Meeting of the Gods!

·  You will get to play the part of a god or mythological creature for one day.

·  You will prepare by doing research in the library.

·  You will write an introduction and a story about yourself, using feedback from your teacher to help you write a typed, polished final version.

·  In your oral presentation, you will use a name card and name tag to identify yourself, introduce yourself using correct pronunciation, present a picture of yourself and a prop or symbol that represents you, and tell your story.

·  Requirements are below; costume is optional.

Requirement / Due Date / Points / Comments /
Research in the LMC: stay on task; gather information & materials / of 5
·  Type an introduction including your relationship to other gods/characters and some basic facts about you.
·  In your own words, retell a story about yourself, including how you’re still alive. Use first person.
·  Tell how you’re alive today (min. 5 examples unless otherwise approved by teacher) – business or product names; autos or other transportation; bands; songs, books, movies, plays (titles or references)
·  / of 10
Submit your first draft, which should be about a page, typed, double-spaced, 12 point font. The final version will be due the day you present. / of 5
Prepare for your oral presentation (3 minute maximum):
·  Name card for desk: 6” x 10” – Decorate and be creative! Pronounce your name correctly. / of 5
·  Name tag to wear: 2” x 3” – be creative! / of 5
·  Picture – find or create; 8.5” x 11” / of 5
·  Find or create a three-dimensional symbol or prop that represents you. / of 5
·  Orally present yourself, by explaining your picture and prop, retelling your story, and telling how you’re still alive. / of 5
·  Hand in the final version of the typed introduction, story, and how you’re still alive; should be well written and free of errors. / of 15
TOTAL / of 60

Cast of Characters


Zeus/Jupiter (male)

Hades/Pluto (male)

Hestia/Vesta (female)

Hera/Juno (female)

Demeter/Ceres (female)

Poseidon/Neptune (male)

Hephaestus/Vulcan (male)

Aphrodite/Venus (female)

Ares/Mars (male)

Athena/Minerva (female)

Apollo/Phoebus (male)

Artemis/Diana (female)

Hermes/Mercury (male)

Dionysus/Bacchus (male)

Titans (male & female)

Prometheus (male)

Mt. Olympus

Persephone/Proserpine (female)

Eros/Cupid (male)

Phaeton (male)

Narcissus (male)

Echo (female)

Psyche (female)

Hercules (man)

the Amazons (female)

Iris (female)

Nereids (female)

Medusa (female)

Circe (female)

the Muses (female)

the Fates (female)

Epimetheus (male)

Calypso (female)

Hecate (female)

Dryads (female)

Charon (male)

Furies (female)



Charybdis & Scylla




Calydonian Boar

Dragon of Boeotia


Nemean Lion


Geryon (male)

Daedalus (male)

Icarus (male)

King Minos (male)

Perseus (male)

Orpheus (male)

Jason (male)

Theseus (male)

Oedipus (male)

Amycus (male)

Anteus (male)

Pandora (female)

Sybil, Oracle of Delphi (female)

Name Date Hour

Character Name

American (N & S)

Name Date Hour

Character Name

Quezalcoatl (male)

Wirakocha (female)

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Corn Woman

Star Woman

Moon and Sun







Name Date Hour

Character Name


Name Date Hour

Character Name

Thor (male)

Odin (male)

Loki (male)

Beowulf (male)

Sigurd/Siegfried (male)


Name Date Hour

Character Name

Egyptian - Osiris (male), Isis (female), Horus (male), Hatshepsut (female), Gilgamesh (male), Hathor (female), Ra (male), Seth (male), Nephthys (female), Sphinx (female)

Chinese – Yi, the Archer (male)

Celtic - Drabne (female), Pig’s Ploughman (male), Finn MacCool (male)

Indian – Rama (male), Vishnu (male), Shiva (female)

African – Spider, Tortoise

Or another character approved by your teacher.