DECEMBER 10, 2013
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bauerle with Beck, Sandquist and Beckman present.
Beck moved to approve the agenda with the additions of Fort Historical Society Document under New Business. Sandquist second. Roll call vote: Gene – yes, Jim – yes, Glen – yes, motion carried.
James Wittler joined the meeting. Discussion was held about updates on current cases. Wittler left the meeting.
Payable vouchers were reviewed. Sandquist moved to approve the vouchers as presented. Beck second. Roll call vote: Gene – yes, Jim – yes, Glen – yes, motion carried.
The minutes of the November 26, 2013 and November 27 2013 meeting were reviewed. Bauerle moved to approve the minutes as presented. Beck second. Roll call vote: Gene – yes, Jim – yes, Glen – yes, motion carried.
The Treasurers November 2013 financial report was reviewed.
Sandquist asked the Board what decision they would like to make about the 2014 budget increase request for Northeastern Colorado Services. Discussion was held and Sandquist will contact the other counties involved to see where they stand.
Discussion was held on the county property at the fairgrounds. Michaels auction will add the property to the next auction in January.
Sandquist moved to hire Jimmie Ridnour as the new communication center director. Bauerle second. Discussion: Beck would like to hire in house and thinks that the other applicant would do a good job and would like to see both applicants be hired in some form. Bauerle moved to amend the motion to hire Jimmie Ridnour at $30,000 with a six month probation with an additional $600 per month at the end of the six month probation. Sandquist second. Roll call vote Gene – yes, Jim – yes, Glen – yes. Original motion: Sandquist moved to hire Jimmie Ridnour as the new communication center director. Bauerle second. Roll call vote: Gene – yes, Jim – yes, Glen – yes, motion carried.
Randy Renquist, Road & Bridge, joined the meeting. Discussion was held on Sedgwick County Lumber business process. The Board asked Renquist if Hansen Petroleum contracts with the county for fuel to which Renquist responded that they do not. Discussion was held on insulating the county shop. Renquist is getting bids and will keep the Board updated. Discussion was held on grass seed. Discussion was held on the purchase of a new skidsteer. Renquist told the Board that he had an application for employment turned in and is reviewing it. Renquist left the meeting.
Alan Harris, Building Maintenance, joined the meeting. Harris reported that there is good progress on the communication center construction. Discussion was held. Discussion was then held on the hot water situation in the courthouse. Harris left the meeting.
Tracy Kizer, Weed & Pest, joined the meeting. Discussion was held on prairie dogs in the county. Bauerle asked to see the log books for the big spray truck. Discussion was held about the mileage and efficiency. Kizer left the meeting.
Randy Peck, Sheriff, joined the meeting. Peck gave an update on the progress of the evidence room. Peck presented the Board with an estimate for the installation of security cameras for the evidence room. Peck asked for a signed copy of the resolution for the communication center board. The Board updated peck on the communication center progress. Peck asked if the Board heard anything about the Town of Julesburg / Sheriff contract to which they responded that they have not heard anything. Carrie Hartwell, Town Clerk, was contacted by phone. Hartwell reported that they had a meeting last night and she will be sending the letter out today with the decision. Peck left the meeting.
Len Buda and Juby Cumming, Assessor, joined the meeting. Mr. Buda explained to the Board that he is interested in purchasing the grade school in Sedgwick to open a hydro/aquaponics business and to use a good portion of the building as a residence. Buda described the business to the Board. Cumming explained how the taxes would be applied if this property was taxed as residential until the business is up and running and what would happen after the business is put into place. Buda asked the Board if there were any incentives that the county could offer. The Board responded yes to that question and that it will depend on the situation. Buda left the meeting.
The Board asked Cumming if her budget could withstand ¼ of the pictometry cost. Cumming thinks she could shave off enough in her budget or possibly look into grants. Cumming left the meeting.
Dan Pederson, Accountant, joined the meeting for the budget hearings. Bauerle opened the E-911 Budget Hearing for tax year 2014 at 11:00 a.m. Those in attendance are Gene Bauerle, Jim Beck, Glen Sandquist, Christy Beckman and Dan Pederson. The E-911 Budget Hearing closed at 11:15 a.m. Bauerle opened the Highway Users Budget Hearing for tax year 2014 at 11:15 a.m. Those in attendance are Gene Bauerle, Jim Beck, Glen Sandquist, Christy Beckman and Dan Pederson. The Highway Users Budget Hearing closed at 11:30 a.m. Bauerle opened the Sedgwick County Budget Hearing for tax year 2014 at 11:30 a.m. Those in attendance are Gene Bauerle, Jim Beck, Glen Sandquist, Christy Beckman and Dan Pederson. The Sedgwick County Budget Hearing closed at 11:45 a.m.
Beck moved to approve Resolution #2013-037 to approve the Sedgwick County 2014 Budget. Beck second. Roll call vote: Gene – yes, Jim – yes, Glen – yes, motion carried.
Bauerle moved to approve Resolution #2013-038 to appropriate funds for the various departments for Sedgwick County for the 2014 tax year. Beck second. Roll call vote: Gene – yes, Jim – yes, Glen – yes, motion carried.
Bauerle moved to approve Resolution #2013-039 to approve the certification of the county wide mill levy of 33.079 for tax year 2014. Beck second. Roll call vote: Gene – yes, Jim – yes, Glen – yes, motion carried. Pederson left the meeting.
Brian Talamentes, Extension Office, joined the meeting. Talamentes asked the Board what the process would be to purchase a vehicle for the county extension office with the possibility of attaining grants. The Board explained the county requirements. Discussion was held on the titling of the extension office vehicle. Talamentes left the meeting.
The request from EDC was reviewed and the Board will leave things as they are.
Beck moved to approve a letter of support for Centennial Mental Health. Beck second. Roll call vote: Gene – yes, Jim – yes, Glen – yes, motion carried.
Discussion was held on a letter received concerning the TV Tower South of Ovid. Beck will contact the constituent and Power Up.
Bauerle moved to approve Building Permit #493 for Kyle and Jennifer Blochowitz for a garage located at 28166 County Rd 16. Sandquist second. Roll call vote: Gene-yes, Jim-yes, Glen-yes, motion carried.
Beck moved to approve Investment Resolution # 2013-033 to renew Certificate # 10113 for $200,000 with Points West Community Bank for 6 months at .30% interest. Second by Sandquist. Roll call vote: Gene – yes, Jim – yes, Glen – yes, motion carried.
Bauerle moved to approve Investment Resolution # 2013-034 to renew Certificate # 333605 for $100,000 with Points West Community Bank for 6 months at .30% interest. Second by Beck. Roll call vote: Gene – yes, Jim – yes, Glen – yes, motion carried
Sandquist moved to approve Investment Resolution # 2013-035 to renew Certificate # 333608 for $200,000 with Points West Community Bank for 6 months at .30% interest. Second by Beck. Roll call vote: Gene – yes, Jim – yes, Glen – yes, motion carried
Bauerle moved to approve Investment Resolution # 2013-036 to renew Certificate # 333437 for $100,000 with Points West Community Bank for 6 months at .30% interest. Second by Beck. Roll call vote: Gene – yes, Jim – yes, Glen – yes, motion carried
Sandquist moved to designate Lisa Ault for the proxy for CCI. Beck second, roll call vote: Gene – yes, Jim – yes, Glen – yes, motion carried.
The Board signed a document reflecting Ft Sedgwick Historical Society’s inventory.
Meeting was adjourned,
Gene Bauerle, Chairman Christy M. Beckman, Clerk to the Board