The regular meeting of the Glendive City Council was held Tuesday, March 6, 2012. Mayor Jerry Jimison called the meeting to order with the following Council members present: Steve Bury, Rhett Coon, Mike Dryden, Leon Baker, Matt Hull, Linda Jones, Gerald Reichert and Carrie Sokoloski. Others present included: Treasurer Kathleen Zander, Director of Operations Kevin Dorwart, Chief of Police Alan Michaels, Assistant Director of Public Works Jack Rice and Recreation Director Dean Svenvold. Fire Chief George Lane was absent.

February 21, 2012 Public Hearing on the proposed water rate increase minutes – Sokoloski moved to approve the February 21, 2012 minutes of the Public Hearing on the proposed water rate increase. Second by Bury and the motion carried with Hull abstaining.

February 21, 2012 regular Council Meeting minutes – Bury moved to approve the minutes of the February 21, 2012 regular Council Meeting, with the correction noted on page four, regarding Dryden voting no for Resolution #2858. Second by Baker and the motion carried, with Hull abstaining.


Ordinance Committee Report – 02/27/12

Members present: Bury, Baker, Hull, Jones Others present: Kevin Dorwart, Jack Rice, Jerry Geiger, Wade Humphrey, Kelsey Bray (Ranger Review) Ty Ulrich, Richard Crouch

Ordinance changes on service connection fees (water and sewer) Action: Committee recommends 1st reading of ordinance changes on Title 10 Chapter 3-2 & 3-3 service connection and rate schedule

Annexation Policy resolution Action: Committee recommends to council to approve resolution on annexation policy as written

Personnel Committee Report – 02/27/12

Present: Council Members: Leon Baker, Steve Bury, Matt Hull, Linda Jones Department Reps & Personnel: Kevin Dorwart, George Lane, Alan Michaels, Ty Ulrich Others Present: Kelsey Bray, Jerry Geiger

Staffing Concerns, Glendive Police Dept - Per a request from the Personnel Committee, Chief Michaels presented us with documentation and proposals regarding staffing at the Glendive Police Department. The Chief included information on calls for service, numbers of felony and misdemeanor cases, arrests and citations. The information indicated significant increases in all those areas. He also included a 2010 statewide report on law enforcement personnel to show how Glendive’s law enforcement staffing compares to other communities. Chief Michaels would like the committee and council to be aware of the likelihood of needing to add a patrol officer and a dispatcher in the near future due to the growth of the community. Regarding the dispatch position, he said there is a possibility that shifts could be adjusted to accommodate the peak hours of service. The committee also briefly discussed the additional costs attached to bringing another officer on board. ACTION: FYI. The committee will continue to work with Chief Michaels and Director of Operations Kevin Dorwart to determine an appropriate and financially responsible course of action.

Senior Patrol Officer - Assistant Chief Ty Ulrich requested permission to begin an internal application process for a promotion to senior patrol officer. He provided the committee with a copy of the duties and responsibilities of the position.

ACTION: The Committee recommends opening up the senior patrol officer position to internal candidates.

Public Comment: Resident Jerry Geiger commended the Chief of Police and his department on being proactive regarding their future anticipated staffing needs.

Meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.

Submitted by Councilman Matt Hull

RFP for Architectural/Engineering Services to assist the City in the design and construction of a new multi-purpose/Ambulance Garage/City Court Building were included in the packets. The public notice has been sent to the Ranger Review to be printed.


Frank Crisafulli, 43 Highway 16, had several questions for the Council concerning the proposed Annexation policy. Most of his questions concerned three areas of interest: 1) the amount of time that will pass between a request for annexation and the time it takes to actually annex a property, 2) once annexed how long will it take to get water/sewer services, and 3) the City timeline for property owners to meet requirements concerning curbs, gutters, etc. after annexation if they are not in place at the time.

Dorwart answered most of the questions will be decided on a case by case basis, so the answer may differ for each situation and what is in each request and proposal.

Kathy Green, 15 Crisafulli Place, had questions and concerns regarding the proposed annexation resolution. She does not want to be forced to give up her water rights to her well or be forced to water her property with City water as that would be too expensive. She urged the Council reconsider the annexation resolution and to spend more time reviewing it before voting tonight.


1st Reading of Ordinance #01-2012 - Amending Chapter 3 Title 10 concerning Service Connections – Reichert moved to approve the 1st reading of Ordinance #01-2012 concerning service connections, with some rewording of the tapping section to explain that owners pay all excavation costs or any cost associated with the water tap.

Resolution #2859 - Establishing a service plan for future annexations - Sokoloski moved to approve Resolution #2859. Second by Bury and the motion carried with Sokoloski voting against the motion.

Recommended Conditional approval of Yellowstone Industrial Park Subdivision – Coon moved to approve the conditional approval of the Yellowstone Industrial Park Subdivision. Second by Hull and the motion carried.

Approval for Advertising Senior Patrol Officer Position to internal candidates – Bury moved to approve the request from Chief Michaels to advertise internally for a Senior Patrol position. Second by Dryden and the motion carried.

Approve Memorandum of Understanding with Dawson County to proceed on Wastewater Treatment Plant – Coon moved to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with Dawson County to proceed on the wastewater treatment plant. Second by Dryden and the motion carried. The MOU is the first step of the process which just proves the City and County are in a general agreement. Another contract will come later, which will be more detailed.

Accounts Payable Claims: $57,470.60 – Hull moved to approve Accounts Payable Claims in the amount of $57,470.60. Second by Coon and the motion carried.

Payroll $205,480.04 – Hull moved to approve Payroll in the amount of $205,480.04. Second by Sokoloski and the motion carried.


Recreation – They are nearing the end of the City league basketball next week. Volleyball finishes Thursday of next week. Spring leagues start this Sunday. The gymnastics classes are all full and there is a waiting list. Resurfacing of the gym went well. Ken and Virginia Young did the floor last Tuesday and it is now curing.

Public Works – The two new employees are up and working. The water service tech person has been installing radio read meters and boxes this week. They have several hundred installed so far. Next week, Neptune and Northwest will be in the water department for training. The Clerk, Rice and Zuroff will be trained on the new software. The crew is doing spring prep work now, getting ready for chip sealing later on. The office has been very busy with developers and contractors. Dorwart, Zuroff and Rice have been working on several policies together. RFPs for the Public Works projects have been sent out. Reichert asked if the traffic plan has been worked out for the County Courthouse. Rice has not seen the traffic plan yet but Public Works will work with the contractors to make sure everything is done properly. The County has not yet granted the bid to any contractor yet.

Finance – There have been a considerable amount of walk in traffic. Dorwart was at the Courthouse several times this week with the MOU. He has been working with the engineering contracts for RFP for the multi-use building. The auditors unexpectedly walked in the door Monday morning and have been keeping us busy. They should be here until Friday.

Police – They have opened the Senior Patrol position and should have up to four internal applicants for interviews. Chief Michaels would like to schedule those before the 20th if possible. Also, the applicant hire list has 7-8 on it now. Chief Michaels will go through any new applicants, make sure everything is there, do the testing, back ground checks and set up interviews. The list will build from there. Chief Michaels was in Sidney this week having discussions with law enforcement officials that have already dealt with some of the Bakken Development. The Attorney Generals from both North Dakota and Montana were present. Those attending offered some very interesting fore sight. There was another meeting in Glendive which was well attended and also very informative. Chief Michaels noted the Glendive Police Department’s role in the arrest of Mr. Larson, in the Susan Casey murder case. He is being held here in Glendive and was arraigned today. This last weekend was very, very busy for the Police Department


March 9th & 10th, 2012 – Makoshika Basketball Tournament

March 14th, 2012 – Leadership Glendive Government Day

March 16th & 17th, 2012 – Celtic Celebration

March 22nd, 2012 – Dawson County Health Fair


Street Committee – Wednesday, 03/14/2012 – 4:30pm

Finance/Utilities/Property/Recreation Committee – Wednesday, 03/14/2012 – 5:00pm


City Court – February 2012 was in the packets.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Dated this 6th day of March, 2012

Approved the 20th day of March, 2012


Jerry Jimison, Mayor



Kathleen Zander, Treasurer