APRIL 21, 2009 AT 7:00 P.M.


COUNCIL MEMBERS:Mitchell Proctor, President

Darrel Thomas, Vice President

Larry Parker

Roger Deck

Opal Sutherlin

Keith Berry

ATTORNEY:Elizabeth South

AUDITOR:Stephanie Campbell


AUDIENCE:5 Individuals

The County Council met in regular session on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. at the courthouse annex. The pledge to the flag was given.



Cumulative Bridge

REASON: To finish paying for Bridge199


Cumulative Bridge

REASON: Bridge 137 replacement


Cumulative Bridge

REASON: Bridge 10 replacement


Cumulative Bridge

REASON: Bridge 146 replacement

Darrel Thomas made a motion to approve the above additionals. Opal Sutherlin seconded. The motion carried.



Part Time Superior Court

REASON: Switching budgets with Circuit Court


Deputies Superior Court

REASON: Switching budgets with Circuit Court


Pauper Counsel Circuit Court

REASON: To facilitate changing part-time position to full-time position


Secretary Superior Court

REASON: To facilitate changing part-time position to full-time position


Holding of Juveniles Circuit Court

REASON: To facilitate changing part-time position to full-time position.

Auditor Stephanie Campbell stated the additional, reduction and amended salary ordinance had to do with transferring of funds for the switch of full time and part time positions in Circuit and Superior Court. The net effect is the same, no new money is being requested. Keith Berry made a motion to approve. Roger Deck seconded. The motion carried.



Probation Officer Asst. Salary

REASON: For new employee out of probation user fees

Renee Marsteller stated Judge Headley hired her assistant to work in the Circuit Court. Since she will continue to help in the Probation Office she will still receive the $2,500 from the user fees fund. However, this shorted the salary needed for her assistant. Darrel Thomas made a motion to approve. Roger Deck seconded. The motion carried.



Aviation/Misc. Services

REASON: To appropriate grant money

Darrel Thomas made a motion to approve. Keith Berry seconded. The motion carried.



D.O.C./Part time

REASON: To cover the part-time jailers budget that is currently in the negative



REASON: To appropriate grant money


Rainy Day/Deicers

REASON: To help purchase salt for the county roads


County General/Court Cases

REASON: To pay for the Christopher Stevens trial

Auditor Stephanie Campbell stated the February additionals needed reapproved due to the Banner Graphic not advertising them correctly. Darrel Thomas made a motion to reapprove. Opal Sutherlin opposed the additional for Rainy Day Fund. Keith Berry seconded. The motion carried.

Opal Sutherlin asked if it was normal to give the money to them even when they only receive tentative approval. Mrs. Campbell stated yes, it has always been done that way. That is why a department comes to the Council to receive tentative approval.


Auditor Stephanie Campbell stated she needed to know where the Council wanted her to pay the claim received from Logansport State Hospital for $333.82 for clothing furnished. She ran the claim by the judges to make sure it was a legit claim and they assured her that it was. Mitchell Proctor told the Auditor to draw up an additional to pay from the Commissioners budget.


The Council received an authorization form for the Prosecutor’s Office to receive direct deposit from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency. Keith Berry made a motion to approve. Roger Deck seconded. The motion carried.


Darrel Thomas made a motion to approve August 19, 2008 minutes. Roger Deck seconded. The motion carried.

Roger Deck made a motion to approve September 16, 2008 minutes. Larry Parker seconded. The motion carried.

Keith Berry made a motion to approve the October 21, 2008 minutes. Darrel Thomas seconded. The motion carried.

Roger Deck made a motion to approve November 13, 2008 minutes. Larry Parker seconded. The motion carried.

Darrel Thomas made a motion to approve November 18, 2008 minutes. Keith Berry seconded. The motion carried.

Larry Parker made a motion to approve December 30, 2008 minutes. Roger Deck seconded. The motion carried.

Larry Parker made a motion to approve January 20, 2009 minutes with a correction to Roger Deck attending the morning Commissioner meetings and Mr. Parker attending the evening meetings. Darrel Thomas seconded. The motion carried.

Keith Berry made a motion to approve February 17, 2009 minutes. Opal Sutherlin seconded. The motion carried.

Darrel Thomas made a motion to approve March 17, 2009 minutes with the change of taking Keith Berry’s name off of attendance. Roger Deck seconded. The motion carried.


Mitchell Proctor explained the receipt and expenditure report and how to read it. Auditor Campbell explained the jackpot fund and savings fund. The interest that comes from these funds goes into county general.

Darrel Thomas asked about the county general fund balance. Mrs. Campbell stated this was normal at this point in the year. We have not had a tax collection. Mr. Thomas also asked about riverboat money. Mrs. Campbell stated as soon as the money comes in from the state it is distributed to whom and how the state tells her to. The fund is for in and out purposes only.

Larry Parker asked about the Rainy Day Fund. Mrs. Campbell stated she does not look at the fund balances on a regular basis. The money comes from the state randomly.

Mitch Proctor stated he would like to have a count of which funds belong to what department and the balance of each. He would also like to know what can and cannot be done with them. Mr. Proctor said the reports would be handy when doing budgets. He thanked Mrs. Campbell for the useful information and reports. Mrs. Campbell stated if any of the members needed anything to stop in her office or send an e-mail.


Elizabeth South explained the IRS required the updated Sheriff Retirement Plan be reviewed and approved by December 31, 2009. She suggested if the Council had questions to invite Elaine Beaty with McKready & Keene to come and talk to them. Mitchell Proctor stated maybe they should hold off on approving to discuss further with Mrs. Beaty and the Sheriff’s Department. The Council agreed to have Mrs. Beaty and the Sheriff’s Department come to their July meeting to discuss the retirement plan further.


Opal Sutherlin stated she had attended a Cemetery Board meeting. They hired Tom Gilson to mow the cemeteries. They discussed restoring some cemeteries, one of which has four revolutionary veterans. They had a guest, John Rice that took pictures of all of the graves and downloaded them all onto a website.

Roger Deck stated E-911 Board met and they were given a tour of the new facility. They are within 1% of completion. He was impressed by the employee’s stations. They can sit or stand and the monitor and equipment can move with them.

There was discussion on dog licenses and when and if the Humane Society would start collecting again.

Keith Berry stated several counties have set up trust funds. There is a meeting on the 27th for interested parties to receive further information.

Darrel Thomas stated West Central Economic Development Board had been reorganized due to state changes and they have thrived from it.

Wanda O’Neal said Tyler Corp. had met with her and they agreed that things are where they need to be and now is not a good time to come in. Charlene Davis gave the Council members a handout on the progress of reassessment.

Keith Berry asked where the county stood with sending tax bills out. Auditor Stephanie Campbell stated the assessed values have been sent to the state. The state said it could be 4-6 weeks before they are able to send our tax rates. Mrs. Campbell said the State wants counties to go by the Auditor and Treasurer manuals, which states the Auditor prints the tax bills. She stated they have not yet decided how to approach this since it has never been done this way.


Darrel Thomas made the motion to adjourn. Larry Parker seconded. The motion carried.


Mitchell Proctor, PresidentDarrel Thomas, Vice President


Keith BerryOpal Sutherlin


Roger DeckLarry Parker


Attest: Stephanie Campbell,
