Professional Development Learning Opportunity – Part A – Request Form1


Name(s): Sandra, Fred, Ken, Stacy
Building / Department / Team:4th grade team
Professional Development Opportunity
Title / Event /Activity: Power point in the classroom
Location: Grantwood AEA
Date(s): November 10, 2007
Costs: (Note that the building may choose to only partially fund a request)
25 x 4 = $100 Registration
122.80 x 4 = 491.20Substitute Teacher ($122.80 = day $61.40 = ½ day)
Lodging & travel (Mileage reimbursement for personal vehicles & use of district
vehicles: $0.34/mile)
$591.20 Total Request
Brief description of event/activity:
This workshop teaches teachers how to use power point in the classroom. Each team is expected to make 1 power point to share with the class.
Plan: What & Why
What do you hope to learn?
We hope to learn how to teach students to effectively use Power point presentations to put together a report to share with the class.
Describe how this learning will improve instruction and student learning.
This will help us teach students this tool as another means to present information. This is important for students to have an understanding of how power points are used and its potential in helping students relay information.
Listthe pertinent building and district goals and describe how this activity aligns with those goals.
Building Goals:
Our building goal includes teaching and helping students improve their technology skills. This is also one of the district’s goals.
When and how will you share?
  • We will share at a staff meeting a few of the power points the students have made. We will also provide the staff the teaching tips we learned to implement this.
Who is this going to benefit? How will you know if others have benefited? What data will you use?
Students will benefit in learning the skills & the tools of how to put key information from a report into a power point presentation. They will also be practicing communication skills (public speaking) when giving these presentations to the class.
We will assess the benefit by students’ ability to produce and share the power point presentation. We will use data gathered from the rubric that will be create to guide students in the assignment of creating and sharing these presentations. We will have students do a minimum of 2 over the course of the year to we can check their progress.
Building team fills in this portion:
  • Total dollar amount approved:
  • Building expectations for your learning:

See Part B – Planning form to be completed within 2 weeks of the date of your Professional Development Opportunity

See Part C –Final Report form to be completed upon implementation, data collection and reflection of your Professional Development Opportunity