Shawlands Academy PTC

Minute of meeting of Monday 27 April 2015, 7pm

Academy Conference Room

1. Welcome and Apologies

Present: Susan Haynes (Chair), Patricia Hunter, Ann Downie, Lesley Turan (Minutes), Mrs Grant, Kath Dransart.

Apologies: Kevin Kane, Jan Ziervogel (Treasurer), Claire Scally, John Donnelly, Jane Wright, Derrick Wright

2. Minute and Matters Arising

2.(i) PTC Facebook page

Jan wasn’t present at meeting therefore this item is to be raised at a future PC meeting

3. Finance

3.1 Finance update: As Jan wasn’t present there was no finance update.

3.2 PTC Purchase Fund: Mrs Grant advised that it was the school that had purchased the Van der Graaf generator, not the PTC Purchase Fund

4. Creative Shawlands Academy Event

·  Mrs Grant had spoken to Holyrood who are keen to be involved in the event

·  Mrs Grant will speak to Primary Schools at a Learning Community event on Friday 1 May re involvement in event and possible contribution

·  Mrs Grant will contact previous janitor regarding the set up at previous Art Fair in the school

·  50+ paintings have been chosen and also frames have been selected for the paintings but at the moment it is unclear who will buy the frames

·  Mrs Grant fed back that she had chased IKEA again re frames but it is unlikely that IKEA will assist as they are now involved in wider community events

·  Kenny from the Art Dept in the school is assisting with the paintings/frames but also has other school commitments demanding his attention

·  P Hunter advised that they are looking to include the following in the event:

-  Display of technical items

-  Gymnastics Club Display

-  Beat the Goalie/ Netball shoot out

-  Outdoor activities (weather permitting)

·  Home Economics Dept are very keen to get involved. Would provide canapés and savouries, with potentially an outdoor kitchen for making crepes

·  Music – it is hoped to get the support of the Music Dept so that musical groups/individuals will perform. A Grant to take up with Mrs Kelly

·  Meeting between sub group and Mrs Kelly to be organised – this is to be done via Mr McBride

·  Mrs Grant advised that senior drama pupils will put on pieces from plays

·  ‘Weatherstones’ (?) are a pupil band, and could busk in the Fuel Zone

·  Henna – Sub group to speak to Mr McBride re pupils who could do this

·  Tues 12 May – Music Eve in the Drama Studio in the school for Parents & any PC members who want to go along

·  Any of the school clubs/trips to be approached via Mr McBride e.g.:

-  Duke of Ed

-  Fairtrade

-  Eco

-  South Africa Trip

-  Thailand Trip

·  There was some discussion re who could open the event. Suggestions included Nicola Sturgeon MSP, Brian Burnett or Daniel Porter (ex-pupil who is an actor in Game of Thrones). After discussion, it was agreed that an invitation letter be sent to Nicola Sturgeon MSP in the hope that she may attend.

·  Raffle – prizes to be artworks from local artists

·  iZettle - is a free Card Reader which could be used to take card payments. It charges up to 2.75% commission

·  S Haynes will speak to J Donnelly regarding a floor plan for the event

·  P Hunter will speak to Laura Gilpin at Shawlands Primary as Laura was involved in the last Art Fair in the Academy

·  S Haynes will book the school for the event on Sat 13 June 2015

·  Photographic Exhibition: A Grant will move this forward with Art Teachers. The photographs could be show as a slideshow during the event. It was suggested that Stephen O’Neill (local artist and newly opened shop in Shawlands) could be approached about judging the photographic competition

5. Head Teachers Report

-  Supported Study during the Easter break was well attended

-  Ski trip at Easter was very successful

-  Exams start on Tuesday 28 April

-  All exam paperwork has been sent to SQA

-  U16 Rugby team have got into the final of the U16 West of Scotland

-  Careers Academy - last year’s awards ceremony was held at the City Chambers and was co-hosted by a former Shawlands Academy pupil. The former pupil co-hosted event again this year


6.1 Careers Fair/Mock interviews:

S Haynes & L Turan will have a meeting with Rabia Baber, Employment and Skills Managerfor Shawlands Academy, on Friday 1 May in order to move forward with mock interview workshops and mock interviews.

6.2 STEM

A Downie will send contact details for her colleague who is a STEM ambassador for Physics to A Grant. A Grant will pass on to John Graham.

6.3 Glasgow City of Science

A Downie informed that the above organisation is looking for partnerships with industry and universities. They are also working with the Education Dept to get pupils to come to master skills sessions/workshops to learn science skills.

A Downie happy to pass on contact details to A Grant.

7. Date of next meeting:

Monday 11 May 2015 at 7pm to discuss Creative Shawlands Academy event

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