

Respect yourself and everyone around you.

1.  Enter class on time, quietly

and with a purpose.

2.  Be prepared with instrument,

music, and pencil out two minutes after the bell.

3.  Raise your hand to speak

or leave your seat.

4.  Respect others.

Choose respectful words, actions, body

language, and eye contact.

Keep hands and objects in your space.

5.  Put belongings in their place.

Put cello/bass cases in lockers during class.

Put belongings out of the walkway, under a chair or table.

Put away all materials at the end of class.

6.  Put away or dispose of gum,

candy, food, drink, and water bottles before you enter the orchestra room.


1st time: Eye contact and/ or verbal warning.

2nd time: Behavior Writing Assignment

and/or After-Class Conference

3rd time: Parent Contact

4th time: Referral

Student Learning

1.  I need to arrive for orchestra on time and ready to work.

2.  When I enter the orchestra room, my job is to unpack my instrument, read the agenda, and put my materials in order.

I can accomplish this in two minutes.

3.  I need to raise my hand to ask a question or make a comment. Sometimes I might be asked to hold my thought.

I should also raise my hand if I need to get up out of my seat.

4.  I should speak and act respectfully toward other students and teachers.

I should be aware that my body language and eye contact should also communicate respect toward adults and other students.

I understand the orchestra room is not the place to roughhouse. I need to keep hands and feet to myself at all times, even with my friends.

5.  I need to keep my belongings out of the walkways for everyone’s safety. I need to put away my things at the end of each class and throw away my trash in the garbage can.

6.  I understand that there is no food, gum, drink, or water allowed in the orchestra room.