Happy New Year to you all!

Friends of Brabin’s Bingo
Friday 29th January 2016
at Chipping Village Hall – eyes down at 7.45pm.
Free bingo book to every child accompanied by a paying adult.
We hope that you are able to support this fundraising event.
We will be having a non- uniform day on Friday 22nd January. We are asking, in return, for donations towards bingo prizes (box of chocolates or biscuits, bottles etc.)
Your support is invaluable.
Thank you in advance.
Tower Wood Residential
There will be an information meeting for Y5/6 parents and children about the forthcoming Tower Wood residential. This meeting will take place on Friday 22ndJanuary at 3.20p.m. in the school hall.
At this time, there will be an opportunity to ask any pertinent questions. Also, medical and consent forms will be distributed.
If you are unable to attend, please inform Mrs Wallace as it is essential that all parents receive the necessary information. /
Curriculum Enrichment

Author/Illustrator visit
We look forward to working with Stephen Waterhouse on Friday 15thJanuary. The children will participate in a workshop with Stephen and, they will then, produce a piece of artwork to be displayed in our school library.

Whole School History Day
On Friday 22nd January we will be organising a whole school History enrichment day with a focus on British Kings and Queens. There are lots of interesting activities planned for the day.

We have, once again, had reports of headlice and appreciate that this can be very frustrating. It is important that we are vigilant and ask if everyone could please check their child’s hair regularly.
It would be helpful if long hair could be tied back at all times to minimise the problem. It is also perhaps a good time to remind everyone that it is school policy that hair should be tied back for Physical Education. /
School Office
Dinner payments for this half term:
30 Days: £60
The final Tower Wood
payment is due by 20th
January 2016.
Safeguarding notice:Please can you inform the office if your child is due to go home with someone other than the usual person (i.e. going home with a friend).

Friends of Brabin’s
The next meeting will take place on Thursday 14th January at 3.15pm in school to plan the Bingo event. Your support would be welcome.

Online Mathematics Homework
We have recently introduced a new on-line maths homework programme. You will have recently received/or will shortly receive a separate letter which will contain further information, including login details. The work set will link to lesson content.
Star of the Week Awards
Week ending: 8thJanuary
Reception:Emma P
Y1/2:Eden D
Y3/4:Grace M
Y5/6: Isak B

What’s on this half term:

Friday 15th January / Closing date for primary school applications for September 2016 intake
Wednesday 20th January / Y5 Hockey skills training at Longridge High school – Cluster event – 1.45-3.00pm. PE kit, Shinpads and drinks please.
Friday 22nd January / Non Uniform day – donation of Bingo prize please
Friday 29th January / Messy Church 3.15pm- 4.30pm
Tower Wood Information meeting – 3.20pm school hall
Half Term holiday – Monday 15th – Friday 19th February
Pupils return to school on Monday 22nd February


We hope you all had lovely Christmas, and Happy New Year. Many thanks to everyone who supported our Christingle Service last term; we are delighted that £227.55 was raised for the work of the Children's Society.

Looking ahead for 2016, Junior Choir will beginagain from Friday 8th January from 3.15 - 4.30pm, if your child would like to attend please let school know and they will be collected from school; if your child attends after school club they can also be returned to CCCA afterwards as long as arrangements are discussed with CCCA. The next Messy Church will take place on Friday 29th January 3.15pm - 4.30pm.

St Bartholomew's Church

At Thursday break time, we have a weekly cross-country club. We are delighted that many of the children in KS1 have also shown an interest in taking part. If your child would like to join in, please ensure that they have trainers in school on this day.