Research Question 2007

Topic / Questions / Resources
1 / Poverty / *What causes poverty? /

2 / Poverty / *How are poverty and hunger linked? /

3 / Poverty / *How does national debt relate to individual citizens poverty? /

4 / Poverty / *How does government corruption lead to poverty? /

5 / Poverty / *What are key factors to reduce poverty? /

6 / Poverty / *How does poverty affect the world’s children? /

7 / World Hunger / *How do natural disasters and climate change relate to increasing world hunger? /

8 / World Hunger / *Where are the hunger hotspots and why? /

9 / World Hunger / *How does hunger affect children? /

10 / World Hunger / *How do the diets of different families around the world differ? /

11 / Ethnic Cleansing / *What are instances of ethnic cleansing in the last 20 years? /

12 / Population / *What effects population growths and declines? /
13 / Population / *How does population growth effect the economy of developing nations? /
14 / Population / *How does population growth effect urban and rural life differently? /
15 / Population / *How does increased population put stress on the environment, society and resources? /

16 / Refugees / *Where are refuges located? /

17 / Refugees / *How are refugees treated? /

18 / Fair Trade / *How can consumers be assured that the products they buy were created under fair labor and wage conditions? /

19 / Developing Countries / *What issues do the UN’s least developed nations face? /
20 / Developing Countries / *What issues do the UN’s landlocked developing countries face? /

21 / Developing Countries / *What issues do the UN’s small island nations face? /

22 / Indigenous people / *Who are indigenous people and how are they treated around the world? /

23 / Gender Equity/Children / How are women and men treated differently in the world? /

24 / Nuclear Weapons
/ Who has nuclear weapons and are they needed?

25 / Nuclear Weapons
/ How can the number of nuclear weapons be reduced?

26 / Oil Dependency
/ What are current Non Polluting Renewable Energy Alternatives?

27 / Arms Trade
/ How does the arms trade help or hurt countries?

28 / 3rd World Debt
/ What are the causes and effects of the 3rd World Debt situation?

(dated 1990 but good history)
29 / De-Mining
/ What is the scale of the landmine problem and what is being done about it?

30 / Child Soldiers
/ Where, how and why are children being used as soldiers? /

31, 32, 33, 34,
35 / Right to Education / How does a woman’s level of education reflect her social, economic, or political status in her community?
How does a lack of access to education affect not only women but their families as well?
If a woman does not receive an education, how does this impact her country or community?
What factors work to limit a woman’s access to education?
What actions are being taken to place girls in the classroom? /

41 / Health Care Access / What are some of the problems preventing citizens of developing countries from having access to health care?
What common medicines found in developed countries are hard to come by in developing countries, and what impact does their absence cause?
Children in particular are hit hard by a lack of access to health care. What kinds of health problems do they face that children who receive regular health care do not?
What are some of the major diseases that affect a population without access to health care, and what damages do they inflict (health problems, mortality rates, economic impact, social impact)?
When women have a difficult time accessing proper health care, what are some of the possible consequences?
What are the dangers and complications pregnant women without health care face? /

42, 43
48 / AIDS / How does the issue of gender complicate the spread and treatment of HIV/AIDS?
How does access to education / schooling help the spread of HIV/AIDS?
What is being done to tackle the issue of gender inequality in terms of the spread and treatment of HIV/AIDS? (What are specific programs aimed at women, and how do they work?)
How does the poverty level impact the spread and treatment of HIV/AIDS?
What are the links between poverty, food availability, and HIV/AIDS?
Why is HIV/AIDS hitting rural Africa particularly hard, and how is the disease impacting the country?
How are children being impacted by HIV/AIDS? /

52 / Child Labor / About 70% of child labor is in agriculture. Where and why is this occurring, and what problems result?
For the children involved, what are the immediate consequences of child labor? What are the long term concerns?
How does the use of child labor affect the community?
What factors contribute to the use of children as workers? /

56 / Disaster Relief / How is the spread of information key in providing disaster relief?
What are some of the complicating factors in providing disaster relief?
Where has disaster relief been provided successfully and where has it not? What are some of the reasons for the different circumstances?
What are some of the common immediate needs of a community after a disaster strikes? What are some of the long term needs? /

59 / Disaster Prevention / Management Systems / What are early warning systems and how are they being used?
Why is early prevention and management of disasters so important?
Discuss a specific attempt at mitigating a natural disaster. /

62 / Literacy Rates / What is the link between literacy and income?
How does literacy benefit women?
How does literacy benefit a community as a whole? /
66 / Gender and Economic Equality / What factors prevent men and women from reaching economic equality?
How is a woman’s family and community affected by her lack of economic equality?
How does a female’s economic status affect her community?
Women play a very important role in the agricultural work force: Rural women in particular are responsible for half of the world's food production and produce between 60 and 80percent of the food in most developing countries. Yet, despite their contribution to global food security, women farmers are frequently underestimated and overlooked in development strategies. They receive little of the benefits their labor produces. Why is this and what is being done to help women earn fair compensation for their work? /

68 / Gender and Social Equality / In what ways does social discrimination harm women?
When women achieve gender equality, how do they and others benefit? /
69 / Global Warming / What solutions may curb a trend in global warming? /

70 / Global Warming / Can hydrocarbon fuel alternatives be economically and environmentally viable? /

71 / Global Warming / Is nuclear energy a reasonable alternative to reduce global warming? /

72 / Biotechnology / What medical benefits could result from stem cell research? /

73 / Biotechnology / Can genetically modified foods be safe and more widely distributed? /

74 / Biotechnology / What are the issues and possible benefits of transplanting genes? /

75 / Loss of Habitat / What solutions may reverse the loss of species trend? /

76 / Loss of Habitat / What practices could benefit nations with large forest habitats? /

77 / Loss of Habitat / What agricultural practices would help communities in the future? /
78 / Infectious Disease / Can widespread disease threaten worldwide communities? /

79 / Infectious Disease / Can global immunization policies improve the state of disease? /

80 / Infectious Disease / Can worldwide efforts improve the health of poorer nations? /

81 / Infectious Disease / Can equitable health care be achieved? /

82 / Marine Resources / What is the current state coastal water and resources? /

83 / Marine Resources / Can international alliances curb the deletion of marine resources? /

Poverty/Haves and Have-nots:

Various globalization lessons:

Children’s Issues: UNICEF

Search engine for various issues:

Ecological footprint quiz:

Poverty and World Health activity:

Interesting site about loans:

UN Survey Site: