Excursion Risk Management Plan

Service Name:
Service ID:
Regional Manager:
Regional Manager Contact Number:
Staff Hotline: / 1300 665 257
Holiday Club Team: / (03) 8551 4913
Plan prepared by: (Regional Manager) / Bianca Basile
Plan approved by: (Operations Manager) / Tabitha Stephton
Prepared in consultation with: / Bounce Inc – Robina
Communicated to: / Camp Australia Holiday Club Manager, Operations Manager, Regional Managers, Holiday Club services and Parents

Excursion Details:

Date(s) of excursion:
Excursion name: / Bounce Inc- Robina
Excursion address: / 10 Energy Circuit, Robina QLD 4226
Departure time:
Arrival time:
Proposed activities: / Chilldren will be engaged in activities that involve trampolines, dodge ball courts, wall running and gymnastics.
Water Hazards at the venue: / No
Method of transport:
(include proposed route) / Bus (attached Map)
Excursion Coordinator:
Excursion Coordinator Contact Number:
Number of children attending:
Number of staff:
Staff to children ratio:
Include whether this excursion warrants a higher ratio and provide details / Ratio 1:8 (where appropriate), in emergency situations 1:15 ratio will apply as per regulations

Excursion Checklist:

(Please mark off)

o  First Aid kit

o  List of adults participating in the excursion

o  Contact information for each adult

o  List of children attending the excursion

o  Contact information for each child

o  Mobile phone and/or other means of communicating with the service and emergency services

o  Medical information for each child

o  Ensure all medication for children is in date

o  Excursion information sheet

o  Clothes suitable for weather

o  Plastic bags for soiled clothing

o  Risk Management Plan

o  Sanitiser (if bus does not provide this already)

Risk Assessment:

Activity: / Reviewing Safety and Excursion Details
Hazard identified: / Children may become separated from the group or be involved in an incident.
Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) / Moderate
Elimination / Control measures: / Who / When
Coordinator and educators to allocate groups and have children apply wristbands showing service name and mobile telephone number / Coordinator
All Educators / Prior to excursion
Coordinator and educators to discuss in a group session:
·  Rules
·  Behaviour expectations
·  What to do in an emergency - Children are to stay with their educator; listen and follow educator’s instructions.
·  What to do if you become lost- Becoming lost or separated from group, children are to ensure they can always see an educator ‘CA blue shirt’.
·  Wearing hats and sunscreen
·  Wearing seatbelts on the bus
·  Hand washing before eating / Coordinator
All Educators / Prior to excursion
Provide Educators a list of children within their group to enable educators to conduct regular head counts every hour / Coordinator
All Educators / Throughout excursion
Activity: / Walking to the bus
Hazard identified: / Children wandering off from the group
Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) / High
Elimination / Control measures: / Who / When
A head count to be taken as children leave the OSHC room and then again as they arrive on the bus using an attendance checklist template. / Coordinator / Before leaving the OSHC room and on arrival at the bus
Children are informed and shown a specific area to gather as they leave the OSHC room. Educators to actively supervise to ensure all children are going to this specific area / Coordinator / Before walking to the bus
All children to be informed of the route taken / Coordinator / Prior to leaving
One educator to lead the group and one educator to follow the group ensuring all children can be seen at all times / All Educators / During the walk
Activity: / Bus transport - prior to excursion
Hazard identified: / Condition of vehicle
Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) / Moderate
Elimination / Control measures: / Who / When
Ensure vehicle operators hold appropriate licences and insurance / Holiday Club Manager / Prior to booking buses
Check availability of seatbelts / Hotline Coordinator / Prior to booking buses
Vehicle to be appropriate for the size of the group / Hotline Coordinator / Prior to booking buses
Remind children of rules and monitor behaviour / Coordinator
Educators / During excursion
Ensure seatbelts are worn / Coordinator
Educators / During excursion
Activity: / Bus transport to and from Bounce Inc- Robina
Hazard identified: / Flat Tyre/ Breakdown
Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) / Moderate
Elimination / Control measures: / Who / When
Educators to stand at the bottom of the stairs and have children disembark the bus safely one by one. / Coordinator
All Educators / During Incident
Coordinator to ensure all children off the bus by doing a sweep of the bus / Coordinator / During Incident
Do a roll call and head count of children / Coordinator / During Incident, once off the bus
Have group remain together until allowed to return to seats / Coordinator
All Educators / During Incident, once off the bus
Educators to play games and keep children engaged whilst the vehicle is repaired / Coordinator
All Educators / During Incident, once off the bus
Notify Regional Manager of the incident / Coordinator / During Incident, once off the bus
Activity: / Bus transport
Hazard identified: / Children tripping or falling as they embark/disembark the bus
Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) / Moderate
Elimination / Control measures: / Who / When
Coordinator to discuss the guidelines of appropriate behaviour when travelling on the bus with children / Coordinator / Group discussion at the service
Educator to stand at the bottom of the stairs/door when children are embarking and disembarking the bus / Educator / Departing and Arriving at a venue
Children to line up against the outside of venue with the educators and conduct a head count / All Educators / Departing and Arriving at the venue
Children to embark and disembark the bus one at a time / All Educators / Departing and Arriving at a venue
Coordinator to carry first aid kit, child information and mobile phone in bag in case of an accident / Coordinator / At all times
Activity: / Travelling between bus disembarkation and Bounce Inc- Robina
Hazard identified: / Children struck by a moving vehicle in the carpark
Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) / High
Elimination / Control measures: / Who / When
Avoid crossing major roads, discuss with the bus driver to be dropped at entry to the building / Coordinator
All Educators / Prior to leaving For Excursion
Always obey any traffic signs or signals / Coordinator
All Educators / During the excursion
Use designated pedestrian crossings / Coordinator
All Educators / During the excursion
Use designated foot paths / Coordinator
All Educators / During the excursion
Coordinator to explain to children that they will be walking in pairs / Coordinator / During the excursion
Educators to help children get organised into pairs and in line / Coordinator
All Educators / During the excursion
Ensure educators are at the front and back of the line with other educators throughout the group of children. / Coordinator
All Educators / During the excursion
Activity: / Bus Transport
Hazard identified: / Travel sickness
Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) / Moderate
Elimination / Control measures: / Who / When
Children not feeling well will be seated at the front of the bus and monitored closely by the coordinator / All Educators / During transport
Sick bags will be held by the coordinator and provided to the child who is unwell / Coordinator / During Transport
If the child continues to feel unwell then the bus will need to stop. This will allow time for the child to breathe in fresh air and recover / Coordinator / During Transport
If the child vomits on the bus, then the bus will need to stop, child will need to be attended to by the coordinator / Coordinator / During Transport
The contamination area is cleaned by an educator and ensure the area is sanitised prior to the bus continuing to the venue / All Educators / During Transport
The child’s parents will need to be called once the child has settled / Coordinator / During Transport/at the venue
Activity: / Bus transport to and from Bounce Inc- Robina
Hazard identified: / Vehicle Accident
Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) / High
Elimination / Control measures: / Who / When
Ensure bus drivers hold appropriate licences and insurance / Holiday Club Manager / Initial Booking of the vehicle
Coordinator to discuss the guidelines of appropriate behaviour when travelling on the bus with children / Coordinator / During group discussion at the service
Educators to be evenly spread out throughout the bus and supervise during transit / All Educators / During transit
Ensure all children are wearing seatbelts and sitting down appropriately / All Educators / Prior to bus departing
Only one child per seat / All Educators / Prior to bus departing
Bus to have appropriate escape route and all educators to be aware of the routes / All Educators / Prior to bus departing
Mobile phone used to call emergency services, Regional Manager and Camp Australia Customer service / Coordinator / During transit
First Aid to be administer if required / All Educators / During transit
Activity: / Bus transport - disembarking the bus at Bounce Inc- Robina or Holiday Club service
Hazard identified: / Child becoming isolated from the group
Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) / High
Elimination / Control measures: / Who / When
Coordinator to allow educators to disembark the bus prior to children so that children have a meeting point when they disembark / Coordinator and educators / Disembarking the bus
Educators to complete a head count and record onto their attendance template once all children have disembarked and in their care / All Educators / Disembark is complete
Coordinator to complete a final check of the bus and ensure all children have disembarked / Coordinator / Disembark is complete
If a child is lost an educator must notify all educators on the excursion by calling out to one another / All Educators / Immediately
Educator to settle all other children into a safe area whilst the other educators actively search for the lost child / All Educators / After the children have disembarked the bus
If the child is not located within 2 minutes then police are to be notified / All Educators / Immediately
Coordinator to notify Regional Manager who will attend to the excursion immediately (if possible) to support the staff and children / Coordinator / Immediately
Parents must be notified of the incident by the coordinator / Coordinator / Immediately
Coordinator to complete Accident, illness and Trauma Incident form and send through to Regional Manager / Coordinator / Return to Holiday Club service
Regional Manager to notify Camp Australia Operations Manager / Regional Manager / On the day
Regional Manager to complete a serious incident report and send through to the National Operations Manager for approval / Regional Manager / Within 24 hours
The Operations Administrator will submit the report to the Regulatory Authority as per Camp Australia policy / Operations Administrator / Within 24 hours
Activity: / At Bounce Inc- Robina
Hazard identified: / Child becoming isolated from the group whilst at the venue
Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) / High
Elimination / Control measures: / Who / When
Children must wear Camp Australia wrist bands that clearly state the service name and contact number / Coordinator / Prior to excursion
Educators to ensure children have a ‘buddy’ for the excursion
Children reminded to stay with their buddy throughout excursion / Coordinator and educators / Prior to excursion
Educators to complete head count at every entry/exit point using attendance template / All Educators / During excursion
If a child is lost, an educator must notify all educators on the excursion by calling out to one another / All Educators / During excursion
Settle all other children in designated for holiday school groups / All Educators / During excursion
An educator to stay with the children and play a quiet game i.e. Simon says, charades / Educator / During excursion
All other educators actively search for the lost child. Searching the toilet facilities and venue / All Educators / During excursion
If the child is not located within 2 minutes then management at the venue must be notified by the coordinator so an announcement can be made over the speakers and the police notified / All Educators / During excursion
Coordinator to notify Regional Manager who will attend to the excursion immediately (if possible) to support the staff and children / Coordinator / Immediately
Parents must be notified of the incident by the coordinator / Coordinator / During excursion
Coordinator to complete Accident, illness and Trauma Incident form and send through to Regional Manager / Coordinator / Return to Holiday Club service
Regional Manager to notify Camp Australia Operations Manager / Regional Manager / On the day
Regional Manager to complete a serious incident report and send through to the National Operations Manager for approval / Regional Manager / Within 24 hours
The Operations Administrator will submit the report to the Regulatory Authority as per Camp Australia policy / Operations Administrator / Within 24 hours
Activity: / At Bounce Inc- Robina
Hazard identified: / Children using the toilet
Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) / Moderate
Elimination / Control measures: / Who / When
An educator to locate toilets at the venue and inspect toilets for hazards ( needles, strangers etc. ) prior to children accessing / All Educators / During the excursion
Children should be provided with opportunities to go to the toilet / All Educators / During the excursion
Educator to accompany children to the toilets / All Educators / Whilst at the venue
Before leaving the toilet facilities educator to make an announcement that the group will be leaving / All Educators / Leaving the toilets
Conduct another head count and then continue walking through the venue / All Educators / Leaving the toilets
If a child has wet their pants then they will be asked to change into a dry pair immediately. / All Educators / During the excursion
Soiled clothes will be placed into two plastic bags and given to the child, ensuring that it doesn't contaminate other items in their bag (i.e. lunch) / All Educators / During the excursion
Educators must be supervising the children at all times / All Educators / During the excursion
Activity: / At Bounce Inc- Robina
Hazard identified: / Child becoming hurt at the venue
Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) / Moderate
Elimination / Control measures: / Who / When
If an Accident/Incident/injury or Trauma occurs during the excursion attend to the child and apply First Aid / Coordinator / On excursion
The rest of the group are to be seated in safe location / Educators / On excursion
Coordinator to assess environment for any hazards / Coordinator / On excursion
Parents, Regional Manager and Venue Manager must be notified of the incident by the Coordinator / Coordinator / On excursion
Activity: / At Bounce Inc- Robina
Hazard identified: / Strangers in the area
Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) / Moderate
Elimination / Control measures: / Who / When
Coordinator to remind children not to talk to strangers and to notify educators if a stranger approaches them / Coordinator / Prior to excursion during group discussion
Educators to be actively supervising children at all times / All Educators / During the excursion
Suspicious behaviour by other people must be monitored. Notify other educators, management at the venue or the police if behaviour continues / All Educators / During the excursion
Activity: / At Bounce Inc- Robina
Hazard identified: / Identifying hazards that arise during the excursion
Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) / High
Elimination / Control measures: / Who / When
Educators to continually check for hazards during excursion and notify management if a danger to children / Coordinator
All Educators / Ongoing during excursion
Educators to ensure visual safety checks are being done when moving into a new space/area during excursion.
Check eating areas, bus stops, toilets and undercover shelters for hazards, strangers etc. / Coordinator
All Educators / Ongoing during excursion
Activity: / At Bounce Inc- Robina
Hazard identified: / Sunburn
Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) / Low
Elimination / Control measures: / Who / When
Sun smart hat (wide brimmed) and sun smart clothing (shoulders covered) to be worn / Coordinator Educators / Check prior to leaving
Children and educators to follow the sun smart policy / Coordinator / During excursion
Apply sunscreen before departure and reapply again during rest breaks (i.e. lunch) / Coordinator Educators / During excursion
