
Tight analysis of routing with 1 constraint:

Last time: O (D · |V|2) time for dynamic programming

gd (v) = min g(v’) + c(v, v’)


(v,v’) Î E

overestimate for sparse graphs (most graphs are sparse)


Consider particular d

v = {v1, v2, …}


g d (v1) , g d (v2) …

# of neighbors of v2

time to compute #

of neighbors v1


total time to compute g d (v1) , g d (v2) …

= # of neighbors of v1

+ # of neighbors of v2

+ …

+ # of neighbors of v|v|

= 2 · |E|

so, running time is D· 2 · |E| = O (D |E|) (tight analysis)

still not good enough because of D

Approximation Algorithm:

Find a path of delay at most D s.t. its cost is at most (1 + e) · optimal cost


e = ½ , optimal solution is a path with delay <= D and cost 80

Approximation Algorithm will return a path with delay <= D and with

cost <= 80 · (1 + e) = 120

Running time: O (|V|·|E| / e)

Set e = 0.1 O (|V|·|E|· .10) = O (|V|·|E|)

Running time becomes totally dependant on the size of the graph.


Given a network, certain nodes are multicast nodes M Í V

Find a “cheap” way of connecting these nodes.

= multicast nodes. All multicast nodes are connected in a tree. Find min-cost such tree

Theorem: finding the minimum cost multicast tree is NP-complete

Steiner tree:


Simple Heuristic:

G = (V, E) , M

Find MST over G

prune to

prune all leaves which are not in M until no such leaves are left

Running time:

construct MST: |E| · log |V|

pruning: linear

O (|E| LOG |V|) time //total cost big over estimate

Different Variant:

Shortest path tree, same procedure

This give an |E| approximation

O(|E| log |V|)