Jelly Aliligay

Jaycee Ann L. Galvez

Ateneo de Manila University

MA in Religious Education

A Theological Understanding of the Eucharist as Communion in Deepening and Strengthening Family Life

Statement of the Problem:

The Eucharist is one of the sacraments of initiation in which we receive the body and blood of Christ. It is the source and the summit of the ecclesial life. In CFC 1702, “Eucharist is called the "sacrament of love, a sign of unity, a bond of charity and a paschal banquet. It also called last supper, breaking of the bread, holy mass, sacred meal or thanksgiving. Eucharist as communion means that all who ate the one blessed, broken Bread that is Christ, were drawn into communion with Him and with one another, to form one single body with Him. When we receive the Eucharist, we commune with Jesus and build a closer relationship to Him. When we accept Him, He became our spiritual Bread of life who gives us physical strength nourishes our soul and purifies our heart.” [1]We also experience communion in the family through having closer relationship, participating in family affairs, promoting harmony and sharing their blessings to one another. The Eucharist is important to strengthen one’s relationship to one another. If we make the Eucharist the center of each Christian family, it might build unity and strength within the family, church and community.

Today, some of the families as communities are breaking apart. There is a weakening of family ties. Some of the factors that diminishes the family ties are misunderstanding, self-centered, envious, neglect or lack of love and unable to receive and ask for forgiveness. “Therefore the absence of parents may destroy the solidarity and unity in the family.”[2] Today’s situation is really a great challenge for every Filipino Family to look at their spiritual life, the life that should be nourished and nurtured in the Eucharist. Therefore, the Eucharist as communion can be one of the sources to deepen and strengthen the family relationships. It is a life that is centered to Christ. There is a need to be more aware on how the Eucharist may deepen and strengthen the family life. Knowing that it is the source and summit of Christian life, we are called to have a deep understanding on how Eucharist as communion can be a help for us. Being commune with Jesus is also being commune with others. This can be done by eating together, providing the needs of others and doing an act of charity. By doing those activities, it can strengthen family’s relationship.

Lastly, this paper will seek to answer the most relevant understanding of the Eucharist as communion in every Filipino family: How can understanding the Eucharist as communion contributes to deepening/ strengthening family life?

Scope and Limitation

This paper is intended for the parents of St. Francis Xavier Parish.

​ In the first part of the article, we will talk about the context of the Filipino family today. Then, we will discuss Eucharist as communion. Included in this article will be the development of communion as a sacred meal in response to human hunger, a sign of unity and a bond of charity. We will consult the books, articles, scriptures and church teachings such as NCDP, CCC and CFC to get some information needed on the topic. “The fruits of receiving communion by the family are unity with Jesus, liberation from sin, love, mercy, joy, reconciliation and a call to service.”[3] (CFC 1717-1719).

We will describe Filipino practices that relates to their daily experiences, such as being hospitable and family-oriented which is being manifested in family bonding. Even though there are united families who exercise close relationship, there are also families who have problems. There are families who experience brokenness, parents who go abroad and busy working. Here, the need of the family and their relationships is given an emphasis. It refers to the relationship between husband and wife, parents and children, and family to God. Different statements from articles and books will be used as references in this part. We will cite the insight of Julie Hanlon Rubio in her book Family Ethics, Practices for Christians to have an idea of the common concerns of the ordinary family. We will also use the articles of the Filipino priests and laity to identify the common practices of the Filipino family.

Although we will give emphasis on Eucharist as communion, we will not include the parts and rite of the liturgy. We would like to give importance to the sacrament of Eucharist as communion which brings the families in unity and bond of charity. Part of the discussion is the family problems. This article will not give ways or answer to a particular problem but it will give a clear understanding of the Eucharist as communion that can help strengthen and deepen their family relationship.

Objective Significance

“The Eucharist as communion is an important source of strength for couples and families to live out our communion of love with each other.” [4]The family gives us our first experience of “communion” in interpersonal relationships. In this paper, we want to show the many ways by which the Eucharist as communion builds family relationship. The communion within the family helps each member to grow in unity, charity and commitment to service.

Subjective Significance

Therefore, the families in the Parish of St. Francis Xavier will help them to understand the Eucharist as communion as a way of responding to their needs, physical, psychological, social and moral aspect. It must be recognized by Catholic families as a source of charity, and the basis of the communion and mission of family life. Hence, it will help motivate them to practice the real communion with their family members as being commune with Jesus Christ.


To arrive at some concrete ideas concerning Eucharist as communion;

First, research was undertaken about the situation of the Filipino family today. We used the National Catechetical Directory of the Philippines and some articles to see the situation with regards to some threats and concerns affecting the Filipino family.

Second, to identify the meaning and significance of the Eucharist, we seek the insight of different authors of theological books. We also cite biblical stories and passages that talk about communion with Jesus. We used the articles and books in understanding the Eucharist as a communion in respond to Human hunger, unity and bond of charity.

Third, to further give a clear theological understanding of Eucharist as communion, we used the biblical stories and passages which are related to the Eucharist as a sacred meal, human hunger and sign of bond and unity. We give emphasis on the relationships of the family towards each other and in the society. In response to this communion of love, we also relate the value of service and commitment in relation for the unity of the community.

I. Soil: Context of the Filipino Family Today

NCDP stresses that “The Filipino family is a cultural – root paradigm in the Philippines. Hence the word ‘family’ was translated in the Filipino language as sambayanan (literally, one people) that connotes a cluster of families, a community.”[5]Another is that “to understand the motivational and behavioral patterns of Filipinos, it is important to recognize characteristics features of the Filipino family that influence their personality”.

We all know that Filipinos are known for being family oriented, hospitable, friendly, and for their endearing traits. NCDP tells us this,

It is a Pinoy trait that can be easily observed. Everyone is welcomed and very much taken cared of.Filipinos are also known of ‘Pakikisama’ because of our kapwa concept, we Filipinos deal with each other in a special way. It is more than just joining or conforming to somebody or something, it is adjusting our lives in order to establish mutual trust and bonding towards each other. Related to ‘pakikisama’ are other life- promoting values such as ‘pakikipag- kapwa – tao’ (love of neighbor), ‘pagdadamayan’(sympathy to a person in need), ‘pagtutulungan’ (service to one another), and ‘bayanihan’ (service to the community). These values affirm the importance of ‘mabutingloob’ as they enable Filipinos to attain communio with the other members of society.[6]

Generally, NCDP characterized that

Filipinos are happy as long as they can relate and connect with a family, with a community, a group of peers in the neighborhood, school, Church, or workplace.[7]Filipinos continue to nurture and sustain one another through family togetherness in prayer, through clan reunions, through shared meals and through mutual support in times of sickness, death, and other tragedies. [8]There can be no doubt that the Filipino family plays a vital role in the life of the individual and society. Families are the most important reference group, the core of the alliance system of Filipinos and the primary group where they find security, strength, and support. Loyalty to family and kin, family solidarity and togetherness, as well as concern for family welfare and honor, still rank high in Filipino priorities, despite the rapid changes brought about by modernization and globalization.[9]

NCDP points out also that “today, there are some factors, threats and concerns affecting Filipino family that exert a strong influence like parental absenteeism, other form of social economic pressures, separation from the family etc.As a result, the care of the children is delegated to relatives or a salaried household help. These problems that the Filipino families face today reflect the larger problems of Filipino society.” [10]

II. Seed: Eucharist

Eucharist comes from the Greek word “Eukaristos” which means thanksgiving. It is literally means thanks of one who has received “goodly gifts” and who, consequently, is “thankful”. [11]The celebration of the Eucharist is a thanksgiving to God who redeemed us through Christ and continues to love the humankind. It is a gathering of the faithful which aims to worship and express their gratitude to God. It is their time to listen to the Word of God that gives them strength and inspires the people to follow Jesus. It is in the Holy Communion where they share and receive the body of Christ. It is the time where we communicate to God.

The Holy Eucharist is one of the sacraments that complete Christian initiation. Those who have been raised to the dignity of the royal priesthood by Baptism and configured more deeply to Christ by confirmation participate with whole community in the Lord’s own sacrifice by means of the Eucharist.[12] In this sacrament, the bread and wine signifies the body and blood of Christ. Jesus says “Do this in memory of me” (Luke 22: 19). It means that in the Eucharistic celebration, we keep in mind the paschal mystery of Jesus who sacrificed to save us from our sin. Through this sacrament, sins are forgiven and we are reconciled to God.

The Eucharist is instituted by Jesus during the last supper. Vatican II, in the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy states: “At the Last supper, on the night he was betrayed, our Saviour instituted the Eucharistic sacrifice of His body and blood.”[13]In the last supper, Jesus did the four solemn acts; took, blessed, broke and gave (Luke 22: 19). These solemn acts are continued during the Eucharistic celebration as a way of making present the last supper that Jesus had with the apostles.

Eucharist as Communion

The Eucharist has many aspects like sacrifice-sacrament or sacramental presence. This article is focused on one aspect of Eucharist which is the communion. “Eucharist as communion unites us more closely with Jesus Himself, and unites us also with all of our brothers and sisters in Christ.” [14] It signifies our unity in faith and union with one another in the community of faith. When we receive the Eucharist, we build a closer relationship to Jesus. When we accept Him, He becomes our spiritual Bread of life who gives us strength, nourishes our soul and purifies our heart.

Eucharist is called the “sacrament of love” because it ties with the love to one another.[15] It is in the sharing of the body and blood of Jesus that we join in the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. It is the love of God the Father that He gave us His only son. It is also the love of Jesus that He was crucified on the cross.

All who unite with Jesus might become one body with Him. “The Eucharist then becomes a meal of ‘communion’- a sign of unity and bond of charity.[16] It is in the Eucharist that people from different families come together to be one in worshipping God. In 1Corinthians 12:12, “Christians are to be members that form one body.” In order for us to be one, we have to join the body of Jesus. This body of Jesus is the church which helps us to be in harmony. Thus, the relationship that we have with others is the relationship that was built by Jesus. We are one body with God. To St. Paul, his understanding of membership is “Joined together, all the members of the body share common life”. [17] Therefore, the relationship of a person to one another is always for the common good. It is the relationship that shows concern and love to others. A self-giving love that makes one person grow in faith.

The “Eucharist is not only unity it is also a bond of charity. Eucharist is about being sent forth. It is the sacrament that symbolizes the unity of all persons in Christ and because this unity symbolizes by the sharing of food, it makes sense to think of both gathering as community and feeding the hungry as central to Christian life.” [18] The Eucharist challenges the faithful to also share what they have to others. It is in the Eucharist, Christ and the Christian community responds to our deepest human hunger for love and acceptance, for understanding, for clear purpose in life and for peace in our communities.[19]