Your Last Name
Your Full Name
Teacher’s Name
Language Arts 3B
2 March 2009
Title is Centered
Begin introduction to essay. Make sure the thesis statement is clearly written in the intro-duction paragraph. Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence and specific details to support the thesis statement. There should be no extra space between paragraphs; just hit Enter once.
The format you will be using for all written assignments is called MLA (Modern Language Association). Your paper will have one inch margins, a header with your last name and page number on every page, a heading on the first page only, a title created by the writer, and consistent double-spacing using Times New Roman font in size 12. There is no cover page required; please do not include one.
In-text citations follow a specific format. When quoting directly from a written work, be sure to do so correctly. For example, “when using a quote from the text, you must write it word for word, exactly as it is seen, put quotation marks around it, and then cite the author’s name and the page number where it is located in the text in parenthesis at the end” (Shakespeare 59). The end punctuation follows the last parenthesis mark. Try to embed quotes “so that your work is more fluid and less choppy” (64). Make sure that you include a works cited page, if needed.
Works Cited
Allen, Anita L. “Privacy in Health Care.” Encyclopedia of Bioethics. Ed. Stephen G. Post.
3rd ed. Vol. 4. New York: Macmillan-Thomson, 2008. 24-34. Print.
Anaya, Rodolfo, and Francisco Lomeli, eds. Aztlan: Essays on the Chicano Homeland.
Albuquerque: Academia-El Norte, 2010. Print. (Book (no author) with one or more editors,
use "ed." or "eds." after their names)
Cohen, Philip. Dangers of Smoking. Texas: Steck-Vaughn, 2011. Print.
---. Tobacco. Texas: Steck-Vaughn, 2010. Print.
“Deans of American Design.” Architectural Digest Jan. 2005: 89-95. Print.
“Mandarin." The Encyclopedia Americana. 1994 ed. Print.
Mohanty, Jitendra M. "Indian Philosophy." The New Encyclopedia Britannica: Macropedia.
15th ed. 1987. Print. (This reference book example is signed – it has an author)
Murphy, Sean P. "Status of Tribes Draw Fire." Boston Globe 27 Mar. 2001: A2. Print.
(Newspaper: Use + sign if article continues on another page. Ex. A1+)
“Nutrition.” Webster’s New World Dictionary. 4th ed. 2012. Print.
Formatting Internet Works Cited Entries
Editor, author, or compiler name (if available). Name of Site. Version number. Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site (sponsor or publisher), date of resource creation (if available). Medium of publication. Date of access.
**Remember to use n.p. if no publisher name is available and n.d. if no publishing date is given.
The Works Cited appears at the end of your paper and contains the complete publishing information for the items mentioned in your parenthetical citations within the paper.
1. Each entry is in alphabetical order by author’s last name or if there is no author, the title.
2. If the entry has more than one line, the second and third lines are indented five spaces.
3. There is a period at the end of each entry.