Northlake Hills POA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Date: October 3, 2017 7:00 PM

Place: Director Nelsen residence

In attendance: Directors Dave Nelsen, Rod Schaffner, and David Morley

Director Meeting Agenda:

1)Finalize agenda for the annual meeting.

2)Discuss board/acc term renewals and notices

3)Discuss potential common area maintenance and improvements

4)Discuss and approve 2018 budget

5)CCR compliance discussion

6)Actions/follow up

Board meeting discussion minutes:

  1. The annual Northlake Hills POA meeting is set for November 11, 2017 10AM-noon at theNorthwestRuralCommunity Centerin Jonestown. The Board finalized the meeting agenda as follows:
  2. POA Annual Meeting Agenda:

i.Call to Order (Rod Schaffner, POA President and Board Member)

ii.Confirmation of quorum (Melody Gayeski, POA Secretary)

iii.Introduction of members present at meeting (Rod Schaffner)

iv.Report on maintenance and improvement activities (Rod Schaffner)

v.Board and ACC Member term renewals (Dave Nelsen, Board Member)

vi.Treasurer’s Report (Maria Clendennen, POA Treasurer)

  1. financial reports
  2. 2018 Approved Budget

vii.ACC Report (Anne Morley, ACC Member)

viii.Open discussion – POA member input


  1. Per our Bylaws, formal meeting notice needs to be transmitted to the membership no later than October 11.
  1. Expiring Terms
  • The deadline for applicants was September 30, 2017. No one expressed an interest in running for the expiring Board of Director positions therefore Rod Schaffner and David Morley will automatically renew for two year terms.
  • Wayne Clendennen applied for Tim Parston’s expiring term on the ACC. As Tim expressed his desire to step down from ACC upon expiration of his term, the Board unanimously approved Wayne Clendennen for a two year term on the ACC effective Nov 11, 2017.
  • Since there are no election races this year and all positions are filled with a volunteer member, the Board cancelled the election.
  1. Common Area:
  2. No member input was received regarding maintenance or common area improvements. For the upcoming year, the application of a road pavement preventative maintenance product called Reclamite will be evaluated and possibly used on our roads to extend the service life of the pavement. The POA plans to make a decision using data from a City ofJonestownexperiment in Reclamite planned in 2018.
  3. It was discussed that there may be a concern NXNW is not fully compliant with the contract regarding mowing widths alongNLH Dr. No specific data was available for evaluation and action. Since Terri Smith is the project manager for this contract, it was decided to get her involved to determine if there are any performance issues.
  1. Regarding CCR compliance, a few specific incidents of member complaints were discussed. Thus far, those issues were peacefully resolved and no other actions are required by ACC or the Board other than to monitor the situations. In general, it appears the enforcement levels practiced by ACC and the Board are in good balance.
  2. Follow up actions:
  3. Dave Nelsen will generate minutes for this Director meeting for approval and distribution
  4. Dave Nelsen will prepare the official annual meeting notice for distribution by NLT Oct 11.
  5. Dave Nelsen will contact Tim Parston and Wayne Clendennen concerning the ACC position
  6. David Morley will contact Anne Morley to discuss content of the ACC Report at the annual meeting
  7. Rod Schaffner will inspect and report on the construction site in Section 5 which has generated CCR compliance complaints
  8. David Morley will work with Terri Smith regarding item 3.b above