Kaua`i Community College

2014 Annual Program Review for

Office of Continuing Education and Training (OCET)

October 31, 2014

Program Description

The Office of Continuing Education and Training (OCET) is committed to providing effective customized training that responds to the professional and personal development needs of our community's lifelong learners.

Non-credit course offerings are also available through the Office of Continuing Education and Training (OCET) to meet the needs of businesses and visitor industries, farming and agriculture, vocational upgrading, retraining for dislocated and incumbent workers along with professional development and job enhancement. Flexible, timely responsiveness to needs beyond the traditional college curriculum are the hallmark of Kauai Community College’s non-credit program.

The Performing Arts Center, International Education, Hoouluwehi classes on the KCC Farm, and the iCan remedial program (part of the C3T grant) are also part of the division’s oversight.

Part I. Quantitative Indicators

2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2013-14
Total Number of Working Adults / 31,850 / 33,700 / 32,700 / 33,850*
Average Number of KCC Full-Time Faculty and Staff / 175 / 175 / 178 / 202
Efficiency, Non-Credit Programs
Total Enrollment / 1,609 / 1,599 / 1794 / 2076**
Total Number of In-Service Training for KCC Faculty & Staff / 37 / 12 / 2 / 42
Average Enrollment Per Class / 12 / 12 / 11 / 11
Revenues Generated / $185,656 / $279,040 / $305,833 / $311,077
Customized Classes or Contracts / 15 / 20 / 18 / 18
Evening/Weekend Classes / 79 / 81 / 84 / 78
Distance Learning / 9 / 88 / 91 / 68
Efficiency, International Education (non-credit)
Number of Groups Served / 3 / 3 / 4 / 5
Total Enrollment / 60 / 61 / 53 / 69
Revenues Generated / $29,291 / $29,580 / 31,840.60 / $43,955
Efficiency, Performing Arts Center / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013***
Total Events / 92 / 75 / 109 / 100
Total Attendance / 21,053 / 16,117 / 21,114 / 20,946
Total Gross Revenues / $73,733 / $57,887 / $77,167 / $92,730

*Source: Hawaii Workforce Informer **Conferences and Events = additional 6,830 + 2,076 makes the total enrollment 8,906 ***Figures based on calendar year Jan-Dec not fiscal year, Total OCET attendance with PAC= 29,852

Part II. Analysis of the Program

Total non-credit enrollment increased in 2013-14 by 16 % by 282 students. Revenue also increased by 2% by $5,244 with the addition of Office of Hawaiian Affairs and iCan funds to help cover operating costs.

The Performing Arts Center (PAC) events decreased by 9 events, and attendance was down by 168 individuals, however, PAC revenue was up by $15,563 by 20%, compared to the previous year.

Conference and Events sponsored by OCET or held on campus and serviced by OCET staff accounted for 6,830 people coming to campus. The highlight in June, 2014 was free Tropic Care medical services run by military reserve professionals, utilizing campus facilities for three weeks, and serving 2,454 individuals.

Our college-wide Grant Officer provided information on grant planning and strategies and continued to work to make the grant application and administration procedures conform to UH guidelines and standards.

In FY 2014, KCC submitted grants in Workforce Development, Education and Student Services, Oceanography, Space Science, Nursing, Cybersecurity, Agriculture, Library Science and Mathematics. KCC received two new five year grants:Department of Education grant Title III Part F for $4,046,394; and C3T4 Workforce Development for $1,137,033. Other workforce grants include the Ho'owaiwai Program with OHA for $250,000; and a continued agreement with the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations Workforce Investment Act and Employment and Training Fund programs by identifying appropriate courses and seeking board approval. Two grants in Agriculture are cooperative with UH Manoa, with the KCC portion at ~$50,000. In Oceanography, the Kauai Beach Surveys Project received line-item approval from the State Legislature for $150,000; and the Technology Division received $15,000 from NOAA for developing an underwater observation system. Technology also participated in a UH Space Grant Consortium grant and will receive $50,000 from NASA. The Mathematics Department received a grant for $50,000 from the State Dept of Education for Math and Science Partnerships with High School instructors. Other grants werereceivedby individual departments withNursingrenewingfunding for Nursing Education and Family Health Services with the State Division of Health and Human Services.

iCan (C3T) Programs and Participants 2013 - 2014

Program (& Dates / Students/Outcomes
iCareer Skills EDU8000
Sept 30 - Dec 10 / 10 participants
6 completed the program
4 achieved the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC)
1 enrolled KCC credit program; 2 acquired employment
iCareer Skills EDU8000
Jan 27 - April 17 / 10 participants
7 completed the program
6 achieved the NCRC
3 enrolled KCC credit program; 4 acquired employment
Intro to Biodiesel
March 6 -20 / 4 hrs of iCAN math/science support
5 participants
Green Energy Team Ltd.
(plant operations)
March 22 – April 30 / 60 hrs of iCAN math, science and computer skills support
28 candidates
22 completed the program
10 hired at the biomass plant
Go Farm
April 17 – July 31 / 6 hrs of iCAN math/computer skills support
14 participants
13 completed program
iCompass Prep EDU8010
Feb 4- Aug 13 / 30 participants
20 COMPASS test re-takes
17 raised scores; 9 placed in higher level course
iCareer Skills EDU8000
May 1 - Aug 13 / 4 participants
2 will complete the program
2 achieved the NCRC
2 enrolled KCC credit program
JumpStart Your Digital Lifestyle
July 21 – Aug 1 / 10 participants; including (7) current iCAN students
10 increased typing speed by 15+ wpm
Solar PV Entry Level NABCEP training
July 8 – Aug 21 / 48 hrs of iCAN math/science support
7 participants
7 completed the program
3 of 7 pass the North American Board of Certified Enegry Practioner (NABCEP) test. Note: the national average is 38% pass rate.
TOTALS: 8 courses / 108 enrolled
93 completed courses

Hoʻowaiwai Project Program Participants July 2013 - June 2014

As of June 30, 2014:

56 candidates have been interviewed – 14 accepted;

6 students will be enrolled in credit programs for Fall 2014;

1 students will be enrolled in a non-credit program (iCareer Skills- w/GED prep)

7 students are inactive (currently not enrolled in courses and unable to participate in our job readiness program).

As of Oct 1, 2014:

63 candidates have been interviewed – 23 accepted;

6 students will be enrolled in credit programs for Fall 2014;

6 students will be enrolled in a non-credit program (iCareer Skills- w/GED prep)

11 students are inactive (currently not enrolled in courses and unable to participate in our job readiness program).

Part III. Goal Alignment

UH System Goals, Kaua‘i Community College Goals, and Strategic Goals / Program Activities /
UH Goal 1: Educational Effectiveness and Student Success
KCC Goal 1: Access &
KCC Goal 2: Learning and Teaching
Strategic Goals: Student Recruitment, Retention and Success of All Students and Particularly
Increase success of Remedial/Developmental Students
Non-traditional Students in Career and Technical Programs
Increased Completion of Degrees, Certificates, and Licensure
Improve partnerships with K-12 to improve college preparation and to ensure that students are aware of specific opportunities that KCC provides
Relevant Curriculum Development
o  Sustainability/Green Jobs
o  Health
o  DOE-KCC English Alignment
Increase and improve design and delivery of distance education offerings
Increase transfer rates by strengthening four-year pathways, particularly in STEM fields
Completion of
Course Student Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
o  Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
o  Course Action Forms (CAFs)
Assessment Activities and Analysis / ·  OCET is open to all ages to attend classes as appropriate for their learning goals (and with parent/guardian approval).
·  OCET will continue to offer and expand course offerings in renewable energy and sustainable agriculture.
·  Coordinators continue to work with instructors in submitting course proposal forms with defined SLO's for all courses. Post course evaluations are then reviewed for improvements to the course material.
·  The OCET iCan program offers remedial math and English in conjunction with both credit and non-credit credential programs to increase persistence in credit programs.
·  OCET, also through the iCan program, develops and provides embedded math, science and English instruction as part of non-credit customized workforce training programs.
·  OCET, through the College Grant Officer, participates in several campus committees and works directly with faculty and staff to research and identify promising grant funding opportunities; pursues external grant opportunities with local, national, federal and foundation funding sources that support programmatic and college strategic and long-range directions; and works with all academic programs, student services, and administrative and educational support units to promote successful grant identification submission.
·  OCET, through the Grant Officer, has been successful in obtaining new funding for academic and professional classes, student services and internships and workforce development.
·  The Grant Officer works with KCC Administrative and Financial Officers to initiate, develop, coordinate, facilitate, and maintain effective and timely communication on grant submissions and progress. The Grant Officer keeps abreast of changes and developments and collects and disseminates information relative to available grants.
·  After the grant award, the Grant Officer assists administrators and principal investigators in monitoring and providing oversight on setting up grants and identifies resource development for effective grant administration. OCET also works with the Institutional Researcher to identify student needs, and to develop, implement and improve evaluation plans, and to provide background statistics and analysis for grant preparation.
·  Employment and education statistics for workforce development in green industries, agriculture, Digital Media, and Information Technology and Cybersecurity will be an ongoing process.
UH Goal 2: A Learning, Research and Service Network
KCC Goal 3: Workforce Development & KCC Goal 5: Community Development
Strategic Goals: Increased Job Placement and/or Performance through
o  Revised or New Curriculum
Better Coordination with Business and Industry / ·  OCET Director and Coordinators are active on the Workforce Investment Act Board aligning workforce needs with training opportunities, along with other business and community organizations such as SHRM and Chamber of Commerce.
·  OCET Director and Coordinators are involved in a number of community agencies and organizations and initiatives including the State’s Employee Training Fund, Kauai Workforce Investment Board meetings, business partners and non-profit agencies to offer classes.
·  OCET participated in the preparation of a successful C3T4 grant proposal that will help set up a distributed learning environment for computer sciences and internet technology, and train Health Aides for local schools.
·  OCET, through the iCan program, collaborates with Workwise Kaua’i and the Department of Education’s McKinley Community School for Adults to streamline and enhance education and training opportunities for un-employed and under employed adults.
·  OCET's Ho'owaiwai Project provides 15 hours of job readiness training to its participants. In addition, supports individual job searches and post-employment support for 3 months.
UH Goal 3: A Model Local, Regional and Global University
KCC Goal 6 Diversity
Strategic Goals:
Fostering Global Understanding and Intercultural Competence
Increased Enrollment and Success of International Students / ·  OCET’s International program continues to form new agreements and programs with global markets.
·  OCET's Ho`owaiwai project provides education & training funds to eligible (needs-based) Native Hawaiians for non-credit and credit programs.
·  The OCET Grant Officer attends community meetings of civic and educational organizations such as the Garden Island Arts Council, the County of Kauai Economic Development Boards for Arts and Culture and Agriculture, the Lihue and Wailua Business Associations, Kauai Planning and Action Alliance, and the Aha Moku O Kauai Council.
·  OCET facilitates meetings and forums on topics of community interest.
·  OCET Training Coordinators continue to Co-Chair the CEDS Arts and Culture Forum and Chamber of Commerce with meetings that include marketing and funding concerns common to all the participants.


UH Goal 4: Investment in Faculty, Staff, Students and Their Environment
KCC Goal 4: Personal Development
Strategic Goals:
Professional Development Directed to Any of the Above Goals
Enriching Student Experience, Particularly Directed to Any of the Above Goals
Increasing the Efficiency, Effectiveness and Sustainability of the KCC Environment / ·  OCET Director and Coordinators continue to participate in workshops and webinars regarding in Marketing, Business Operations, etc.
·  OCET staff continues to attend on-campus workshops in the use of UH Google and other information management systems.
·  OCET continues to offer courses to upgrade faculty and staff skills.
·  OCET continues to accept KCC Ed White Scholarship students into its classes.
·  OCET targets small businesses with workshops, on-line courses and conferences.
·  OCET continues to add classes for the Employment and Training Fund (ETF) approval to meet the demands of the business community (both classroom and online).
·  The OCET Grant Officer attends and facilitates training sessions and webinars using ORS training, the Grant Professional Association, Grant watch, The Foundation Center, The Hawaii Alliance of Non-Profit Organizations (HANO), The Administration for Native Americans (ANA), The Hawaii Community Foundation, The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), The Government Services Administration (GSA), the new Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI)information and data website, and the National Science Foundation.
·  In alignment with the DOCET strategic plan, KCC OCET will work with other UH Campuses to participate in collaborative training and education activities.
UH Goal 5: Resources and Stewardship
KCC Goal 5 Community Development
Strategic Goals:
o  Reduce Deferred Maintenance
o  Address Health and Safety Issues
o  Promote Sustainability / ·  OCET will continue to offer and expand its course offerings in renewable energy and sustainable agriculture.
·  OCET works with College- wide Grants Officer to identify new resources to improve and upgrade offerings and to engage the community directly in KCC activities.
·  KCC OCET will continue to work with other UH Campuses regarding implementation and utilization of the Destiny Solutions electronic registration system as a seamless state system.
·  New course areas include identifying certificate programs leading to employment or job advancement; identifying CEUs for clients; recruiting GED recipients as potential college students; engaging advisory groups to review and assess the viability of proposed courses; continue to nurture DOL and other sustainable partnerships.