constructions AfL test
£ / You can sketch a range of common 2-D shapes.Draw a square / Draw a triangle / Draw a rectangle / Level 2b
£ / You can use a ruler to draw straight lines and right angles.
Draw a square using a ruler and a sharp pencil. Make it 5cm along each edge.
Make it as accurate as you can.
You can use a set-square or protractor to help you if you like. / Level 2a
£ / You can use a ruler to draw angles bigger or smaller than ones given.
a / Draw an angle bigger than this one. Use a ruler.
/ Level 3c
b / Draw an angle smaller than this one. Use a ruler.
c / Draw an angle that is between the sizes of these two angles:
Use a ruler.
£ / You can draw lines accurate to the nearest millimetre.
Draw a rectangle that is 5.6cm wide and 37mm tall.
You must use a ruler and a sharp pencil. / Level 3b
£ / You can draw angles correct to 5°.
Draw an angle of 45° / Draw an angle of 78° / Draw an angle of 137° / Level 3a
£ / You can draw circles and arcs of a given radius to the nearest millimetre.
Draw three circles using a sharp pencil and a pair of compasses.
Make one with radius 6cm centre A.
Make the second radius 12mm centre B.
Make the third radius 1.8cm centre C.
/ Level 4c
£ / You can measure angles to the nearest degree and construct triangles given two lengths and the angle between them or two angles and the length between them.
Here is a sketch of a triangle: / Level 4b
Construct the triangle accurately using a sharp pencil, ruler and protractor.
£ / You can use standard ways of labelling lines, angles and shapes to label drawings and interpret instructions.
Triangle PQR has side PQ = 5.2cm, side PR = 6cm and angle RPQ = 30°. / Level 4a
Finish labelling this sketch of the triangle:
£ / You can draw a triangle using a ruler and compasses given three lengths.
Triangle JKL has side JK = 7cm, side KL = 55mm and side JL = 9cm. / Level 5c
Complete the sketch.
Construct the triangle accurately using a sharp pencil, ruler and a pair of compasses.
£ / You can use a straight edge and compasses to find a perpendicular bisector to a line segment.
Use a straight edge and compasses to construct a perpendicular bisector to line segment AB.
Leave your construction lines.
You will not get any marks if there is no evidence of using compasses correctly to do this.
/ Level 5b
£ / You can use a straight edge and compasses to find an angle bisector.
Use a straight edge and compasses to construct an angle bisector for angle PQR.
You are warned that PQ ¹ QR.
Leave your construction lines.
You will not get any marks if there is no evidence of using compasses correctly to do this.
/ Level 5a
£ / You can use a straight edge and compasses to find perpendicular from a point to a line or from a point on a line.
Use a straight edge and compasses to construct a perpendicular to JK through point L.
Leave your construction lines.
You will not get any marks if there is no evidence of using compasses correctly to do this.
/ Level 6c
£ / You can use a straight edge and compasses to construct a triangle give a right angle, hypotenuse and side.
Here is a sketch of a triangle: / Level 6b
Construct the triangle accurately using a straight edge and compasses.
Leave your construction lines.
You will not get any marks if there is no evidence of using compasses correctly to do this.
£ / You can construct complex combinations of shapes such as nets for prisms and pyramids.
Here is a sketch of a square-based pyramid. Each triangular face is an equilateral triangle.
/ Level 6a
Construct the net for this pyramid accurately using a straight edge and compasses.
Leave your construction lines.
Level / J / K / L
2b / I can sketch pictures of a range of common 2-D shapes including triangle, rectangle, square, etc.
2a / I can draw approximate right angles and straight lines.
3c / I can draw an angle that is larger or smaller than a given angle (less than 180°), or between two others (both less than180°).
3b / I can draw lines correct to the nearest mm, even when given a length such as 5.6cm or 5cm 6mm.
3a / I can draw an angle correct to within 5° perhaps using a special simple angle measurer (protractor).
4c / I can use a pair of compasses to draw circles and arcs of a given radius and these are accurate to the nearest mm.
4b / I can draw an angle to within 1°. I can construct triangles given two lengths and the angle between them or two angles and the length between them.
4a / I can use standard ways of labelling lines, angles and shapes to label my drawings and interpret instructions: e.g. draw line PQ length 5.6cm, <ABC = 60°.
5c / I can draw a triangle using a ruler and compasses given the three lengths.
5b / I can use a straight edge and compasses to find a ‘perpendicular bisector’ to a ‘line segment’ and I know what these words mean.
5a / I can use a straight edge and compasses to find an ‘angle bisector’ and I know what this means.
6c / I can use a straight edge and compasses to find a perpendicular from a point to a line and to find a perpendicular from a point on a line.
6b / I can use a straight edge and compasses to construct a right angled triangle given right angle, hypotenuse and side.
6a / I can construct more complicated arrangements of shapes such as nets of prisms and pyramids.
7c / I can understand the link between locus and construction and use congruence and other angle properties to explain why standard constructions work.
7b / I can construct inscribed circles and circumcircles to triangles I’ve constructed; I can say when the data for a triangle are insufficient to make a unique triangle.
7a / I can creatively invent constructions and prove that more complex constructions produce their intended results.
constructions AfL question bank Jan 2012 P. Capewell, EPCHS, mathsurgery.wikispaces.com