Consultation on the draft policy framework will be undertaken state-wide from the 4st November until the 28th November 2014. The document can be downloaded from

Feedback can be provided in a number of ways including:

·  Attending a meeting or forum to obtain feedback;

·  Conducting a workshops with services or community groups;

·  Conducting individual interviews;

·  Providing a written response for submission via email ;

·  Electronically using an online survey:; or

·  Online at the DHHS public website:

If you have any questions or wish to arrange a forum or interview please contact a member of the DHHS, BAPC project team. Please return your feedback and response to the consultation questions to


Project Manager: Linda Proietti Wilson Ph: 6777 2985 E:

Project Officer: Annabelle Bond Ph: 6777 2984 E:

Better Access to Palliative Care Ph: 6777 2997 E:

1.  Orientation and engagement:

Q.  What does healthy dying mean to you?

Click here to enter text.

2.  Vision:

‘All Tasmanians have access to quality and appropriate care as they reach the end of their life’.

Q.  What is your opinion of the vision for healthy dying in Tasmania?

Click here to enter text.

3.  Policy Statement:

‘Dying is recognised, acknowledged and supported by all parts of the Tasmanian community and its services. The Tasmanian community, Government and service providers are committed to a healthy dying approach and people with life limiting conditions and their families receive palliative and end of life care that is appropriate and responsive to their needs’.

The policy statement has been developed using a public health approach. This is a population based approach that incorporates health promotion, prevention, harm reduction and moves end of life care from a service system perspective to a whole of community approach.

Q.  Is the public health approach to healthy dying achievable for Tasmania?

Click here to enter text.

Q.  Is there anything that needs to be added to the healthy dying framework policy statement? If so please state what this is.

Click here to enter text.

4.  Principles

These policy principles describe the requirements of end of life care in Tasmania:

1.  Death is part of the experience of life.

2.  The final stage in a person’s life is a uniquely important time for the dying person and their family and close friends.

3.  Talking about, planning and preparing for death and dying is essential for healthy dying.

4.  Knowing about options and making choices is critical to supporting the dying person and their family to identify preferences and make informed decisions about how end of life care will be provided.

5.  Respect for individual choices, preferences and wishes by care givers is essential to ensure that an individual’s needs, wishes and preferences are addressed.

6.  Shared decision making between clinicians and patients and their families increases the likelihood of a good death.

7.  Relationships are important, the quality of end of life experiences impacts on the longer term health outcomes for the bereaved.

8.  End of life care is person centred and focusses on the needs of the individual and the family.

9.  Safe, high quality care is contemporary and collaborative, delivering appropriate best practice services and working in partnership with individuals, families and carers.

10.  Support for families, if needed, continues after death and bereavement care is accessible and appropriate

Q.  Can you please provide feedback regarding the principles for end of life care in Tasmania?

Ø  What needs to be added?

Ø  What needs to be removed?

Click here to enter text.

Q.  Will these key principles help to guide how end of life care is delivered in Tasmania?

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5.  Pillars of the Framework

Three pillars represent the essential components required to deliver a healthy dying framework in Tasmania, these are:

·  Having the conversation

·  Delivering end of life care

·  Bereavement care

Q.  Do these three pillars accurately represent the essential components for delivering a healthy dying framework in Tasmania?

Click here to enter text.

Q.  What is your opinion of the pillars? Are there any gaps? If so what are they?

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6.  Mechanisms for Delivery

The mechanisms represent the processes and systems required to deliver a sustainable healthy dying framework, these are:

·  Community Capacity Building

·  Workforce and sector development

·  Communication and coordination networks

Q.  Are these the right mechanisms for the delivery of end of life care in Tasmania?

Click here to enter text.

Q.  What other processes that might be helpful to support the adoption and implementation of the healthy dying policy in Tasmania?

Click here to enter text.

7.  Priority Areas For Action

In delivering the framework, three priority areas for action have been identified, these include:

·  Development of a public engagement strategy

·  Development of a bereavement strategy

·  An end of life care strategy for Tasmania’s health and community sector

Q.  What is your opinion of the priority areas for action that have been identified in the policy framework?

Ø  What needs to be added?

Ø  What needs to be removed?

Click here to enter text.

Q.  Are there any other priority areas for action? If so please state what they are.

Click here to enter text.

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on this policy document.

We appreciate your comments and suggestions.

Please return your feedback and response to the consultation questions to:

Linda Proietti Wilson E: or

Annabelle Bond E: or

Better Access to Palliative Care E: or

Better Access to Palliative Care, Private Bag 1963, Launceston, TAS 7250.