1. Looking at these three text messages from mobile phones, do you think they are friends or lovers? Why?

Text message on the left / Text message in the middle / Text message on the right
 / Friend
/  / Friend
/  / Friend
 / Lover
/  / Lover
/  / Lover
 / Others:____
/  / Others:____
/  / Others:____
(Students may answer / (Students may answer / (Students may answer
freely, but they need to / freely, but they need to / freely, but they need to
provide reasonable / provide reasonable / provide reasonable
explanation(s).) / explanation(s).) / explanation(s).)
  1. What do you think are the similarities between a good friend and a lover? Please answer according to the items described below.

Similarities between a good friend and a lover
Personality, taste, interests / Probably very similar
When one party is in trouble / Mutually support each other, listen to each other, give each other advice and so on
Time spent together / Often do thingstogether

(Other reasonable and relevant answers are acceptable.)

  1. What do you think are the differences between a good friend and a lover?

Lovers show affections to each other.
Even the best of friends will not have physical intimacy, but it is
commonin lovers. / Lovers showpassion for each other and lovers will react to
each other psychologically and physically.
Lovers make present and future commitment to each other.
A love relationship is usually one-to-one. But we can have many good friends.
(Other reasonable and relevant answers are acceptable.)
  1. What will happen if you treat a good friend like a lover?

Behave intimately towards the other party/ hoping that the other party will
commit to a one-to-one relationship.
The other party may, out of fear, no longer wish to continue with the friendship.
(Other reasonable and relevant answers are acceptable.)
  1. What will happen if you treat a lover like a good friend?

It may be easier to maintain a simple and less interesting relationship.
It may lead to breakup.
(Other reasonable and relevant answers are acceptable.)