“South Central Community Foundation wants to know how you can make a difference in your K-12 classroom with $100.00”

SCCF has adopted the grassroots style of grant making. Grassroots grant making brings the community to the foundation and the foundation to the community. Grassroots grant making is a community based grant making approach that strengthens and connects local non-profit organizations, schools, churches and their leaders in OUR rural communities.

More often than not, funders involved in this type of grant making combine modest grants with technical assistance, training, leadership development and convening to enable grantees to become better connected with one another and other resources in the community.

South Central Community Foundation recognizes that with increasing Federal Educational cutbacks, it has become increasingly difficult to include “enrichment” projects in the curriculum. The Teacher’s $100 Grant is designed to provide funding for a classroom project or field trip that is no longer in the school’s educational budget. We understand many devoted teachers spend hundreds of dollars annually providing these projects for their students.

In order to promote the mission of South Central Community Foundation, a grant recipient’s (or their representative’s) story and/or photograph(s) may be used in SCCF news releases, newsletters and printed materials, website, Facebook and other media for an indefinite period of time.

To keep things simple and your precious time to a minimum, please complete the following application and provide the required information. We appreciate you!

A completed and signed application must be received at SCCF office by 4:00 p.m. Friday, August 30, 2013, OR postmarked by Saturday, August 31, 2013. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

*Determinations will be made at the beginning of October and funds will be disbursed within your county during the month of October or early November 2013.*

Name of School: / USD #:
Address of School:
Tax I.D. #: / Phone # (school):
Teacher Applying: / Phone #:
Email address:
Grant Writer (if different): / Phone #:
Email address:

1.  Application must be typed and include county and/or multi-county in top, right corner.

2.  Budget $100 (explain use of funds):

3.  Answer the following three questions:

a)  “What can you do with $100.00 in your classroom that you would ordinarily pay for yourself or have to ask your students to pay for?” Example: field trip, class project, learning activity.

b)  “How will doing this project enrich the lives of your students?”

c)  “How many students will benefit from this project, activity, or field trip?”

Signature of fiscal agent or board president:
(Fiscal agent is the person who is financially responsible for the school)

Media, Website, and Social Media Release Form

I give permission to the South Central Community Foundation to use my (or my representative’s) photograph(s) and/or story for the purpose of promotion by the South Central Community Foundation, such as news releases, newsletters, website, and/or social media for an indefinite period of time.

Signed: ______Printed Name: ______

Date: ______

The original signed application and social media release form

must be received at the SCCF office

114 West Fifth Street, Pratt

by 4:00 p.m. Friday, August 30, 2013,

OR postmarked no later than Saturday, August 31, 2013.

County: / ABCDEFG
Name of School: / High School / USD #: 000
Address of School: 123 S. First / Pratt, KS 67124
Tax I.D. #: 00-0000000 / Phone # (school): 000-000-0000
Teacher Applying: Jane Doe / Phone #: 100-100-1000
Email address:
Grant Writer (if different): / Phone #:
Email address:

BUDGET: $100.00 used to: purchase music for High School band class and High School jazz band class. “Concerto” for our HS Band = $65.00; “Blues” for our HS Jazz Band = $45.00. Total amount = $100.00.

1.  What can you do with $100.00 in your classroom that you would ordinarily pay for yourself or have to ask students to pay for?

Each year I introduce a new composer or composition that I feel would best improve my student’s musical talent. I would like to purchase two compositions for my students; one for the HS Band entitled “Concerto” and one for my HS Jazz Band entitled “Blues”. Both explore different musical concepts and techniques that the students have not seen before.

2.  How will doing this project enrich the lives of your students?

The two pieces I have chosen for my bands asks them to create a mental picture of the title, engaging the students in interpreting the music while rehearsing and performing the music. When the final performance is accomplished, it is these musical experiences that students tend to remember for years because their personal images were included in the interpretation of the performance.

3.  How many students will benefit from this project, activity, or field trip?

In the HS Band, there are 92 students that will help perform “Concerto.” There are 16 students in the HS Jazz Band that will perform “Blues.”

Signature of fiscal agent or board president: / John Smith
(Fiscal agent is the person who is financially responsible for the school)
Date: August 15, 2013