/ Rochester Free-Net, Inc.
Genesee Gateway(SM) (www.ggw.org)


Due to the increased accountability expected for on-line services, the Information Services Committee of the Rochester Free-Net, Inc. needs to collect release statements for organizations placed on-line with Genesee Gateway, a service of Rochester Free-Net, Inc. Those organizations with trained personnel as well as appropriate hardware and software can change the content of their web site at will. Those sites that rely on Genesee Gateway volunteers may take longer.

Please have this form filled out by a knowledgeable person at your organization and signed by a responsible officer thereof. This will document that your organization has knowledge of and has approved the content of its web page(s) residing on the Genesee Gateway.

Name of Organization:
Organizational Point of Contact (name):
Organizational Point of Contact (title):
Contact’s voice telephone number:
Contact’s e-mail address (if applicable):
Organization’s U.S. Mail address:

Please indicate below if information provided above to Rochester Free-Net, Inc. is to be used only by Rochester Free-Net, Inc. or if it may be released to the public either through the web page(s) or by other means (Please check all that apply):

RFN only



Point of Contact (POC) name:
POC voice telephone:
POC e-mail address:
Organization’s mail address

Rochester Free-Net, Inc. (RFN) realizes that information RFN uses often represents the editorial, writing, and creative work of others at your organization. By signing this release, you indicate that the information is not in violation of copyright laws and contains no material that would be deemed in violation of local, state and/or federal laws, and no material that would be deemed libelous. You further agree that RFN has permission to re-publish the information, following your final approval. You agree to hold harmless Rochester Free-Net, Inc. and Genesee Gateway and indemnify each for any expenses incurred due to violations of law relating to the materials you approve for publication (or publish yourself using Genesee Gateway) may be found to contain. Neither Rochester Free-Net, Inc. nor the Genesee Gateway assumes responsibility for the content of your information, including information that may be determined to be misleading or harmful. Rochester Free-Net, Inc. will review web pages at least annually and notify the organizations submitting the information of its staleness and will remove pages which contain stale information from our indices.

Having read this release in its entirety, I, a responsible officer of the above organization, understand and agree to the terms of this release.

Dated at: , New York this day of , .




Name (please hand letter or type)


Title (please hand letter or type)