 Daily Lectionary 

This weekly outline is a devotional reading plan that covers the Sacred Scriptures. Please plan on reading these selected devotions every day. Your daily devotions can be found in the Sunday bulletin insert for the week.


Sun. 6thThe Epiphany of Our Lord

9:15 a.m.Bible Study

9:30 a.m.Sunday school

10:30 a.m.Worship Service

Mon. 7th7 p.m.Bible Study here at St. Paul’s

Tues. 8th7 p.m.Dorcas Circle

Wed. 9th9 a.m.Sew ‘n Sews

10 a.m.Ladies Bible Study

5-6 p.m.Midweek at CLC

6-8:30 p.m.Confirmation at CLC

Thurs. 10th 6:30 a.m.Breakfast Bible Study at Christ Lutheran

Sat. 12th7 p.m.Pinochle Party here

Sun. 13thThe Baptism of Our Lord

9:15 a.m.Bible Study

9:30 a.m.Sunday school

10:30 a.m.Worship Service with Holy Communion

2-4 p.m.Don Baldwin’s Open House

Mon. 14th7 p.m.Bible Study here at St. Paul’s

0FFICE HOURS402-245-4643

Pastor 402-245-4618 or 402-360-4081

Wed. & Thurs. Afternoons at St. Paul’s Lutheran

Kathy 402-245-5459

Wednesday and Thursday1-4 p.m.

Orphan Grain Train

– Ongoing Project

There is a basket in the Narthex filled with empty film canisters. We would like you to take some home and fill them with quarters. This money will be given to the Orphan Grain Train to help with the costs of shipping. Thanks, LWML

Don’t Throw Away Those Coupons

Your manufacturer’s coupons are needed.Mosaic of Beatrice will accept coupons, Campbell’s Soup labels, and used stamps. Take what you need from your Sunday morning paper and give the rest to Mosaic. They appreciate you helping them!

Receiving Communion at St. Paul's

If you are a member of a Lutheran Church Missouri Synod congregation and wish to commune here for the first time, please see the Pastor or an Elder first. Persons who are baptized members of another denomination that is not in Altar or Pulpit fellowship are invited to come forward for a special blessing. Please, cross your arms over your heart indicating your desire to receive a blessing. Please announce for communion by indicating your intentions on the reverse side of the attendance sheet. (These will be gathered during the opening hymn.)

Food Pantry Needs

The F.C. Food Pantry needs your help. The pantry is dangerously low on supplies and would appreciate community support to resupply the cupboards. The need remains at a high level despite the decline in donations.

Food items needed: canned vegetables, dry pasta, canned fruit, juice, instant potatoes, box dinners, canned tuna, canned chicken, canned pasta meals, peanut butter, cereal and soup. Personal care items needed: diapers, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner and toothpaste.

Cleaning items needed: laundry detergent, dish soap, paper towels, toilet paper, Kleenex and household cleaning supplies.

This list of items that are needed has been posted in the church basement. Please help.

The Epiphany of Our Lord
January 6th, 2013

St. Paul’s EvangelicalLutheranChurch

65103 712 Road

Falls CityNE68355

Rev. Dan Gifford,Pastor

Dr. Mike and Ann Wade, Missionaries

Dungan Mission of Kyrgyzstan

Our Mission ~ “To serve the needs of all members so as to grow in the true Word and Sacraments, so that we share God's blessings among ourselves and reach out with them to those who need Jesus Christ'slove.”

We remember in our prayers, especially our shut-ins:

Evelyn Milburn and Elva Eickhoff

We pray for all members of our congregation remembering especially: Ron and Justin Strecker; Don and Norma Thompson; and Joel Thompson

We remember in our prayers this week: Kathy Bartek,Donna Meyer,and Mark Meyer

We remember all military personnel and their families and especially the military serving overseas and our missionaries serving overseas

Special Days to remember this week – Jan. 6th-12th


8th Alan Kreifels

9th Kent Stejskal

9th Sandy Eickhoff

11th Tom Niedfeldt

12th Lori Rech

The Gospel at Work

Christ’s Servants Today: Our Efforts for our King:

Elder: Gary NiedfeldtAtt. For 12/30/12:98

Organist: Ray Huebner/Connie RowlandOffering: $1319.00

Greeters on January 6th: Harold and Dorothy Vollmer

Greeters on January 13th: Harvey and Donna Vollmer

Wades Mission: $1186.50~ Dist. Mission: $2927.50

January Ushers: Walt Rowland, Larry Strecker, and Ray Huebner

Communion ware – January 13th:

Mara Dungan, Esther Zentner, and Naomi Bahr

Communion ware – January 27th:

Ramona Ebel, Janice Boden, and Tami Di Giacomo

♥ Best Wishes and God’s Blessings♥

Congratulations to Seth and Laurel (Butler) Zentner who were married on Saturday, December 29th, 2012.


Many, many thanks to the Altar Guild and to the Youth Group for the beautiful Christmas decorations inside and outside our church this Christmas season!

Birthday Open House

An Open House for Donald Baldwin’s 80th Birthday will be held on Sunday, January 13th from 2-4 p.m. at the Senior Citizen Center in FallsCity. No gifts, please. Your presence is the only gift needed!

Concordia Guild

Concordia Guild will be meeting at Faith Lutheran in Humboldt on Monday, January 21st at 1:30 p.m. Auction will follow.

Calendars for Sale!

The Youth Group would like you to consider purchasing religious calendars as Christmas gifts perhaps and buy one for yourself! The calendars are located in the Narthex along with a money envelope. The calendars are $6 each – all of which will go towards the youth group. Make checks out to St. Paul’s Youth Group. Thank you!

Youth are Ready to Serve

The National Lutheran Youth Gathering will be this coming summer in July. The gathering provides opportunities for our young people to socialize, serve, and study God’s Word with thousands of their peers who share their faith. Often in our small congregations, adults are seen as keeping the church moving along. At this gathering, they will see people their own age excited about using their time and talents to serve their Lord and Savior.

The youth involved in the upcoming National Youth Gathering would like to offer their services to you as a way of raising funds for the trip. If you need someone to wash your car, rake your yard, shovel your snow, or even organize your garage, please call Angie Embretson at 402-245-2149 and set up a time convenient to you. We will accept an offering that you feel is fair and it will go to the group as a whole.

LWML Mite Byte (Where are Your LWML Mites Going?)

Exodus 2:6 Project: Spiritual Care in Disasters ~ $50,000.00

The LWML shares God’s love with children and youth in Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana, who have been negatively affected and often traumatized by natural disasters, providing funding for spiritual and emotional healing to these young people through Lutheran Social Services Disaster Response and trained volunteers.

“Hinge Event!”

Hinge Event!A “Hinge Event” will be held at Trinity Lutheran, Auburn, on Saturday, January 19, 2013. This training event is sponsored by the Nebraska District-LCMS and by the congregations of the Falls City Circuit.

This event that will help equip us for connecting with and sharing the saving love of Jesus with the lost in our communities—those who do not yet believe in Him as Savior. Registration fee is $12/person. If you are interested in participating, please complete a registration form and submit to the District Office by Wednesday, January 16, 2013.Event forms can be found on the table in the Narthex. If you have questions, please contract Pastor. Thanks!


Divine Service ~ Page

Ringing of the Bells

Opening Hymn………….LSB


Inv, Conf. & Absolution…..P.



Hymn of Praise……………P.


Collect……………………… Insert

O. T. Reading..Isaiah 60:1-6


Epistle……….Ephesians 3:1-12


Holy Gospel……..Matthew 2:1-12

Apostles’ Creed……………P.

Hymn of the Day……….LSB



Sermon Hymn………….LSB




Offertory……………LSB 781 v.1

“We Give Thee but Thine Own”

Benediction...... P.

Closing Hymn…………..LSB



 Daily Lectionary 

This weekly outline is a devotional reading plan that covers the Sacred Scriptures. Please plan on reading these selected devotions every day. Your daily devotions can be found in the Sunday bulletin insert for the week.


Sun. 6thThe Epiphany of Our Lord

9:15 a.m.Bible Study

9:30 a.m.Sunday school

10:30 a.m.Worship Service

Mon. 7th7 p.m.Bible Study here at St. Paul’s

Tues. 8th7 p.m.Dorcas Circle

Wed. 9th9 a.m.Sew ‘n Sews

10 a.m.Ladies Bible Study

5-6 p.m.Midweek at CLC

6-8:30 p.m.Confirmation at CLC

Thurs. 10th 6:30 a.m.Breakfast Bible Study at Christ Lutheran

Sat. 12th7 p.m.Pinochle Party here

Sun. 13thThe Baptism of Our Lord

9:15 a.m.Bible Study

9:30 a.m.Sunday school

10:30 a.m.Worship Service with Holy Communion

2-4 p.m.Don Baldwin’s Open House

Mon. 14th7 p.m.Bible Study here at St. Paul’s

0FFICE HOURS402-245-4643

Pastor 402-245-4618 or 402-360-4081

Wed. & Thurs. Afternoons at St. Paul’s Lutheran

Kathy 402-245-5459

Wednesday and Thursday1-4 p.m.

Orphan Grain Train – Ongoing Project

There is a basket in the Narthex filled with empty film canisters. We would like you to take some home and fill them with quarters. This money will be given to the Orphan Grain Train to help with the costs of shipping. Thanks, LWML

Don’t Throw Away Those Coupons

Your manufacturer’s coupons are needed. Mosaic of Beatrice will accept coupons, Campbell’s Soup labels, and used stamps. Take what you need from your Sunday morning paper and give the rest to Mosaic. They appreciate you helping them!

We remember in our prayers, especially our shut-ins:

Evelyn Milburn and Elva Eickhoff

We pray for all members of our congregation remembering especially: Ron and Justin Strecker; Don and Norma Thompson; and Joel Thompson

We remember in our prayers this week: Kathy Bartek, Brett Huebner, Donna Meyer, and Mark Meyer

We remember all military personnel and their families and especially the military serving overseas and our missionaries serving overseas

Special Days to remember this week – Jan. 6th-12th


8th Alan Kreifels

9th Kent Stejskal

9th Sandy Eickhoff

11th Tom Niedfeldt

12th Lori Rech

The Gospel at Work

Christ’s Servants Today: Our Efforts for our King:

Elder: Gary NiedfeldtAtt. For 12/30/12: 98

Organist: Ray Huebner/Connie RowlandOffering: $1319.00

Greeters on January 6th: Harold and Dorothy Vollmer

Greeters on January 13th: Harvey and Donna Vollmer

Wades Mission: $1186.50 ~ Dist. Mission: $2927.50

January Ushers: Walt Rowland, Larry Strecker, and Ray Huebner

Communion ware – January 13th:

Mara Dungan, Esther Zentner, and Naomi Bahr

Communion ware – January 27th:

Ramona Ebel, Janice Boden, and Tami Di Giacomo

♥ Best Wishes and God’s Blessings♥

Congratulations to Seth and Laurel (Butler) Zentner who were married on Saturday, December 29th, 2012.


Many, many thanks to the Altar Guild and to the Youth Group for the beautiful Christmas decorations inside and outside our church this Christmas season!

Birthday Open House

An Open House for Donald Baldwin’s 80th Birthday will be held on Sunday, January 13th from 2-4 p.m. at the Senior Citizen Center in FallsCity. No gifts, please. Your presence is the only gift needed!

Concordia Guild

Concordia Guild will be meeting at Faith Lutheran in Humboldt on Monday, January 21st at 1:30 p.m. Auction will follow.

Calendars for Sale!

The Youth Group would like you to consider purchasing religious calendars as Christmas gifts perhaps and buy one for yourself! The calendars are located in the Narthex along with a money envelope. The calendars are $6 each – all of which will go towards the youth group. Make checks out to St. Paul’s Youth Group. Thank you!

Youth are Ready to Serve

The National Lutheran Youth Gathering will be this coming summer in July. The gathering provides opportunities for our young people to socialize, serve, and study God’s Word with thousands of their peers who share their faith. Often in our small congregations, adults are seen as keeping the church moving along. At this gathering, they will see people their own age excited about using their time and talents to serve their Lord and Savior.

The youth involved in the upcoming National Youth Gathering would like to offer their services to you as a way of raising funds for the trip. If you need someone to wash your car, rake your yard, shovel your snow, or even organize your garage, please call Angie Embretson at 402-245-2149 and set up a time convenient to you. We will accept an offering that you feel is fair and it will go to the group as a whole.

LWML Mite Byte (Where are Your LWML Mites Going?)

Exodus 2:6 Project: Spiritual Care in Disasters ~ $50,000.00

The LWML shares God’s love with children and youth in Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana, who have been negatively affected and often traumatized by natural disasters, providing funding for spiritual and emotional healing to these young people through Lutheran Social Services Disaster Response and trained volunteers.

“Hinge Event!”

Hinge Event!A “Hinge Event” will be held at Trinity Lutheran, Auburn, on Saturday, January 19, 2013. This training event is sponsored by the Nebraska District-LCMS and by the congregations of the Falls City Circuit.

This event that will help equip us for connecting with and sharing the saving love of Jesus with the lost in our communities—those who do not yet believe in Him as Savior. Registration fee is $12/person. If you are interested in participating, please complete a registration form and submit to the District Office by Wednesday, January 16, 2013.Event forms can be found on the table in the Narthex. If you have questions, please contract Pastor. Thanks!

Receiving Communion at St. Paul's

If you are a member of a Lutheran Church Missouri Synod congregation and wish to commune here for the first time, please see the Pastor or an Elder first. Persons who are baptized members of another denomination that is not in Altar or Pulpit fellowship are invited to come forward for a special blessing. Please, cross your arms over your heart indicating your desire to receive a blessing. Please announce for communion by indicating your intentions on the reverse side of the attendance sheet. (These will be gathered during the opening hymn.)

Food Pantry Needs

The F.C. Food Pantry needs your help. The pantry is dangerously low on supplies and would appreciate community support to resupply the cupboards. The need remains at a high level despite the decline in donations.

Food items needed: canned vegetables, dry pasta, canned fruit, juice, instant potatoes, box dinners, canned tuna, canned chicken, canned pasta meals, peanut butter, cereal and soup. Personal care items needed: diapers, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner and toothpaste.

Cleaning items needed: laundry detergent, dish soap, paper towels, toilet paper, Kleenex and household cleaning supplies.

This list of items that are needed has been posted in the church basement. Please help.