Monaro Farming Systems

Merino Genetic Comparison - Caringo


*Essential information

Please post or email completed form to:

Nancy Spoljaric

Monaro Farming Systems

PO Box 27 Bombala NSW 2632


I/We hereby nominate one team of (15) wethers for the Caringo Merino Genetic Comparison (2015-2018)

*Entrants Name:______*Contact Person: ______

Phone: ______Email: ______

*Address:______*State: ______*Postcode: ______

*Ram Bloodline(s); ______*Years on Ram Bloodline: ______

1.  *If less than 5 years – what was your previous bloodline and how quickly have you changed over?

Previous Bloodline: ______

100% change over in first year 50% change over in first year and subsequent year

25% change over in first year and subsequent years Other – please give details ______

2.  *Ewe Bloodline (s): ______*Years on Ewe Bloodline: ______

3.  *Do you sell rams? YES NO

4.  Did you purchase or breed the rams used to sire the 2014 drop?______

5.  What was the average ram purchase price for rams used to sire the 2014 drop? (If they were bred on farm use the greater of, cost of production or opportunity cost of sale).______

6.  What is the average number of joinings a ram is used for?______

7.  How many rams were used to sire the 2014 drop?______

8.  How many ewes were joined to produce the 2014 lambs?______

9.  How many lambs were weaned in the 2014 drop? (ewes and wethers)______

10.  What was the average condition score of the 2014 drop mothers at:

Ø  Joining ______

Ø  Lambing ______

Ø  Weaning ______

11.  Do the sires of the 2014 drop have ASBV’s ______

12.  If so, what was the average breeding value for:

Ø  YBWT ______

Ø  YFD ______

Ø  YCFW ______

I/We agree to abide by the rules and conditions of the comparison as specified by the sub-committee and that information submitted in the entry form is correct.

I/We state that to the best of my/our knowledge the sheep are free of footrot and to this end attach a COMPLETED “Animal Health Statement” (including OJD status).

*Entrant Signature: ______*Date: ______

I/We hereby state that the entrant has purchased rams from ______Merino Stud.

*Stud Master Signature: ______*Date: ______