AMENDED 2003Edited 3/13(JRC)



New York Physical Therapy Association

Policy Manual

Table of Contents


A.How to Use This Manual ...... 1

B.Integration with Other Manuals of the NYPTA...... 1

Section I: Core Documents

1. NYPTA (Located on-line at )

1.NYPTA Bylaws...... 2

2.Procedure for Amendment / Approval...... 2

3.NYPTA Strategic Plan...... 2

2. APTA*...... 2

APTA Bylaws

APTA Vision 2020 Statement / Sentence

Code of Ethics

Criteria for Standards of Practice for Physical Therapy

Guide for Professional Conduct

Standards of Ethical Conduct of the Physical Therapist Assistant

Guide for Conduct of the Physical Therapist Assistant

*APTA Core Documents are available on-line at

Section II: Delegate Assembly / House of Delegates

1. Delegate Assembly (DA)...... 2

A.Time and Place...... 2

B.Procedure for Amendment and Approval of Chapter Goals / Objectives...... 2

C.Authority for Making Procedural Changes in Delegate Assembly and Nominating Committee Manuals 2

2. House of Delegates (HOD)

A. Solicitation of Designated Delegates...... 3

B. Notification of Delegates...... 3

C. Chapter Delegate Meeting...... 3

D. Process to Determine Reimbursement of Delegates to APTA HOD...... 3

Section III: Board of Directors / Executive Committee

1.Board of Directors (BOD)

  1. Financial Implications for New Committees / Advisory Panels / Task Forces ...... 3
  2. Officer / Board Member Orientation ...... 3
  3. Board of Directors Meeting Frequency...... 4
  4. Mandatory Attendance / Board of Directors ...... 4
  5. Board Meeting Attendance Issues / Notification to District by President ...... 4
  6. Invitation to District Member to attend Chapter Board Meeting ...... 4
  7. Prohibition of Taping of BOD Meetings ...... 4
  8. Chapter Dir / Committee / Advisory Panel / TF Chair Reports to Board Meeting ....4
  9. Responsibility for Prioritization in Chapter Office ...... 4
  10. Performance of Duties / Officers ...... 5
  11. Policy Manual and Procedure Manuals...... 5
  12. Process and Deadlines for Submission of motions for the BOD ...... 5
  13. Conduct of Business...... 5
  14. Conflict of Interest ...... 5

2. Executive Committee (EC)

  1. Executive Committee Oversight of Strategic Planning Process ...... 5
  2. Procedure to Fill vacancies on the BOD ...... 5
  3. EC Responsibility to Establish Continuing Education Fees...... 6
  4. EC Meeting Frequency...... 6
  5. EC / Hiring of Executive Personnel...... 6
  6. EC / Disaster and Emergency Committee...... 6
Section IV: Chapter Appointed Groups: Committees / Task Forces (TF) /
Advisory Panels / Special Interest Groups (SIG)

1.Creation / Appointment of Committees / Task Forces / Advisory Panels / SIGs ...6

2.Committee / TF / Advisory Panel / SIG Meetings ...... 6

3.Committee / TF / Advisory Panel Chairperson Attendance at BOD Meetings .....7

4.Orientation of New Committee / Advisory Panel Chair ...... 7

5.Committee / TF / Advisory Panel Reports to the BOD & DA...... 7

6.Committee / TF / Advisory Panel Articles for the Chapter Newsletter ...... 7

7.Length of Term for Appointments ...... 7

8.Committee / Advisory Panel / SIG Procedure Manuals ...... 7

9.Annual Review of Committee / Advisory Panel / SIG Procedure Manuals ...... 7

10.Legislative Advisory Panel Chairperson Communication with District Liaisons...8

11.Legislative Advisory Panel: Legislative Plan at Fall BOD Meeting ...... 8

12.Procedure to fill Committee/Advisory Panel Vacancies...... 8

Section V: Chapter Administrative / Newsletter / Financial Policies

1. Chapter Office - Administrative

  1. Procedure in Addressing Office Personnel Issues ...... 8
  2. Chapter Organizational Roster ...... 8
  3. Governing Documents...... 8
  4. Historical Roster ...... 8
  5. Mailing of Chapter Travel/Reimbursement Policy to Delegates to the HOD ...... 9
  6. Dissemination of New Regulations and Statutes Affecting Physical Therapy ...... 9
  7. Dissemination of Chapter Board Actions to Membership ...... 9
  8. Distribution of Letterhead ...... 9
  9. Press Releases / Coordination by Public Relations Committee ...... 9
  10. Administration of Website / Responsibility / Deadlines / Images / Content...... 9
  11. Distribution of Board / Executive Committee Minutes ...... 9
  12. Chapter Office / Welcoming New Members...... 9
  13. Management of Mailing Labels / Content ...... 9
  14. Endorsements ...... 10
  15. Request of Members to Represent the Profession...... 10
  16. NYPTA Listserv Policies and Procedures...... 10
  17. Policy for Electronic Communications ...... 12

2. Legal Counsel for Membership Issues...... 12

3. Contracts

  1. Contract Review by Legal Counsel ...... 13
  2. Contract Approval by EC After Finance Committee Review ...... 13
  3. Policy on Request for Proposal for Contracts ...... 13

4. Publications

  1. Professional Designation in Chapter Publications ...... 13
  2. Editorial / Procedural Changes to DA / Chapter Board Actions...... 13

5. Board Administrative

  1. Approval by EC for the Use of Contracted Services ...... 13
  2. Grounds for Dismissal of Elected / Appointed Officials & Appeals Process...... 13
  3. Public Records……………………………………………………………………………13

6. Newsletter

A.Role of the Communications Director ...... 14

B.Role of the Editorial Board ...... 14

C.Frequency of Newsletter Publication ...... 14

D.Deadlines for Submission to Newsletter ...... 14

E.Newsletter Distribution ...... 14

F.Responsibility for Selection of Material for the Newsletter ...... 14

G.Material Mandated for Inclusion into the Newsletter...... 14

H.Types and Costs for Newsletter Advertising...... 16

7. Chapter Conference

  1. EC, Speaker, CD, Committee/TF Chairs & Program Committee...... 16
  2. Registration of Research Presenters at Chapter Conference ...... 16
  3. Waiver of Speaker Registration at Chapter Conference ...... 16
  4. Student Volunteers at Conference: Waiver of Registration ...... 16
  5. Responsibilities Required for Reimbursement for Board, Committee/Advisory Panel Chairs at Conference 16
  6. Conference Exhibitor Refund Policy ...... 17
  7. Mailing Label Availability for Conference Exhibitors...... 17

8. Expense Reimbursement

  1. Travel / Lodging / Meal Reimbursement ...... 17
  2. Reimbursement of Expenses Within 30 days of the Event...... 17

9. Budget Policies

  1. Budget Neutrality of Educational Programs ...... 18
  2. Budgeting Process ...... 18
  3. Funding for Committee/Task Force Meetings...... 18
  4. Lobby Day...... 18
  5. Personnel Salary Budget...... 18
  6. Funding for Special Projects not Included in Current Year Budget ...... 19
  7. Funding for NYPTA Attendance at APTA Federal Government Affairs Forum .....19
  8. Overspending / Reallocation of Funds...... 19
  9. Budgeting of Research Grants ...... 19

10. Finance Committee

  1. Banking Policy FDIC Insured Account Limit...... 19
  2. Management of Operating Account Balances over FDIC Limit ...... 19
  3. Interest Charged on Overdue Accounts ...... 19
  4. Member Financial Responsibility attending BOD Meeting ...... 19
  5. Amount of Reimbursement for Delegates to APTA HOD ...... 20
  6. Chapter Insurance Policy Review ...... 20
  7. Bonding of Employees...... 20
  8. Check Signature Requirements...... 20
  9. Re-Issuing of Checks...... 20
  10. Revenue and Disbursements Paperwork...... 20
  11. “Received” Stamp...... 20
  12. Audit Committee...... 20

11. Chapter Investments

  1. Investments ...... 21
  2. Defined Use of Investment Funds...... 21
  3. Excess Reserves…………………………………………………………………………21
  4. Investment Direction...... 21

12. Board of Directors / Executive Committee

  1. Funding of New Chapter Director to Spring Board Meeting ...... 21
  2. Chapter Financial Assistance for Districts ...... 22
  3. EC Approval of Mailing Label Fees and Advertiser Discounts ...... 22
  4. Presidential Stipend...... 22
  5. Dissemination of Time-Sensitive Material...... 22
Section VI: Chapter / APTA Awards

1.National Award Nominations...... 22

2.Student Awards...... 22

Section VII: Chapter Conference / Continuing Education / Leadership

1. Policies and Procedures for both Conference and Continuing Education Programs....22

  1. Protection of Participants In Continuing Education Programs ...... 22
  2. Speaker Honorariums ...... 22
  3. Registration Fees for Continuing Education Programs / Chapter Conference ...... 23
  4. Registration Fees when Co Sponsoring with a Group outside of APTA ...... 23
  5. Non-Member PT/PTA Registration Rate Differential...... 23
  6. Reduced rate for Life Membership at Chapter Conference and District Events23

2. Chapter Conference

  1. Time and Location ...... 23
  2. PAC Space at Chapter Conference ...... 23
  3. Program Advertisements...... 23

3. Leadership Development

A. Leadership Development Workshop...... 24

Section VIII: Collective Negotiations Committee (CNC)

1.Collective Negotiations Committee / Scope ...... 24

2.Collective Negotiations Committee / Membership / Function ...... 24

3.Collective Negotiations Committee / Surcharge ...... 24

4.CNC Member Dismissal for Non Payment of Can Dues ...... 24

5.CNC Finance Policy...... 25

Section IX: Districts

1. Financial

  1. Prohibition of Districts from Expending funds for PAC out of District Accounts.....25
  2. Non-Member Fees Charged at District Meetings...... 25

C. District Responsibility to Pay UBIT Taxes...... 25

2. Meetings / Scheduling

  1. District Scheduling of CE/Vendors' Fair in Relation to Chapter CE/Conference...25
  2. District Meetings Frequency / Notice / Attendance Taking...... 25
  3. District Meeting Agenda / Inclusion of Draft Goals and Objectives...... 26

3. Reporting

  1. District Treasurer / Monthly Reports...... 26
  2. District Accounts as Part of the Chapter Accounts...... 26
  3. District Activity Report...... 26
  4. District Report For Each Chapter Board Meeting ...... 26

4. General

  1. District Responsibilities / Legislative Activities ...... 26
  2. District Liaisons to the Chapter ...... 26
  3. Request of Districts for Mailing Labels………………………………………………26
  4. District Request for Mailing Labels…………………………………………………. 26

Section X: Physical Therapist Assistant Caucus

1. Physical Therapist Assistant Caucus...... 27


Position Statements

Peer Review...... 27

Physical Therapy Providers...... 27


A. How to Use this Manual

This purpose of this manual is to guide the business of the New York Physical Therapy Association(NYPTA) and all its components. The Manual is designed to in a manner so that the policies and procedures are categorized according to the individual or groups that most utilize the policy or procedure.

The only exceptions to this are financial policies, which are all listed under Finance that maybe used by other groups of the New York Physical Therapy Association.

B.Integration with Other Manuals of the NYPTA

The Chapter Office has its own operations manual. In addition, the Board of Directors, Delegate Assembly and each committee / Advisory Panel / Special Interest Group also has its own manual. These manuals contain the specific processes involved with their function, along with the pertinent sections of this manual in order for them to consistently meet the reporting responsibilities and the mission of the association.

Section I: Core Documents


A.NYPTA Bylaws (Located at

B. Procedure for Amendment / Approval

The New York Chapter Bylaws and proposed amendments must be in compliance with the APTA Bylaws and The Policy on Component Bylaws. The NYPTA Reference Committee must review all bylaw amendments prior to being submitted to the APTA for Parliamentarian review. The Parliamentarian must receive the proposed amendments at least 60 days prior to notification of the Chapter members. Members must be notified at least two months prior to the Delegate Assembly. (Approximately 6 months are necessary to meet all deadlines for amendments to be acted upon in the Assembly.)

Following approval by the Delegate Assembly, amendments must be sent to APTA for final approval within 30 days. Bylaw amendments become effective upon approval by APTA, except for dues amendments that become effective for the fiscal year following approval.

C.The NYPTA Strategic Plan is defined as the Mission, Vision, Values and Goals and Objectives of NYPTA (BOD 10-06-14).

2. APTA*

APTA Bylaws

APTA Vision 2020 Statement / Sentence

Code of Ethics

Criteria for Standards of Practice for Physical Therapy

Guide for Professional Conduct

Standards of Ethical Conduct of the Physical Therapist Assistant

Guide for Conduct of the Physical Therapist Assistant

*APTA Core Documents are available on-line at

Section II: Delegate Assembly / House of Delegates

1. Delegate Assembly (DA)

A.Time and Place

The Delegate Assembly shall be held in an area accessible by train or plane as budgeted each spring, prior to the APTA House of Delegates (BOD 01-07-02)

(See Delegate Assembly Procedure Manual for more detail on the Delegate Assembly.)

B.Procedure for Amendment and Approval of Chapter Strategic Plan

(BOD 01-07-03)

Every three years, at the annual meeting of the Delegate Assembly, the Assembly shall review and amend as necessary, then adopt the Chapter Strategic Plan. The Executive Committee with input from the Board of Directors is responsible for producing the proposed Strategic Planof the Chapter.

Goals and Objectives

At each annual meeting of the Delegate Assembly, the Chapter goals and objectives will be reviewed and amended as necessary to represent the needs of the membership

C.Authority for Making Procedural Changes in DA and Nominating Committee Manuals

  1. The Speaker and Secretary, in consultation with the Judicial/Reference Committee, havethe authority to make procedural changes in the Delegate Assembly Procedure Manual (JC 05-07)
  2. The Speaker and Secretary, in consultation with the Judicial/Reference Committee and Nominating Committees havethe authority to make procedural changes in the Nominating Committee Procedure Manual (JC 05-07).
  3. Any procedure that affects the rights or privileges of the members must be brought to the Delegate Assembly (JC 23-99).

2. House of Delegates

A.Solicitation of Designated Delegates

The Chief Delegate is to solicit the names of the designated delegates to the House of Delegates in accordance with the New York Chapter Nominating Committee Manual

(JC 1892).

B.Notification of Delegates

The Chief Delegate is to notify elected delegates and alternate delegates to the House of Delegates of their status within one month of the Chief Delegate's receipt of the rank ordered list of the entire slate of candidates for delegates to the House of Delegates from the Nominating Committee Chairperson (JC 2192).

C.Chapter Delegate Meeting

The Chief Delegate shall hold a meeting of all the delegates to the House of Delegates present at the Annual Meeting for the purposes of orienting the delegates, reviewing the votes of the Delegate Assembly as they relate to the House of Delegates and assigning any activities / responsibilities that are appropriate (BOD 019009).

D.Process to Determine Reimbursement of Delegates to APTA House of Delegates

Chapter Delegates to National APTA House of Delegates will be reimbursed through funds allocated annually in the Chapter Budget upon full participation in delegate responsibilities as determined by the Chief Delegate (BOD 098433) and the travel/expense policy (BOD 048614). In the event that the Chief Delegate does not believe that a delegate has fulfilled his/her responsibilities and completed his/her full obligation and participation, the Chief Delegate will bring this to the Executive Committee for any financial adjustments or action (BOD 10-02-15).

Section III: Board of Directors

1. Board of Directors

A. Financial Implications for New Committees / Advisory Panels / Task Forces

When a new committee / Advisory Panel / Task Force is being considered by the board, or a new task is assigned to an existing group, a budget for meeting expenses and the resources to complete the charge will accompany the motion for the board to consider (BOD 01-07-05).

B. Officer /Board Member Orientation

Orientation activities for new board members are as follows: (BOD 01-07-06)

  • Chapter Directors:
  • The Operations Manual is given to the incoming Chapter Director.
  • A Conference Call with all available chapter officers and new chapter Directors will occur prior to their first Board Meeting.
  • A follow up <1hour meeting with the officers and new chapter directors will occur after their first full board meetingwhen possible and requested.
  • Officers:
  • Current and outgoing officers will meet within one month of the Delegate Assembly to provide for a smooth transition for new officers. This meeting will only occur if newly elected officers have not served the preceding term of the same office (BOD 01-99-06).

The Chapter Operations Manual should contain: Bylaws of APTA and NYPTA; Code of Ethics and Guide for Professional Conduct; Standards of Ethical Conduct and Guide for Conduct for the Physical Therapist Assistant; Chapter Policy Manual; Board of Director's Procedure Manual; Orientation Handbook; Chapter Strategic Plan.

C.Board of Directors Meeting Frequency

The Board of Directors shall meet 3 times a year (BOD 10-00-24) with one meeting held in conjunction with the Chapter Conference (BOD 10-96-05), when held. If the financial situation for any fiscal year prevents the expenditure of monies to conduct 3 meetings of the Board of Directors per year, the Chapter will hold sufficient number of meetings of the Board of Directors to conduct the business (BOD 87929, 188).

D.Mandatory Attendance / Board of Directors

Attendance at Chapter Board of Directors Meetings is mandatory for all Officers and Chapter Directors. Chairs of Chapter committees, advisory panels and task forces will be invited to attend board meetings as required to facilitate the business of the Board. The Board Packet will be posted in a timely mannerprior to the Board meetings and all Officers, Chapter Directors and chairs of committees, advisory panels, task forces and SIGs will have access to the information andmay be asked to post comments prior to the Board Meeting (BOD 10-07-14).

E.Board MeetingAttendance Issues / Notification to District by President

The Chapter President or designeemust contact a district when they have had no district representation at a meeting of the Board of Directors and remind the district that an alternate may be sent (without a vote) in the event a Chapter Director is unable to attend. If a district is not represented at three consecutive meetings, the Chapter President willrecommend to the District Chair the dismissal of the Chapter Director by the District Board (BOD 08-78-14).

F.Invitation to District Member to attend Chapter Board Meeting

Each Chapter Director is encouraged to invitea district member to a Chapter Board meeting (BOD 10-05-09) at the expense of the District or individual member.

G.Prohibition of Taping of Board of Directors Meetings

Recording of Board of Directors may occur at the discretion of the EC with notification to BOD with the recording remaining confidential to only members of the board (10-15-09).

H. Chapter Director/Committee/Advisory Panel/ TF Chair Reports to Chapter Board Meeting

Each member of the Board shall submit a written report that is to be in the Chapter Office, three weeksprior to the date of each board meeting in order to be included in the board packet. The report format is found on the Chapter Web Site. (In addition, see Motion Log for specific items to be included.)

I. Responsibility for Prioritization in Chapter Office

The Board is responsible for determining priorities for Executive personnel (Bylaws).

J. Performance of Duties / Officers: (BOD 01-07-12)

  1. Any comments regarding the performance of Chapter Officers shall be submitted to the President in writing and signed for verification. The President will discuss the comments with the Officer and then determine a course of action. If formal action is necessary, then the President will present the issue to the other members of the EC for review. Prior to action, the Officer in question will be provided an opportunity to present to the EC. The EC, excluding the Officer involved, will determine any action to be taken.
  2. Any comments regarding the performance of the President shall be submitted to the Speaker of the Delegate Assembly in writing and signed for verification. The Speaker will discuss the comments with the President and then present the issue to the other members of the EC for review. Prior to action the President will be provided an opportunity to present to the EC. The EC, excluding the President, will determine any action to be taken.
  3. If the recommendation is for dismissal, the vacancy will be filled as per the bylaws.

K. Policy Manual and Procedure Manuals

The Policy Manual and the Procedure Manuals of the NYPTA shall be reviewed by the Board annually (BOD 10-77-13). Standing Committees, Advisory Panels and Task Forces must review and submit any changes to their procedure manual for review at the winter Board Meeting (BOD 02-83-06).