37% / 148
2 / 15% / 59
1 – Not at all important / 14% / 55
Don’t know / 2% / 8
Total / 101% / N = 400

20.Build new community parks.

Percent / Count
5 – Very important / 15% / 61
4 / 18% / 71
3 / 37% / 148
2 / 16% / 64
1 – Not at all important / 13% / 50
Don’t know / 2% / 7
Total / 101% / N = 401

21.Protecting forested land.

Percent / Count
5 – Very important / 50% / 199
4 / 22% / 89
3 / 15% / 61
2 / 5% / 19
1 – Not at all important / 6% / 25
Don’t know / 1% / 5
Total / 99% / N = 398

22.Preserving working farms and ranches.

Percent / Count
5 – Very important / 37% / 149
4 / 22% / 88
3 / 24% / 95
2 / 9% / 35
1 – Not at all important / 8% / 31
Don’t know / 1% / 4
Total / 101% / N = 402

23.Protecting McMillan Mesa from development.

Percent / Count
5 – Very important / 30% / 118
4 / 12% / 46
3 / 17% / 67
2 / 10% / 39
1 – Not at all important / 11% / 44
Don’t know / 22% / 86
Total / 102% / N = 400

Now I am going to read you reasons why some people support a program to improve parks and trails and to set aside land to protect open spaces. After I read each reason, please tell me if hearing this makes you more likely or less likely to support this program. Is that much (more likely/less likely) or somewhat (more likely/less likely)? [Rotate Questions]

24.Some people say if we don’t act now, all of our remaining open spaces will be lost to development.

Percent / Count
Much more likely / 27% / 107
Somewhat more likely / 39% / 156
Somewhat less likely / 21% / 84
Much less likely / 7% / 26
Don’t know / 7% / 27
Total / 101% / N = 400

25.Open space is part of our heritage; we must protect it now for our children and grandchildren.

Percent / Count
Much more likely / 28% / 109
Somewhat more likely / 51% / 202
Somewhat less likely / 12% / 49
Much less likely / 4% / 14
Don’t know / 6% / 23
Total / 101% / N = 397

26.Access to recreation, good trails and quality parks are reasons why I live here in Coconino County.

Percent / Count
Much more likely / 11% / 44
Somewhat more likely / 36% / 144
Somewhat less likely / 30% / 119
Much less likely / 11% / 45
Don’t know / 12% / 47
Total / 100% / N = 399

27.This program will provide facilities for everyone: young and old, sports leagues and families.

Percent / Count
Much more likely / 17% / 67
Somewhat more likely / 55% / 217
Somewhat less likely / 17% / 67
Much less likely / 3% / 13
Don’t know / 8% / 31
Total / 100% / N = 395

28. Annual independent audits will be conducted to ensure that funds are spent properly.

Percent / Count
Much more likely / 29% / 117
Somewhat more likely / 51% / 203
Somewhat less likely / 9% / 36
Much less likely / 4% / 14
Don’t know / 7% / 29
Total / 100% / N = 399

29.This program will improve the quality of life here in Coconino County.

Percent / Count
Much more likely / 17% / 69
Somewhat more likely / 51% / 203
Somewhat less likely / 16% / 63
Much less likely / 6% / 22
Don’t know / 10% / 40
Total / 100% / N = 397

30.This program is needed to protect and improve our local water sources.

Percent / Count
Much more likely / 28% / 111
Somewhat more likely / 51% / 205
Somewhat less likely / 10% / 39
Much less likely / 4% / 15
Don’t know / 8% / 30
Total / 101% / N = 400

31.Well-maintained parks and recreation facilities improve property values.

Percent / Count
Much more likely / 20% / 78
Somewhat more likely / 56% / 223
Somewhat less likely / 16% / 62
Much less likely / 3% / 10
Don’t know / 7% / 27
Total / 102% / N = 400

32.Protecting more open space and creating new parks will help to slow the kind of rapid growth that causes traffic and pollution.

Percent / Count
Much more likely / 15% / 60
Somewhat more likely / 41% / 165
Somewhat less likely / 26% / 102
Much less likely / 8% / 32
Don’t know / 11% / 42
Total / 101% / N = 401

33.Farming and ranching is an important way of life that must be protected.

Percent / Count
Much more likely / 22% / 87
Somewhat more likely / 47% / 190
Somewhat less likely / 19% / 75
Much less likely / 5% / 21
Don’t know / 7% / 28
Total / 100% / N = 401

34.McMillan Mesa should be protected from development in order to preserve critical open space.

Percent / Count
Much more likely / 19% / 77
Somewhat more likely / 29% / 115
Somewhat less likely / 19% / 76
Much less likely / 5% / 20
Don’t know / 28% / 110
Total / 100% / N = 398

35. Expanded recreational opportunities keep kids out of gangs and away from drugs.

Percent / Count
Much more likely / 26% / 104
Somewhat more likely / 52% / 206
Somewhat less likely / 12% / 47
Much less likely / 4% / 17
Don’t know / 6% / 25
Total / 100% / N = 399

36. And lastly, open spaces should be protected because tourism is such a vital part of the local economy.

Percent / Count
Much more likely / 17% / 69
Somewhat more likely / 39% / 157
Somewhat less likely / 30% / 118
Much less likely / 6% / 24
Don’t know / 8% / 30
Total / 100% / N = 398

Now, I am going to read you reasons why some people say a program to improve parks and trails and to set aside land to protect open spaces is a not good idea. After I read each one, please tell me if you agree or disagree with each statement. Is that strongly (agree/disagree) or somewhat (agree/disagree)?

[Rotate Questions]

37.The County should not be in the land preservation business. This is best left to cities, the state, and federal government.

Percent / Count
Strongly agree / 6% / 24
Somewhat agree / 21% / 84
Somewhat disagree / 48% / 192
Strongly disagree / 19% / 76
Don’t know / 6% / 24
Total / 100% / N = 400

38.Taxes are already too high in the County.

Percent / Count
Strongly agree / 20% / 81
Somewhat agree / 36% / 144
Somewhat disagree / 35% / 138
Strongly disagree / 4% / 17
Don’t know / 5% / 20
Total / 100% / N = 400

39. Protecting open spaces drives up housing prices because it reduces the land available for development.

Percent / Count
Strongly agree / 9% / 34
Somewhat agree / 38% / 153
Somewhat disagree / 39% / 156
Strongly disagree / 8% / 33
Don’t know / 6% / 22
Total / 100% / N = 398

40.The County should be spending money on other priorities, such as transportation.

Percent / Count
Strongly agree / 9% / 37
Somewhat agree / 31% / 125
Somewhat disagree / 43% / 173
Strongly disagree / 7% / 29
Don’t know / 9% / 37
Total / 99% / N = 401

41.We don’t need additional open spaces being protected in Coconino County.

Percent / Count
Strongly agree / 6% / 23
Somewhat agree / 17% / 67
Somewhat disagree / 51% / 206
Strongly disagree / 22% / 88
Don’t know / 4% / 17
Total / 100% / N = 401

42.More open space and parks means higher property taxes.

Percent / Count
Strongly agree / 9% / 34
Somewhat agree / 43% / 172
Somewhat disagree / 35% / 140
Strongly disagree / 6% / 24
Don’t know / 7% / 29
Total / 100% / N = 399

43.Since all the money will be spent in Flagstaff, the City should be the one to raise taxes.

Percent / Count
Strongly agree / 12% / 47
Somewhat agree / 28% / 110
Somewhat disagree / 46% / 185
Strongly disagree / 7% / 29
Don’t know / 7% / 28
Total / 100% / N = 399

44.Indian reservations are going to benefit from this program, and they will not have to pay any of the costs.

Percent / Count
Strongly agree / 10% / 39
Somewhat agree / 25% / 101
Somewhat disagree / 37% / 147
Strongly disagree / 12% / 47
Don’t know / 16% / 65
Total / 100% / N = 399

45.And lastly, government already owns too much land in Coconino County.

Percent / Count
Strongly agree / 9% / 37
Somewhat agree / 24% / 96
Somewhat disagree / 43% / 170
Strongly disagree / 11% / 43
Don’t know / 14% / 54
Total / 101% / N = 400

46. Some people prefer that the Coconino County Parks and Recreation Department provide more parks with athletic fields, playgrounds and multi-user trails. Others prefer that the Coconino County Parks and Recreation Department provide more sites with wildlife habitat, green belts around communities and open space. Which preference comes closest to your personal viewpoint—money for fields, playgrounds and trails; or money for wildlife habitat, green belts and open space?

Percent / Count
Athletic fields, playgrounds, and trails / 26% / 103
Wildlife habitats, green belts, and open space / 57% / 228
Both / 8% / 31
Neither / 7% / 26
Don’t know / 3% / 10
Total / 101% / N = 398

47. Which of the following is needed most in your part of the county [READ LIST; SELECT ONE]?

Percent / Count
Large regional parks / 4% / 17
Small community parks / 20% / 76
Sportsfields and playgrounds / 15% / 59
New trails / 10% / 39
Protected open space and natural areas for wildlife / 43% / 165
Don’t know / 8% / 32
Total / 100% / N = 388

48.Earlier in the survey I read you the official language of a proposition some people are considering for the November election ballot. I’m going to read this language again and I’d like you to tell me if you would vote for or against this proposition if the election was being held today.

For the purpose of acquiring, expanding, improving and equipping new and existing regional and community parks and trails and to acquire open space in order to protect wildlife habitat, water quality and historic and cultural sites with all expenditures subject to recommendation by the County Citizen’s Park and Recreation Commission and an annual audit, shall Coconino County issue and sell general obligation bonds in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $50 million dollars?

Would you vote for or against this proposition?

Percent / Count
Vote for / 51% / 207
Lean for / -- / --
Lean against / -- / --
Vote against / 42% / 169
Depends / 3% / 12
Don’t know / 4% / 15
Total / 100% / N = 403

Now I have just a few more questions so we can classify your answers.

D1.What is your age?

Percent / Count
18 – 39 / 13% / 51
40 - 59 / 47% / 184
60 and older / 40% / 158
Total / 100% / N = 393

D2.Do you own or rent your home?

Percent / Count
Own / 95% / 377
Rent / 6% / 22
Other arrangement / -- / --
Don’t know / -- / --
Total / 101% / N = 399

D3.Most people do not vote in every election. Did you vote in the 2000 presidential race between George W. Bush, Al Gore, and Ralph Nader?

Percent / Count
Yes / 99% / 398
No / 1% / 3
Don’t recall/not sure / -- / --
Total / 100% / N = 401

D4.Which of the following income groups includes your total family income in 2000 before taxes? Tell me to stop when I read the correct category.

Percent / Count
Under $50,000 / 39% / 136
$50,000 but less than $75,000 / 30% / 103
$75,000 but less than $150,000 / 27% / 95
$150,000 or more / 4% / 14
Don’t know / -- / --
Total / 100% / N = 348

D5.Are you female or male? (Interviewers: ask only if necessary)

Percent / Count
Male / 44% / 175
Female / 57% / 227
Total / 101% / N = 402

D6.Respondent’s political party.

Percent / Count
Democrat / 39% / 156
Republican / 45% / 180
Independent / 4% / 15
Libertarian / 1% / 2
Green / -- / 1
Other / 1% / 2
None / 12% / 47
Total / 102% / N = 403

Those are all the questions I have. Thank you very much for your time.

The Social Research Laboratory, Northern Arizona University1