Lower St. Croix Valley Joint Cable Communications Commission


Meeting Minutes of August 5, 2009

Lakeland City Hall

Lakeland, MN

Present: Richard Glasgow, Council Member, Lakeland, Randy Kopesky, Mayor, Lakeland Shores, Pat Snyder, Mayor, Afton, Elizabeth Kemling, Council member, Lakeland Shores, Deb Legrid, Council member, Lake St. Croix Beach, Joe Freesmeier, Council member, St. Mary’s Point

Next Meeting Date

The next meeting is September 2, 2009 at 6:30 pm at Lakeland City Hall.

Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting was called to order by Chair Glasgow at 7:05 pm and pledge recited.

Approval of May 13, 2009 Minutes

Corrections made to include Deb Legrid as an attendee to the May 13, 2009 meeting and change language in Treasurer’s Report to reflect stamps of $42.00 were paid for instead of the post office box fee. Motion by Pat Snyder and seconded by Deb Legrid to approve minutes. Carried by all ayes.

Periodic Evaluation of the Franchise Agreement

Kathi Donnelly Cohen’s responses to each of the matrix items were reviewed in detail. Richard Glasgow and Deb Legrid will contact Kathi to ask for second quarter report that displays the dollar figure each city receives in revenue. This will assist in determining the five city disbursement ratios. Maps of each city’s cable serviceable addresses were distributed. These maps are sensitive in nature and should be held close and returned to Randy Kopesky after each city reviews and authenticates the addresses. The following people have the maps for their respective city: Pat Snyder, Richard Glasgow, Deb Legrid, Joe Freesmeier, and Elizabeth Kemling.

Discussion occurred on how to disburse the quarterly funds to each city. Options included the funds should be disbursed by how many subscribers there are in each city or amount of percent of revenue generated by each city. No action was taken as additional information need to be gathered before a decision can be made.

Treasurer Report

Beginning balance in May 2009 is $33,882.18 and after paying all bills and invoices ending balance is $44,342.96. Motion by Richard Glasgow and seconded by Elizabeth Kemling to approve bills and invoices. Carried by all ayes.

Motion by Randy Kopesky and seconded by Elizabeth Kemling to buy a locked 4 drawer file cabinet for Lakeland City Hall to hold LSCVJCCC documents not to exceed $400.00. Carried by all ayes.

Commissioner Reports

No commissioner reports.

Review and Approve Bills/Invoices

See Treasurer’s report.


Motion by Elizabeth Kemling and seconded by Randy Kopesky to adjourn the meeting. Carried by all ayes. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.

Minutes taken, transcribed and respectfully submitted by,

Randy Kopesky, Secretary, LSCVJCCC, October 7, 2009