HIRES CCD2 QE Recovery: questions and action items
1. Lick
a) Furnish an estimate of total O2 used in soak for safety review.
b) Consider whether Lick personnel can be present for any or all of the QE recovery work. In particular, can those coming out mid-September arrive a week or two early?
c) Provide required oxygen grade name if “extra-dry” is not a standard grade name.
d) Provide pressure at which to terminate pumping after oxygen soak.
e) Provide description of how dewar window is held in place, and some discussion of how to minimize risks to window from accidental over-pressure during oxygen bleed-in.
f) Check to see what if any of the oxygen soak plumbing was brought back after upgrade installation and coordinate with Keck to ship to Hawaii.
2. Keck
a) Confirm V70 turbo pump is operationally ready for week of Aug 22.
b) Check cleanliness of turbo pump and if necessary develop plan to have it cleaned, and stored such that it is ready for week of Aug 22.
c) Check that we have all necessary plumbing and connections to pump HIRES dewar in-situ. Determine either via inspection or consultation with Lick whether there is procedurally anything unusual about pumping HIRES dewar.
d) Order drum heaters and get expected delivery date.
e) Determine if heaters come with thermal fuses. If not, coordinate with Lick to acquire or fabricate them.
f) Determine whether turbo pump uses convective cooling and confirm heat load acceptable for use inside HIRES.
g) Determine where RGA is stored, who knows how to use it, whether we have all the fittings necessary and detailed written instructions for its use.
h) Order oxygen if not already in stock.
i) Check to see what, if any of the of the oxygen soak equipment was left in Hawaii after upgrade.
j) Determine whether we have clear, step-by-step written instructions for the oxygen soak procedure including how to plumb and which valves to open/close and in what sequence.
k) Distribute final written plans and instructions to all parties for review prior to commencing work.