September 23, 2008

7:30 P.M.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mike Wegescheide, with the following board members answering to roll call: Wayne Muskopf, Ken Harres, Terry Westhoff, Wellington Lemmer and Glenn Henry. Ron Krick was absent. Steve Muskopf, the Zoning Administrator, was present.

A motion was made by Wayne Muskopf and seconded by Ken Harres to approve the June 24, 2008 minutes. The motion carried unanimously.

Mike Wegescheide announced that there were two hearings on the agenda. Attendees that wanted to testify were sworn in.

V-132 - The first hearing was for a side setback and lot area variance. The applicant’s names are Michael & Claudia Poirot at 10 N. Kossuth, Millstadt, IL, in an R-2 District. Mr. Poirot stated that he has lived at this address for 15 to 18 years and wanted to improve their property. He stated that they wanted to tear the garage down and make a bigger garage. The existing garage is 20’ x 30’ and the new garage would be 20’ x 58’ with 9’ ceilings and an 18’ garage door. Mr. Poirot provided plans of the new structure that will be covered with an architect. Mr. Poirot stated that along with the garage they are asking for permission to build a small 450 sq. ft. hobby building with a porch towards the back of the property. Mr. Poirot provided site plans for the building. Steve Muskopf stated that Mr. Poirot would be permitted 525sq ft. land usage for accessory use area and 870sq. ft. is proposed. The only setback will be for the garage. Mr. Poirot stated they want to close the area with fencing and bushes. Mr. Poirot stated both buildings will have water and sewer. Terry Westhoff made a motion to grant the 18’ side setback for the garage and lot area variance for the garage and studio size. Wayne Muskopf seconded the motion. Mike Wegescheide stated that the variance is the 345 ft. difference in what is allowed and what he is asking for. The motion carried unanimously. Wegescheide stated that the recommendation of the Zoning Board was to grant the variance and the lot area variance. It will go to the Village Board on October 6th at 7:30 p.m.

A38 - The applicant’s names are Deborah & Kristopher Williams at 14 Morgan Lake Drive, Millstadt, IL. The 64 acre property is at 3804 Mine Haul Road in an R-2 District. Ms. Williams stated that she is asking for a zoning amendment from single family residential to agricultural for her property. Steve Muskopf stated that the Planning Committee recommended changing the zoning to agricultural to allow her to subdivide her property. Muskopf stated that Ms. Williams will be supplying future road right-of-way on the entire west side of the property in case another subdivision would need that access. There is a 15’utility easement on the southern boundary. The driveways will have to be oiled and chipped every five years minimum. The road right-of-way is 50ft. The property will be divided into three parcels, one 28, 24 and 10 acres. There will be one for her and one for each of her two children. The parcels will not be for public sale. Muskopf stated that the details will be recorded in the indenture.

Gary Huwer stated he was operating on bad information. In March the plan was for the Williams Prairie Reserve that showed six houses and he is pleased that there will only be three. Mr. Huwer asked Ms. Williams to say there will only be three houses. Ms. Williams stated that only she and her two children are going to build houses. Mike Wegescheide stated we are getting this on record with the detailed agreements. If anything would change, they would have to come back to the Zoning Board. John Kalbfleisch asked if this would be a public road. Ms. Williams stated no. Mr. Kalbfleisch stated that the road is used by the Anglers. Steve stated there may be an easement going into the Anglers that he does not know about. Mr. Kalbfleisch used it to get his farm equipment down the road and it is shown on the old maps. Mr. Huwer gave details on the status of various roads in the area. Ms. Williams stated that there is someone east of her that does have an easement that she knows of because she was told at closing. Mr. Huwer stated that Scott Lutten thinks he has an easement for the Marine Learning Institute.

Mr. Kalbfleisch asked about an ordinance on shooting guns in the Village. Muskopf stated that the shooting is allowed in agricultural ground but not at anyone. Ms. Williams stated that no one in her family are hunters and do not own guns. Mr. Huwer stated that he hunts on his property and he heard that it was one of Ms. William’s friends or relatives shooting. Ms. Williams stated that Mr. Kalbfleisch has her word that it will not happen again when they live there. She stated that they do not have any plans for livestock now. Steve stated that Ms. Williams can have livestock when zoned agriculture.

Terry Westhoff stated that since there were no objections, he made a motion to grant the zoning amendment from R2 back to agricultural. Wellington Lemmer seconded the motion.

The motion carried unanimously. Wegescheide stated that the recommendation of the Zoning Board was to grant the amendment and it will go to the Village Board on October 6th at 7:30 p.m.

Mike Wegescheide asked Wayne Muskopf about the status of the conservation issue. Wayne Muskopf stated they are sifting through plans. Steve Muskopf stated that he read three model ordinances from other states and will probably pick one of those that best suit the use.

Steve Muskopf reported that there is a proposal for replatting of four parcels at the end of Saxtown Road by Douglas Road. The person is asking for six one acre parcels and one six acre parcel. Muskopf will check on the requirement to have one fire hydrant every 400 ft.

Steve Muskopf stated that there is a special use permit for home occupation coming up for a .com type business. They are not asking for extra parking or signage.

A motion was made by Wayne Muskopf and seconded by Ken Harres to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried unanimously.


Janice Dreyer, Clerk Mike Wegescheide, President