MINUTES, February 11, 2013

The meeting was called to order at 7:31 p.m. Present were Chairman Ray Bonker, Joseph Sabatini, Scott Olson, William Schilling, Andy Kimm, Caryn Segal, Lisa Shimamoto and SecretaryCindy Church. Also present was Sandy Urgo, from The Land Conservancy of New Jersey.

Closed Session 7:32 p.m. (see separate minutes)

Open Session 7:51 p.m.

Green Acres Offering (Cranberry Ledge)- Green Acres has agreed to proceed with the Cranberry Ledge acquisition. It will soon be assigned to a Green Acres Project Manager, at which point they will begin the due diligence.

Trail Mapping/GPS services-The Land Conservancy will be GPS’ing and mapping the Mansfield Woods Trail and the Glenside Woods Trail in February (weather permitting).

Foreclosure Status –Joe will bring an update on the foreclosures to the next meeting.

Approval of December 2012 minutes-Scott made a motion,which was seconded by Caryn;all in favor to approve the December2012 minutes.

Open Space Financial Report – Joe reported that there is $760,287.55 in the local open space trust fund. In the reserve for debt service there is $427,814.25.

Tamarack Park– A Planning Board courtesy review is anticipated for the first meeting in March, which Cory will attend. Adjustments have been made to the plan including removingsome of the grass parking, and creating a circular turn around to improve circulation at the parking lot on the route 206 side. Cory is ready to move forward and should have a quote available by next week on the cost of the project. Joe believes Cory is on target as compared tohis original estimate. Cory wants more information on the well that is on the property and will do a well test. Scott wants to get feedback from the Township Council at its next meeting as to what to do with the building that is on the property.

Deer Management Ordinance- After review of the draft Deer Management Ordinance, Caryn made a motion to present it as a recommendation to the Township Council. Andy seconded the motion; all in favor.

Joe made a recommendation to have a representative from the Open Space Committee present at the public hearing for the ordinance.

Environmental Commission Update- Scott reported on the following:

  • The State approved the Highlands Trail extension that goes to the Salt Gastropub and that will be called the Cat Swamp Connector. The NY/NJ trail conference is working with the “Salt Shakers”, a running group that will adopt and maintain the trail. The trail has been approved to be marked and blazed.
  • Mt. Olive Trail Grant - $25,000 grant coming up this spring. Work is being done from Stanhope across to Mt. Olive connecting into the Sussex Branch Trail. There will be a small section in Byram.

New Business –

  • Scott reported on a Land Conservation rally on March 9, 2013. Go to .org/rally for information.
  • Scott has been speaking with Eileen Swan, who is with NJ Conservation Foundation, about doing three pilot projects for easement monitoring. They want to put together a complete project on what you do to go about monitoring conservation easements and open space plans. She would like to use a town in the Pinelands, a town in Highlands and Suburban/Urban town. She inquired if Byram Township would be interested in being a pilot program in the Highlands. It would be all volunteer time. Grants would need to be obtained. The end result would be a GPS mapped database of all Township easements. Joe said that this is information that can be researched in deeds. Joe mentioned that Sussex County is doing something similarand suggested having Eileen contact the County to see if she can tap into what they are already doing. This would be an easement layer added to the County GIS system. The Open Space Committee wants more information to see how it could be used with existing tools. Scott will discuss this with Eileen and will report back.

Adjourn: 8:49p.m. Motion by Scott.