Pope Francis on Cremation

Dear Friends,

Cardinal Gerhard Muller is the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. He responded to several Bishop’s Conferences asking for what specifically should be with “cremains”.

The approval of the response of the Pope to Cardinal Muller is “Ad resurgendum cum Cristo” (To Rise with Christ).

Cardinal Muller explains the law of the Church had not “specified exactly that should be done with “cremains”.

Since 1963 when the Catholic Church permitted cremation as long as it was not done as a denial belief in the resurrection of the dead, cremation has become more common among Catholics. Funeral Directors of San Antonio estimate that 15% of Catholics are now choosing cremation.

The instruction states clearly that Cremation does not constitute a denial of belief in the immortality of the soul nor does it “prevent God, in his omnipotence, from raising up the deceased to a new body”. It is forbidden to scatter the ashes or to keep them at home. Burying the dead is a corporal work of Mercy.

For those of you who have already done something with ashes that is now forbidden, please remember that here at Holy Rosary (and generally in all parishes) a register with the name and date of all deceased. This register will now have a greater significance. Holy Rosary also has a computer file of all deceased from the beginning of Holy Rosary.

Our faith in the resurrection of the body and respecting the dignity of each person who dies can only be made more firm.

El Papa Francisco en la Cremación

Queridos amigos,

El Cardenal Gerhard Muller es el prefecto de la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe. Respondió a varias Conferencias Episcopales pidiendo lo que específicamente debería hacer con “restos”.

La aprobación dela respuesta del Papa Francisco al Cardenal Muller es “Ad resurgendum cum Cristo) (Para levantarse con Cristo).

El Cardenal Muller explica que la ley de la Iglesia no había “precisado exactamente lo que debería hacerse con “restos.

Desde 1963, cuando la Iglesia Católica autorizó la cremación, siempre y cuando no se hiciera como negación de la creencia en la resurrección de los muertos. La cremación se ha vuelto más común entre los católicos. Los directores de funerales de San Antonio estiman que el 15% de los católicos están eligiendo la cremación.

La instrucción indica claramente que la Cremación no constituye una negación de la creencia en la inmortalidad del alma ni “impide a Dios, en su omnipotencia, elevar al difunto a un nuevo cuerpo”. Se prohíbe esparcir las cenizas o mantenerlos en casa. Enterrar a los muertos es un trabajo corporal de Misericordia.

Para aquellos de ustedes que ya han hecho algo con restos que ahora está prohibido, por favor recuerden que aquí en el Santo Rosario (y generalmente en todas las parroquias) un registro con el nombre y la fecha de todos los fallecidos. Este registro tendrá ahora un mayor significado. Santo Rosario también tiene un archivo informático de todos los fallecidos desde el comienzo del Santo Rosario.

Nuestra fe en la resurrección del cuerpo y respetando la dignidad de cada persona que muere puede hacerse más firme.


ALTAR SOCIETY BINGO on Sunday, November 13; tickets are on sell for $5.00 each (each ticket entitles you to 1 playing card). Hall doors open at 1pm and games will start at 2pm; 15 games on hard board cards and 5 Special on paper.

Food, Desserts and Refreshments will be sold.

ACTS COMMUNITY BINGO on Friday, November 18; tickets are at the same price. Hall doors will open at 6pm, games starts at 7pm.

Bingo tickets can be purchased at the Church Office, Monday thru Friday from 9am to 2:30pm or from anyone who is a member of the Bingo sponsors. Tickets will also be sold at the door.

HOLY ROSARY ST. VINCENT DE PAUL have started their non-perishable “HOLIDAYS FOOD DRIVE”. You can pick up a list (on the tables located in the Church) of the items SVDP is asking for. If you wish to donate something that is not on the list, please make sure it is non-perishable; if you wish to donate a turkey to one of our families, please bring it to SVDP’s office on Tuesday or Wednesday between 10am and 12pm. You can also leave your donated of non-perishable items or turkey at the Church Office, Monday to Friday (9am to 2:30pm). Please place your donations in either boxes or double grocery plastic bags tied up. Please be as generous as you can. Thanksgiving is just around the corner. God Bless you all!


Dear Parishioners:

This coming November 19, 2016 please remember in your prayers these men from Assumption Seminary who will be ordained to the priesthood and the transitional diaconate:

Rev. Mr. Brain Garcia, Mr. Duncan Amek, Mr. Abel Ruiz, Mr. Danny Villarreal, Mr. Parveen Lakkisetti and Mr. Danny Nyang’au. Pray for continued increase of vocations for our Archdiocese.


A Jubilee Mass for Families affected by Incarceration and the closing of the Door of Mercy is set for November 20th at 5:00pm at San Fernando Cathedral; if you decide to attend please try to get there by 4:30pm.





November 2016

This Week’s Calendar

SUNDAY, November 13 - 33rd Week in Ordinary Time

View the Marianist Icon before or after each Mass

9:00am Baptisms during Mass C

10:00am RCIA CR

10:30am Religious Education Classes School Area

10:30am Family Faith Formation for Parents Rooms 13/14


MONDAY, November 14

7:00pm Ultreya EC

7:00pm ACTS Core Team Mtg. CR

TUESDAY, November 15

10:00am Bible Study CR

7:00pm Divine Mercy Chaplet CH

7:30pm Voices of Holy Rosary Choir C

WEDNESDAY, November 16

10:00am Small Christian Community L

7:00pm God’s Girls CR

THURSDAY, November 17

6:00pm Legion of Mary EC

7:00pm Knights of Columbus Mtg. CR

FRIDAY, November 18


SATURDAY, November 19

8:00am Women / Men Prayer Community EC

10:00am 25th Wedding Anniversary Mass C

1:00pm Wedding Mass C

SUNDAY, November 20 - Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the


10:00am RCIA CR

10:30am Religious Education Classes School Area

10:30am Family Faith Formation for Parents Rooms 13/14

SCRIPTURE REFLECTIONS: After reflecting on today’s Scripture readings, consider how you would answer the following questions:

1.  How do you seek to develop your friendship with God?

2.  What do I currently bring to the community of faith? What do I receive from it?

3.  What do you feel has been lost since your earliest years? What has been gained?

Children’s Corner

Parents should teach their children to pray to our Lord Jesus Christ, pray for their love ones, for the sick, and for those who are in need of prayers.