A. terminal portuário sapec – solid bulk terminal

a1. berth: lenght 112,0 meters

depth -10,5 meters

a2. vessels: loa up to 200 m(1)

beam up to 32 m(1)

draft 10 meters(1)

rotation area 400 x 400 m

(1) higher values – analysed case by case

a3. products: bulk - solid and liquid

a4. load method

-  with the product on the pier (truck discharge)

-  load with crane

-  nº. of cranes: 2

. 1 of 25 ton. – range 28 meters

. 1 of 16 ton. – range 32 meters

-  day average (grain) 5500/6000 ton

-  day average (Agro Feed.) 6000 ton

-  working period: 2 shifts (15 hours). Possibility of 3rd shift


-  discharge by conveyor belt (possibility of direct discharge to trucks)

-  clincker and coal up to 8000 ton/day (direct discharge to trucks)

-  other items averages up to 6000 ton./day (actual)

a6. parking capacity:

-  berth outdoors – 60.000 ton. (25.000 m2)

-  spc outdoors (with railway) – 120.000 m2

a7. warehousing capacity:

·  on berth

–  sphere of 4600 m3 (+/-5000 ton)

·  on sapec (berth influence area)

-  total cubic capacity: 95.500 m3

-  using: 1 warehouse – 25.000 m3 (20.000 ton.) – fertilisers

3 warehouses – 70.000 m3 (42.000 ton.) – cereals other agrobulk

-  expedition: maritime, road and railway

b. terminal de granéis liquidos – liquid bulk terminal

b1. berth: distance between to centers

alba pontoons 70 m

depth - 10,5 m

b2. vessels: loa up to 190m *

draft - 10 m

b3. products: bulk - liquid

b4. load method: by pumping - independent pipeline to vessel

b5. discharge method: like load method. independent pipeline

b6. tank storage (our clients)

5400 m3 (2 tanks) for molasses - 7200 ton.

3000 m3 (2 tanks) for phosphoric acid - 3000 ton.

5300 m3 (2 tanks) for sulphuric acid - 8000 ton.

1800 m3 (16 tanks) for solvents - 1500 ton.

5500 m3 (4 tanks) for sodium hydroxide - 5000 ton.

* higher loa – analysed case by case.