Photography/Imaging Sfwr App

Instructor: Ms. LaKeisha Jones


Location: C101

Class Code: ARH401, PTI307


Class Website:


It is my philosophy that children have the ability to learn, and it is my job to push them to the point of maximum knowledge gain. I expect each student to come to class prepared to learn and to put forth the effort required to accomplish assigned task. Students should remain on task at all times, thus maximizing their individual knowledge base. Students should also be ready to accept responsibility for their learning and participate in all individual and group activates to the best of their ability.

Major Concepts/Content: The photography course is designed to introduce the camera and basic digital editing techniques: Techniques such as exposing, digital developing, and enlarging film; composting and cropping; using filters, multiple printing, and exposure; will be taught in this course.

Major Instructional Activities: Instructional activities will provide practice in using a variety of photographic tools and equipment. Students will produce black and white photographic prints and produce a photographic essay using prints or slides.

Major Evaluative Techniques: Students will be required to demonstrate the proper use and care of photographic tools and equipment. Student photography will be evaluated for originality, craftsmanship, effort, time utilization, and quality with consideration given to individual students' talent, experience, and/or limitations. Both written and oral tests will be used to evaluate knowledge of course content.

***Students will learn to edit their images using Adobe Photoshop and various other software applications.

Other Objectives: Upon completion of the photography course, students should be able to:

1. Create Works of Art

§  Describe the functions of camera parts.

§  Demonstrate the use of photographic tools and equipment.

§  Demonstrate the making of a photogram.

§  Produce a photographic essay using prints or slides.

§  Distinguish various kinds of photographic paper, chemicals, and film.

2. Demonstrate Aesthetic Perception

§  Explain photography as a valid art form.

§  Recognize various feelings that photographs may evoke.

§  Recognize the impact of photography on our daily lives.

3. Develop a Knowledge of Art Heritage

§  Describe the historical overview of photography as an art form.

§  Discuss photography as an historical record.

§  Identify the photographic work of current artists.

§  Identify career options in the field of photography,

4. Utilize Critical Judgment of the Visual Arts

§  Judge the effectiveness of a photograph relative to the elements and principles of design.

§  Discuss the photography of peers.

§  Decide which photographs, from a group of selected commercial photographs, most effectively convey concepts, feelings, and products.

§  Assist in the selection of photographs for exhibition.

5. Imaging Software:

·  Use imaging software to demonstrate a thorough understanding of file formats

·  Using the work area and work spaces

·  Importing, exporting and saving

·  Creating and using layers

·  Retouching

·  Outputting to print and outputting for the web


Primary: The Photographic Eye
Supplemental: Photo Course, An Interactive Multi Media Text
Perfect Digital Photography
Nikon Digital Camera Users Manuals


Mark / Percentage / Meaning
A / 90-100 / Excellent
B / 80-89 / Good
C / 70-79 / Average
D / 60-69 / Poor
F / 50-59 / Failing/Unacceptable

Homework: 20%

Projects: 35%

Chapter Tests: 45%

Materials Needed:

USB Flash Drive (@ least 1 GB)


Classwork Policies

Students will be required to demonstrate the proper use and care of photographic tools and equipment. Student’s photographs will be evaluated for originality, craftsmanship, effort, time utilization, and quality with consideration given to individual students' talent, experience, and/or limitations. Both written and oral tests will be used to evaluate knowledge of course content.

**Tutoring is available Monday-Thursday from 1500-1600 with advance notice.

Homework Policies

Students will be given class time to work on most assignments. Assignments not returned on time will post a score of zero. All graded work is to be made up within the allotted time of return from excused absences or a zero will be posted. I do not accept late work unless it was a result of an EXCUSED absence. Otherwise, all assignments are due on the due date.

Written assignments should be typed and printed in advance of the class period. General guidelines for such assignments are as follows: one inch margins, 12 pt Arial font, double spaced. Your name and class period should be noted in the upper right hand corner. Handwritten assignments will not be accepted.


Students will be required to demonstrate the proper use and care of photographic tools and equipment. Student’s photographs will be evaluated for originality, craftsmanship, effort, time utilization, and quality with consideration given to individual students' talent, experience, and/or limitations. Both written and oral tests will be used to evaluate knowledge of course content.

Attendance/Tardy Policy

Students are expected to attend and participate in all class periods. Students not seated in their seats when the tardy bell rings will be marked tardy*. Tardy consequences are administered as set forth in the student handbook:

Tardy #1: verbal warning

Tardy #2: letter to parents

Tardy #3: referral to office

Tardy #4: Administrative punishment

*if you are more than 10 minutes late, you will be considered truant

Behavior Guidelines

It is expected that you will behave like a young adult in all circumstances, being respectful of yourself, your teacher and your fellow students. Any behavior that results in a disruption of class activities will merit progressive levels of reprimand for each issue to include: warning, student conference, parent conference, removal from class, and referral to office.

Classroom Policies:

When in the PTS classroom, all school rules put forth in the parent/student handbook will be strictly adhered to. In addition to the student handbook, the following must be followed in order to insure maximum learning is accomplished as well as safety in the laboratory environment.

Ø  Horseplay will not be tolerated in any form. Students grabbing, hitting, acting like they are hitting or throwing things will be removed from the class. Parents and administration will be notified about this behavior.

Ø  Students will be in their assigned seat or work area, with their needed tools/supplies out ready for work, when the tardy bell rings.

Ø  Students will follow all safety rules while working in the classroom.

Ø  Students will remain in the designated work area at all times.

Ø  Photo students will be allowed to leave the classroom to accomplish photo assignments as assigned. They will remain on school grounds at all time. Leaving the class with out permission from the instructor & leaving school grounds will be grounds for disciplinary action.

Ø  While taking pictures around the school, students will not interfere with or interrupt another class. Reports from teachers and staff members that students are disruptive will result in suspension of out of class activities. This will impact a student’s ability to accomplish all assignments in a timely manner.

Ø  Students will not leave the classroom/lab at the end of the period until properly dismissed by the instructor. Dismissal will be granted once all cameras and equipment have been secured in their appropriate places.

Ø  Students will perform daily clean-up activities as needed, during the allocated clean up time. All clean up must be accomplished prior to dismissal from the classroom. Late excused slips will not be issued for the next class, so it is imperative that every student stops working and start cleaning up once the clean up time is announced.

Ø  Student will turn in all assignments and projects on the designated due date in order to receive credit. It is recommended that students turn in assignments even if no points will be awarded, so that they have the needed information to study when test or quizzes are given.

Ø  Students will not make any changes to the established setup of the computers used in the PTS laboratory.