Table S1. C. elegans mutations/RNAi in genes associated with rectal epithelial cells/ rectum, their response to M. nematophilum and bus-1 expression.
Gene Name / Allele / Description * / Response to M. nematophilum / bus-1 expressionche-14 / ok193 / Essential, sterol-sensing domain protein required for apical sorting in epithelial cells, dispatched related, abnormal CHEmotaxis. / Dar+++;
Some animals are Dar on OP50 / Normal
sem-4 / n1971 / SEx Muscle abnormal, encoding zinc-finger transcription factor, controls neuronal and mesodermal cell development. / Bus or almost no swelling / Normal
lrp-1 / ku156/gld-1(q266) / Essential, Low-density lipoprotein Receptor Related, contains Epidermal Growth Factors and EGF like calcium binding motifs. / ku156 homozygous are Bus
animals are trapped in their cuticle
ceh-6 / ceh-6 RNAi / Essential, C.Elegans Homeobox. / WT / Normal
exc-4 / n2400 / EXCretory canal abnormal, encoding chloride intracellular channel exc-4. / Dar+++;
Some animals are Dar on OP50
lin-59 / sa489 / abnormal cell LINeage, encoding similar to mouse chromatin remodeling factor and Drosophila absent/ small/ homeotic discs. / WT
pop-1 / q624/hT2[qIs48] / Essential, Wnt effector required for polarity-dependent cell fate determination events; generates unequal daughters during asymmetric cell divisions, POsterior Pharynx defect, SYmmetrical Sister cell hermaphrodite gonad defect sys-2. / WT
mab-3 / e1245 / male ABnormal, encoding doublesex mab-3 related transcription factor. / WT; males are not viable / Normal
lin-29 / n333 / zinc finger transcription factor of the C2H2 type / WT
mab-9 / e2410 / Essential, T-box transcription factor, required for posterior body patterning, Male ABnormal. / Dar +++;
Some animals are Dar on OP50; Sick; males are not viable (this work) / Enhanced
egl-26 / n481 / H-box/NC domain / WT
vha-2 / ok619 / vacuolar-type H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) / WT
php-3 / ok919 / Posterior Hox gene Paralog. / WT
mab-5 / e1239 / male ABnormal, abnormal cell LINeage lin-21, encoding Homeobox C member required for cell differentiation. / WT
cdh-3 / pk87 / Fat-like protocadherin required for proper epithelial cell morphogenesis. / Dar +; adhesion / Normal
ceh-13 / ok773 hT2[qIs48] / Essential, C.Elegans Labial/Hox1 Homeobox. / Dar +++
lin-39 / n1880 / abnormal cell LINeage, encoding C.Elegans Homeobox. / Dar +;
almost no adhesion
lin-48 / sa469 / abnormal cell LINeage, encoding putative zinc finger transcription factor. / WT; sick / Normal
itr-1 / sa73 / Essential, Inositol 1 4 5-Triphosphate Receptor, intracellular IP3 gated calcium channel required for multiple complex behaviors, such as male mating, eating or defecation, DEfecation Cycle abnormal dec-4, let-23 Fertility Effector/regulator ife-1. / Bus; no adhesion / Normal
lin-49 / sa470 / Essential, bromodomain protein LIN-49, similar to Homo sapiens BR140, abnormal cell LINeage. / WT
exc-5 / ok271 rh232 / EXCretory canal abnormal, encoding FacioGenital Dysplasia FGD1 related. / Dar+++; very sick;
Some animals are Dar on OP50 / Normal
egl-20 / n585 / EGg Laying defective, encoding wnt homolog. / Dar+
egl-38 / sy294 / EGg Laying defective, abnormal cell LINeage lin-50, encoding paired box protein. / Dar+; Bus / Enhanced
egl-38 / n578 / EGg Laying defective, abnormal cell LINeage lin-50, encoding paired box protein. / Bus / Reduced
C47G7.5 cdh-10 / cdh-10 RNAi / cdh-10 encodes a member of the cadherin superfamily / WT / Normal
mab-23 / e2518 / male ABnormal, encoding putative transcription factor, regulates male sexual differentiation. / WT ; Males are viable; / Enhanced
grd-1 / tm730
[+/szT1[lon-2(e678)] I; grd-1(ok680)/szT1] / encodes a protein that contains a Hog domain (has similarity to Hedgehog) and a novel Ground domain that is closely related to GRD-2 and GRD-11 / grd-1 homozygous are Dar+/
elt-3 / gk122 / Erythroid-Like Transcription factor family member, required for differentiation of all epidermal cells except the lateral seam cells. / Dar+
sox-3 / ok510 / SOX (mammalian SRY box) related. / WT
vab-3/ mab-18 / Essential, PAired boX transcription factor, Variable ABnormal morphology, abnormal cell LINeage lin-20, Male ABnormal mab-18. / Dar+/ Bus
nas-37 / tm410; ox197 / M12A (astacin) family; it contains a catalytic domain, N-terminal secretion signal, EGF-like, CUB, and thrombospondin-1 domains in the C-terminal regulatory region. / Majority are Bus
nas-37 / ox199 / M12A (astacin) family; it contains a catalytic domain, N-terminal secretion signal, EGF-like, CUB, and thrombospondin-1 domains in the C-terminal regulatory region. / Bus and Dar+ ; great variability
peb-1 / cu9/dpy-3(e27) unc-2 (e55) / Pharyngeal Enhancer Binding protein. / Dar + arrested; sick
WT = Dar ++; Dar+ : slight anal swelling; Dar+++: overswelling; Bus: bacterially unswollen.
* Brief descriptions as taken from WormBase.