Sanitary Sewer, Water Main, Storm Sewer, Paving, Street Lights & Incidentals


Sealed bids will be received at the Office of the City Auditor, City Hall, Fargo, North Dakota, until 11:30 o'clock a.m., Wednesday, May 22, 2013 and then opened and read, for the construction of Sanitary Sewer, Water Main, Storm Sewer, Paving, Street Lights & Incidentals, Improvement District No. 6209 on the following:

47th Avenue S and 46th Street S in Osgood 11th Addition

Which will require approximately:

1 - Sanitary Sewer

1006 / 6" Sanitary Sewer / 325.00 / LF
1008 / 8" Sanitary Sewer / 955.00 / LF
1091 / 8" Sanitary Sewer w/Gravel Backfill / 20.00 / LF
1455 / Connect to Existing Sanitary Sewer / 1.00 / EA
1500 / Standard Sanitary Sewer Manhole / 5.00 / EA
1610 / Topsoil - Strip / 1.00 / LS

2 - Water Main

2006 / 6" Water Main / 28.00 / LF
2008 / 8" Water Main / 24.00 / LF
2010 / 10" Water Main / 890.00 / LF
2044 / 2" Cu / 70.00 / LF
2068 / 30" Hydrant Extension / 1.00 / EA
2075 / 5" Hydrant w/Restrained Joints / 4.00 / EA
2106 / 6" Gate Valve / 4.00 / EA
2108 / 8" Gate Valve / 1.00 / EA
2110 / 10" Gate Valve / 1.00 / EA
2121 / 20" Gate Valve / 1.00 / EA
2231 / Cut in Valve / 1.00 / Ea
2250 / Mechanical Joint Fittings / 3100.00 / LB
2361 / Connect Water Service / 1.00 / EA

3 - Storm Sewer

3016 / 15" RCP Storm Sewer / 140.00 / LF
3020 / 18" RCP Storm Sewer / 520.00 / LF
3021 / 21" RCP Storm Sewer / 70.00 / LF
3024 / 24" RCP Storm Sewer / 45.00 / LF
3027 / 27" RCP Storm Sewer / 89.00 / LF
3030 / 30" RCP Storm Sewer / 385.00 / LF
3036 / 36" RCP Storm Sewer / 200.00 / LF
3137 / 36" RCP FES w/Trash Rack / 1.00 / EA
3302 / 7" RC Channel Liner / 46.00 / SY
3474 / Inlet - Single Box (SBI) / 4.00 / EA
3481 / Tied Joints / 4.00 / EA
3500 / Standard Storm Sewer Manhole / 5.00 / EA
3501 / Manhole - Storm Sewer Type A / 5.00 / EA
3502 / Manhole - Storm Sewer Type B / 1.00 / EA
3538 / Remove Manhole / 1.00 / EA
3991 / Storm Water Management / 1.00 / LS
3992 / Temporary Construction Entrance / 2.00 / LS
3993 / Inlet Protection - Existing Inlet / 6.00 / EA
3994 / Inlet Protection - New Inlet / 7.00 / EA
3995 / Silt Fence - Standard / 400.00 / LF
3998 / Fiber Rolls / 250.00 / LF

6 - Paving

3961 / Street Sweeping / 15.00 / EA
4006 / Imported Fill / 9550.00 / CY
4010 / Subgrade Preparation / 3520.00 / SY
4013 / Grade Boulevards / 3875.00 / SY
4040 / Geotextile - Woven Fabric / 3520.00 / SY
4066 / Gravel Base (Class 5) - 8" / 3520.00 / SY
4104 / Curb & Gutter - Standard (Type II) / 2300.00 / LF
4124 / 10" Doweled PC Concrete Pavement / 280.00 / SY
4130 / 6" RC Driveway / 175.00 / SY
4138 / 4" RC Sidewalk / 70.00 / SY
4139 / 6" RC Sidewalk / 7.00 / SY
4157 / 8" Impressioned Concrete / 14.50 / SY
4158 / Median Nose - Concrete / 14.50 / SY
4200 / Aggregate for Asphalt Base Course / 960.00 / TON
4221 / Asphalt Cement / 13000.00 / GAL
4310 / Remove Curb & Gutter / 245.00 / LF
4316 / Det Warning Panels - Polymer Composite / 26.00 / SF
4320 / Remove 4" Concrete Sidewalk / 66.00 / SY
4331 / Remove Asphalt Pavement / 18.00 / SY
4347 / Remove Concrete / 970.00 / SY
4440 / Furnish & Install Floating Casting / 1.00 / EA
4460 / 4" PVC Edge Drain / 2300.00 / LF
4491 / Casting to Grade (Boulevard) / 6.00 / EA
4493 / Gate Valve Box to Grade (Boulevard) / 9.00 / EA
4512 / Traffic Control - Type 1 / 1.00 / LS
4600 / Seeding - Type A / 2000.00 / SY
4601 / Seeding - Type B / 4600.00 / SY
4605 / Mulching - Type 1 / 4600.00 / SY
4607 / Mulching - Type 2 / 2000.00 / SY
9060 / Asphalt Patching / 20.00 / SY

16 - Street Lighting

5012 / 6' Concrete Bases / 11.00 / EA
5018 / #6 USE Cu Conductor / 4965.00 / LF
5019 / #4 USE Cu Conductor / 450.00 / LF
5027 / Remove Bases / 1.00 / EA
5031 / Install Standards & Fixtures / 10.00 / EA
5051 / Relocate Standard & Luminaire / 1.00 / EA
5074 / 1-1/2" Innerduct / 1850.00 / LF
5082 / Luminaire Type "A" / 10.00 / EA
5088 / Light Std. Type A / 10.00 / EA

145 - Site Grading & Incidentals

1803 / Temporary Pumping / 1.00 / LS
3961 / Street Sweeping / 15.00 / EA
4006 / Imported Fill / 5500.00 / CY

183 - Signing

4525 / Type III Barricade / 2.00 / EA
7710 / Relocate Sign Assembly / 2.00 / EA
7730 / Install Sign Assembly / 3.00 / EA
7740 / Engineering Grade Signs / 6.80 / SF
7753 / Diamond Grade Cubed Signs / 5.12 / SF

Bids shall be on the basis of cash payment for work performed. All work included in the contract must be fully completed on or before 8/30/2013.

Bids must be in a sealed envelope plainly marked "Sanitary Sewer, Water Main, Storm Sewer, Paving, Street Lights & Incidentals, Improvement District No. 6209", and attached to the outside of the bid envelope must be A SEPARATE ENVELOPE CONTAINING A LIST OF ALL ADDENDA TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY THE BIDDER OF RECEIPT OF SUCH ADDENDA. THE SEPARATE ENVELOPE SHALL ALSO CONTAIN A BIDDER'S BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF 5% OF THE FULL AMOUNT OF THE BID executed by the bidder as principal and by a surety, conditioned that if the principal's bid is accepted and the contract awarded to the principal, the principal, within 10 days after notice of award, shall execute a contract in accordance with the terms of the bid and a contractor's bond as required by law and the regulations and determinations of the governing body. Countersignature of a bid bond is not required under this section.

All bidders, except a bidder on a municipal, rural, and industrial water supply project authorized for funding under Public Law No. 99-294 [100 Stat. 426; 43 U.S.C. 390a], must be licensed for the full amount of the bid, as required by Section 43-07-05. A copy of the Contractor's License or Certificate of Renewal thereof, issued by the Secretary of State, must be enclosed in the bid bond envelope as required under Section 43-07-12.

No bid may be read or considered if it does not fully comply with these requirements and any deficient bid submitted must be resealed and returned to the bidder immediately.

Plans and specifications are also on file in the office of the City Engineer and the City Auditor, City Hall, Fargo, North Dakota, where they may be examined by any interested person.

Proposals, Plans, and Specifications may be examined and secured via the Internet from the E-Plan Room at: Alternately, plans and specifications and bidder blanks may be purchased from the City Engineer upon payment of $125.00.

The Board of City Commissioners of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, reserves the right to hold all bids for a period of thirty days after the first day fixed for the opening of the bids, and the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any formalities.

City Auditor's Office

(April 22 and 29, 2013)