The Playgroup and the Toddler Group are part of the Methodist Church’s Christian commitment to the Layton community .

The friendly Church has close working relationships with Churches of other denominations in the community. Services are held every Sunday morning at 10.45am. (with a Sunday School meeting at the same time). You and your children will be most welcome at all Church activities.

If you would like any more information please get in touch with the Minister.

Layton Methodist Playgroup opened in April 1996. It is registered with OFSTED for 24 children between the ages of 2 years 9 months and 5 years. It is open every morning from 9.15-11.45am. and some afternoons 12.45 – 2.45pm. during term time. It is “owned” and supported by Layton (Salem) Methodist Church and uses the bright and colourful Church Hall and also has a safe outside play area. It seeks to maintain a Christian ethos and actively celebrates the major Christian Festivals - from time to time taking part in acts of worship in the Church. Toddler Group meets on Thursday afternoons 1.00 –2.30pm.

Playgroup is open to the children of the area of any language, race, ethnicity, gender, religion or disability.

We aim to provide

*good quality child care by caring, trained, responsible adults;

*a safe , stimulating environment in which the children can experience and enjoy a wealth of creative, learning/play activities.

*a broad-based balanced curriculum, working towards the early learning goals in the six areas of learning , being:-

personal, social and emotional development

language and literacy


knowledge and understanding of the world

physical development

creative development

We welcome parental/guardian help and input at playgroup - if you wish to help in any way or wish to discuss anything about playgroup, please speak to the Playgroup Supervisor - Sue Leach.

Playgroup’s phone no. whilst the group is in session is 319392.

At other times contact Sue Leach on 392385.


Playgroup sessions are from 9.15 to 11.45am every morning, ( if numbers demand afternoon sessions (12.30 – 2.45pm)may be offered for the younger children ) Children may not be left earlier than the opening time. Please collect your children promptly at the end of the session to prevent them becoming over anxious. If someone other than the parent/guardian is collecting the child , please inform the playgroup supervisor in advance, in writing.

Please do not bring your child to playgroup if they are ill, or have been vomiting or had diarrhoea in the previous 48 hours.

Children’s coats should be marked with their names. It would be helpful if jumpers and cardigans were also marked. It would also help if children had a pair of “pumps” – again marked with their name, to change into on arrival at playgroup, with a named bag to put their shoes in.

Children should come to playgroup in clothes suitable for play. Whilst aprons are available for “messy” activities, playgroup cannot accept responsibility for spoilt, damaged or lost clothes.

Please inform the playgroup supervisor of any special needs, likes / dislikes your child has, to enable them to settle into playgroup as quickly as possible.

We encourage parents to bring their children to playgroup on as many visits as they feel is necessary before they come onto the register. We also welcome parents/guardians into playgroup to help with activities such as reading stories, playing games, helping with craft activities, and talking with the children about their play. This type of help is invaluable to the children’s development and progress and can provide the adult with an interest and even perhaps a new career!! Please speak with Sue if you are interested in doing this.

An Annual General Meeting will be held each year to which all parents/guardians will be invited. At this meeting parent/guardian representatives will be elected on to the Management Committee of the Playgroup.



Playgroup uses the Methodist Church Hall in Layton. The Hall is large and cheerfully decorated, with one wall covered with a mural of well known cartoon/T.V. characters. Storage areas are lockable and health and safety requirements are observed. The outside play area has high fencing and a gate which is only accessible from the inside.

Playgroup strives to ensure that all toys and equipment are safe and of good quality. Equipment and toys are regularly checked and maintained by the staff. Three toilets, two hand-basins with a regulated warm water supply, paper towels and anti-bacterial soap are available for use.


1. Children are encouraged to wash their hands after using the toilet, before eating or taking part in any food related activities.

2. All snacks will be nutritious and pay due attention to individual dietary requirements.

3. Parents are asked not to bring their child to playgroup if they seem unwell or if they have any infection. Please do not bring into playgroup any child who has been vomiting or has had diarrhoea until at least 48 hours has elapsed since the last attack.

4. If a child is taken ill whilst at playgroup, you or your emergency contact will be informed and asked to collect your child as soon as possible.

5. MEDICATION. Medication will not normally be administered by playgroup staff. Arrangements can be made to allow parents/guardians access to give medication at certain times. If this is not practicable then staff may administer medication. The medication must be clearly labelled with the child’s name, dosage and any instructions. Written information will be obtained from the parent giving dosage, instructions and permission for a member of staff to administer the medication. Playgroup will keep a written log of these details together with the signature of the person administering each dose.

6. Individual paper towels will be available for drying hands after using the toilet.

7. Disposable gloves and aprons are available for staff to wear when dealing with accidents involving body fluids.

8. Equipment and surfaces will be cleaned regularly.

9. There is a No-smoking policy on Church property.

10. Children’s drinks will be kept refrigerated until required.

11. No alcohol is allowed on Church premises.


1. Playgroup recognises that the safety of young children is of paramount importance. Children will be supervised by adults at all times.

2. Accidents are recorded in the Accident book and parents/guardians will be informed and asked to sign the appropriate entry. Other incidents are recorded in the Incident Book.

3. On arrival, children will be encouraged to join the group with a member of staff to talk, sing songs, share in poems/nursery rhymes etc. Once parents /guardians have left and doors are secure, the day’s activities will begin. At least one Auntie will be on duty at the door at arrival and at departure time to ensure the children’s safety. At departure time the children will again sit with an Auntie until their parent or other designated person comes to collect them. The playgroup supervisor must be informed if someone other than the parent/guardian is collecting the child - in advance and in writing .

4. Doors will be secured by bolts to prevent children getting out, whilst allowing for a quick exit in case of fire or other emergency.

5. Equipment and toys will be checked regularly by the staff.

6. All electric sockets will be covered by safety covers.

7. Cleaning equipment and materials will be kept away from the children.

8. Children are not allowed in the kitchen or storage areas.

9. Hot drinks are to be consumed by adults in the kitchen or next to the hatch area and kept out of children’s reach.

10. Fire drills will take place at least once per half-term in order to make sure staff and children are familiar with the procedures.

11. Fire exits will be checked regularly by the playgroup supervisor to make sure they are clearly marked and easily accessible whilst playgroup is in session.

12. Fire extinguishers will be checked regularly by the supervisor, by the Church Property Committee, and by the approved Fire Safety Officer

13. In case of fire or other emergency, the children will leave the building by the most convenient and safe exit, with the playgroup leader and other staff/ helpers and assemble outside the Church main doors. The assistant supervisor will check the kitchen and toilet areas , close the doors and join the main group. The register will be taken and the relevant Emergency Services called.

14. A First Aid box is kept in the Playgroup storeroom.


1. No child shall be excluded from playgroup on the grounds of language, race, ethnicity, gender, religion or disability. We aim to be open for ALL children from the locality.

2. The children will be encouraged to value and respect each other as individuals and to have a positive attitude to those of other gender, race, language, culture, ability etc.

3. Playgroup will seek to appoint the best person for each job advertised and treat each worker fairly. Commitment to implementing the group’s Equal Opportunities policy will form part of the job description for all playgroup workers.

4. Toys and equipment will be chosen to give children a balanced view of the world and an appreciation of the rich diversity of our multicultural society.

5. Playgroup will endeavour to meet the needs of all children who come to playgroup, seeking specialist help and / or funding to help those with special needs.


Our aim is to make playgroup open and welcoming to children and their families/carers from all sections of the local community. The waiting list will be operated on a ‘date of birth’ policy i.e. older children will be offered a place before younger ones, though in cases of special need ( at the discretion of the playgroup supervisor ) this may be changed.


Parents/Guardians will be given copies of the term dates and session times at the start of the Autumn Term or when the child takes up a place at playgroup.


Parents /guardians are welcome to visit Playgroup. A number of introductory visits for parents/guardians and child are particularly valuable.

A booklet containing basic information about Playgroup and its policies will be given to all parents /guardians. All details given concerning your child will be kept confidentially


Playgroup believes that children will develop and progress best in a secure and happy atmosphere where there is mutual respect and care for one another and for property. Within this atmosphere we would expect children to develop self-discipline. To achieve this playgroup staff will actively encourage positive behaviour in the children, and seek to provide a positive role-model. Good patterns of behaviour will be endorsed through discussion and story-time.

Unacceptable behaviour will always be discouraged. If a child behaves in an unacceptable way, the child will be told why their behaviour is not acceptable - if necessary the child will be excluded from an activity for a certain time whilst still being under adult supervision. No child will receive physical punishment by playgroup staff. In cases of severe behavioural problems parents / guardians will be informed and after discussion and in partnership with parents, observational records will be made to try and understand the cause.


Staff are aware of bullying issues and will encourage positive behaviour at all times. If, in spite of good role models and positive encouragement, bullying does occur, then both parties will be spoken to, explaining the reasons why bullying is not acceptable, in language the children will understand. Parents of both parties would be informed of the situation.


On arrival, children will be encouraged to join the group with a member of staff (an Auntie) to talk, sing songs, share in poems/nursery rhymes etc. Once the register is taken and parents/guardians have left and doors are secure, the day’s activities may commence. One Auntie will be on duty at the door at arrival and departure time to ensure the children’s safety. At departure time the children will again sit with an Auntie until their parent/guardian or other designated person arrives to collect them. The Playgroup Supervisor must be informed if someone other than the parent/guardian is collecting your child- preferably in writing.


A register of the children will be taken as soon as is practical at the start of the morning session. Doors will be securely closed at all times during the session. In the unlikely event of a missing child, one member of staff will search the immediate vicinity. If the child is not found, the parents / guardians and police will be contacted immediately.


We welcome all children from the local community regardless of language, race, religion, ethnicity, gender or disability.

We aim to provide:-

* a curriculum that will encourage children to value and respect each other as individuals and to have a positive attitude to those with disabilities

* opportunities for all children to participate in playgroup activities, using one-to-one support workers if required and actively seeking funding for this if necessary.