7 & 8 Shop

Course Syllabus (2004-2005)

Flandreau Public High School

1.  Texts and References

Agriscience Fundamentals and Applications, 2nd Edition, Delmar, 1997.

Beginning Woodworking,

2.  Course Description

We will learn the basics of shop safety along with basic construction and carpentry techniques. We will be doing group and individual projects in the shop.

3.  Instructional Philosophy and Delivery Plan

The most frequently use education delivery method will utilize hands-on learning. There will also be lecture, demonstration, guest speaker, and content reading methods of education. Students are expected to meet all of the course goals and demonstrate an understanding with a minimum of 70% accuracy in order to pass this course. Grading will be accomplished through the use of tests, quizzes, projects, class participation, and personal progress.

4.  Course Goals


·  Plan out procedures and a list of materials for shop projects.

·  Identify shop tools and machines and demonstrate their safe usage

·  Apply measurement techniques using addition and subtraction of fractions.

·  Describe and draw common joints used in construction.

·  Have an appreciation and understanding of construction and careers in that area

·  Describe and perform basic construction, and woodworking techniques and ideas.

·  Identify common types of wood.

·  Identify common fastening tools and materials.

·  Understand and apply proper finishing techniques

5.  Course outline


a.  Introduction of myself and students

b.  Introduction to the course


a.  Shop safety

1.  Hand out shop safety contract to keep on file

2.  Hand out classroom/ safety rules

3.  Discuss cleanup procedures and grading

b.  Tool Safety

1.  Shop tour

2.  Demonstrate tool safety w/ each of the power machines.

3.  Get to know your tools.

a.  Have each student pick a tool and explain its safe usage.

b.  Tool scavenger hunt – must put tools back in place


a.  Tech Prep measurement lesson

i.  Handouts

b.  Measurement Assignment (measure asmt.)

i.  Make them get everyone right before they can go into shop.

Basic Carpentry skills

a. “Thing” project

Planning a Project

a. Notes

b. Plan car project

1.  Keep drawings and plans so that when we enter the shop they have them


a. Edge joint

b. Rabbet joint

c. Dado joint

d. Shelf project

Types of wood

a.  Notes


a. Notes


a. Notes