For the Lord is good! Psalm 100

Seven Easy Steps for Filling Out Your Estimate of Giving Card

1.  Please read the For the Lord is Good brochure inviting us to be faithful stewards.

Reflect on the goals for our ministry and how our ministry dollars are put to work in 2012.

2.  Invite God to speak to you as you read the biblical principles outlined from Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians (green page).

3.  Review the pink “Step Up to Tithe Chart” to see what it would take to begin tithing or to take a step toward tithing by increasing your giving by 1% of your annual giving. On the back of the same sheet you will see our “Step Up to a Tithe-Range of Gifts” to see where your giving fits into the range of offering made through St. John’s this year. If you increase your pledge by 1%, see where your new giving would fit on the steps. If a full percentage is not possible, please consider moving up one step.

4.  Pray for God’s guidance on how much you need to give to deepen your walk with God, to reflect your gratitude to God, and to further the mission of St. John’s.

5.  Fill out the cream Estimate of Giving card as you are so led to share your gifts.

6.  If you are interested in using Simply Giving electronic transfer as the vehicle to make your offerings or to change your current offering amount, please fill out the Simply Giving form or follow the instructions on the yellow form to take care of that online.

7.  Place your Estimate of Giving card (and Simply Giving form if applicable) in the For the Lord is good! security envelope, seal it and hand it to your courier when he/she returns later this week. It will be brought to church and blessed in worship on October 14th.

Thanks be to God and Thank you.