PRAYER/REFLECTION O Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the winds, and whose breath gives life to the world, hear me. I come to you as one of your many children. I am small and weak; I need your strength and your wisdom. Make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset. Make my hands respect the things you have made, and my ears sharp to hear your voice. Make me wise so that I may know the things you have taught your children, and lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock. Make me strong, so that I may not be superior to other people, but able to fight my greatest enemy, which is myself. Make me ever ready to come to you with straight eyes, so that when life fades as the fading sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame.

Prayer of a native American

SCRIPTURE NOTE On a superficial level this gospel reading seems chosen because of the trinitarian baptismal formula. It is the only time this formula comes in the scripture, and it is remarkable that the trinitarian liturgical formula was already developed while the New

Testament was being written. At a deeper level this reading of the final five verses of Matthew gives a wonderful trinitarian view of the work of salvation. The words of the Risen Christ, ‘all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me’, are reminiscent of the vision of the exalted Son of Man in Daniel, who comes to the One of Great Age, seated on his throne, and receives from him all power on earth. Only Christ receives all power in heaven too, as ‘the Son of God in power’. In this power he sends out his disciples, promising his divine presence always. The promise of Christ’s divine presence in his Church now (delivered at the end of Matthew’s gospel) balances the promise at the beginning of the gospel when the angel declares that the name of the child to be born to Mary is Emmanuel: Emmanuel means ‘God with us’. So the permanent presence of Christ is the message of the whole gospel.

How is Christ present in the Church?


Heavenly Father, pour down on our Church your Holy Spirit, the fire of your love. Give us the courage, the wisdom and the faith to be salt for the earth and light for the world.

Help us to build warm and welcoming communities of faith in our families, our neighbourhoods, our Parish. May we carry the Good News by word and action into all our environments, especially those which are hostile and hurting.

Together with Mary, the first evangeliser we entrust all our efforts into the care of the Divine Spirit, who fills and renews the face of the earth.


/ Franciscan
Church of St. Francis of Assisi
277 Sandygate Road, Sheffield S10 5SD
Telephone 0114 263 0383

Registered Charity No. 512021
Parish Priest: Fr Kevin Thornton
Parish Deacon: Stephen Parker
Year B - Psalter Week 4
Mass Book pg 83.
Preface pg 52.
Eucharistic Prayer III pg 28.
Sunday / 27th / 9:00 am / (Terry Connelly)
11:00 am / (People of the Parish)
Monday / 28th / 10:00 am / (In Thanksgiving)
Tuesday / 29th / 7:30 pm / (Barry Thompson)
Wednesday / 30th / 10:00 am / (Thanksgiving)
Thursday / 31st / 10:00 am / (Catherine’s Intentions)
Friday / 1st / 10:00 am / (Fr Paddy Walsh Ruby Anniversary)
Saturday / 2nd / 11.15-11.45 / Sacrament of Reconciliation
12 noon / (David Fenton)

Thank you for last week's OFFERTORY COLLECTION.

PLEASE PRAY for John Carroll, Alexander, Alison, AM, Fr Bill Bergin, Dennis Gerrard, Dorry Kennedy, Ellen Dalton, Ian Baxter, Jean Fahy, Jim Foley, John Denzil Joseph, John Rowan, Sr Julia Duignan, JD, JTD, Karen Kilbride, Kathleen Giblin, KC, Leonora, Liz, Margaret Hanour, Margaret Paget, Marie Purcell-Flynn, Kathleen Morfitt, Mary Hunt, Nancy Lennon, Pam Harris, Rachel Grace, Roger Kemp, Fr Roy Pannell, Sofia Rabello, Theodora-Angelica, Tony Mulcrone, William Davidson and Willow Grist, who are sick and for all whose anniversaries occur about this time.

The HALLAM NEWS for June is available in the narthex free of charge.

The PARISH COUNCIL is seeking five new members. They have six meetings per year and membership is for three years. Some input into one of the Parish Council groups is expected. It is a great opportunity to contribute to Parish life. If you would like more information, please contact Stephen Spooner on .

There will be a CORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSION on Sunday 3rd June, starting at 3pm from St Marie’s Cathedral.

The ONE SHEFFIELD MANY CULTURES free festival takes place from 11am to 3pm on Saturday 9th June in Barkers Pool.

The next NIGHTFEVER will be on Saturday 9th June at St. Marie’s Cathedral. It will begin with the usual 5:30pm Mass and will be followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until 11pm. During this time, Mission teams will go out into the streets around the Cathedral and invite people into the Church to light a candle and place it on the altar. Why not come along to help, join in or pray?

All ladies of the Diocese are invited to a 'BLESSED BRUNCH' from 10am to 12 noon on Saturday 16th June at St Vincent's Church. An informal time to get together, have a natter, pray and eat lots of lovely food. All are welcome. For more information, please contact Helen Loxley on

There will be a MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT WEEKEND (non residential) at the Hallam Pastoral Centre on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th June. Cost £25. For more information and to book your places, go to

The PARISH COUNCIL AGM will be on Tuesday 19th June at 7:30pm in the Assisi Hall. All parishioners are very welcome. Refreshments will be served.

The Hallam Diocesan PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES will be from Sunday 1st July to Friday 6th July. Flying from Doncaster with five night's full board for £699. Contact or call 07724 6500066 or 01302 247910 for more information.

ST WILFRID’S SCHOOL is holding a reunion for those who left between 1956 and 2000 on Saturday 7th July (7:30pm to 11pm) at the school. There will be a licensed bar and live music from The Grand Plan. All profits will be split between Mary’s Meals and St Vincent’s Furniture Store. Contact Lorraine on or Anne on 2365529 for tickets (£10 per head).

There will be a PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK SHRINE in Ireland departing on Monday 16th July. The cost of £649 includes flights, transfers, half-board accommodation for four nights, entertainment, excursions and guided tours. Contact Patricia at .

The ANNUAL DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM will be on Saturday 21st July. Coaches (£17 for adults and £11 for children and students) will leave Pond Hill at 8am, returning at approximately 9pm. Contact Francesca Flynn on or 2686247.

There will be a FLORAL WORKSHOP in the Assisi Hall from 10am to 1pm on Saturday 18th August. Bring your own plants, materials, flowers and foliage. Cost £10. Contact Liz Bishop on , 2350005 or 0798 6641292.

The theme for the 2018 CROSSPOOL FESTIVAL PHOTO COMPETITION is the contribution of women in the world. See for more information and details of how to enter. Closing date Monday 11th June.

St Wilfrid’s Centre have a vacancy for a full time WELFARE WORKER. More details from

Register now to start the CATHOLIC CERTIFICATE IN RELIGIOUS STUDIES in September. It is an introductory course in theology and scripture for teachers in Catholic schools, catechists and adult members of the Church. It is taken over two years (or longer) on one Saturday morning a month. To find out more or to register, visit or phone 2566410.

The minutes of the last PARISH COUNCIL MEETING are pinned to the noticeboard in the narthex. They are also available on the parish website at

NEW TO THE PARISH? We'd like to extend a warm welcome to anyone joining our parish for the first time. We offer a home visit from members of our parish council. As well as giving you a formal welcome to St Francis of Assisi, they can outline the range of activities and facilities available within the parish. If you're new, please contact and we'll get in touch.

The POPE'S PRAYER INTENTION for June is Social Networks - that social networks may work towards that inclusiveness which respects others for their differences.